Arhive etichetă | nuts cancer


Acest articol este un extras din cartea Dr italian Giuseppe Nacci , M.D. , „1000 plante impotriva cancerului FARA chimio-terapie”,una din cele mai solid argumentate carti de profil , 650 pagini in care se citeaza  2,050 publicatii stintifice officiale si 2,100 referinte bibliografice. Extrasul se refera la ULEIUERI si GRASIMI PERMISE IN CANCER, care ar trebui sa fie SURSA PRINCIPALA DE ENERGIE ( de preferat in locul carbohidratilor)

CLICK AICI pentru  limba ROmana(traducerea “aproximativa” utilizand google translate).

Chapter 1.c: FATS and OILS (“Fatty acids”)
Looking at Table 1 (Chapter 1.a) you will notice that oils are extremely rich as a source of energy
(900 Kilocalories per 100 grams olive oil, sunflower oil, flax oil, grape seed oil, corn oil, etc).

Fats are very rich in energy as well.
Chemically speaking, both can be considered to be “fatty acids”.

There are “essential” oils and fats that contain vitamins (vitamin E, vitamin F, etc…). They are called “essential” because our body is not able to synthesize them.
However, in the modern world we talk a lot about severe health problems linked to a diet rich in fats and oils. Actually, the problem needs to be further explained.
Chemically speaking, fats and oils contain three types of “fatty acids”:
Saturated fatty acids (dangerous for health);
monounsaturated fatty acids (not dangerous for health, can contain vitamins);
polyunsaturated fatty acids (not dangerous for health, can contain vitamins).
Saturated fats, or “bad” fats, are present in most animal fats, in margarine and in fats used in pastry shops.

GM food has been recently suspected to contain them as well (1207).

Saturated fatty acids, or “bad” fats, cause very severe alterations to cell membranes. They replace vitamin F (“good” fatty acids), and cause severe forms of cell wall impermeability for many
substances like glucose (that might cause Type 2 Diabetes), apoptotic vitamins (that might cause cancer and tumours in general), and other substances that are vital for cells, such as vitamin C (that
might cause heart attack, strokes etc).
On the contrary, unsaturated fats (“good fats”) are made of cis-cis fatty acids, that are typically contained in cold-worked vegetable oils.
Unsaturated fats (vegetable oils) are present in many plant seeds (SEE Table 2), and in some animals, such as some fat fish that live in cold waters (salmons, herrings – caution to heavy metals contamination).
Fatty acids are vital for muscle cells to produce energy for them during physical activity and to relax them (1208).
Furthermore, “good” fatty acids control blood coagulation (1209).
They also influence the release of CCK, a hormone that tells our brain that we ate enough and that we should stop eating (1210).
They contribute to maintaining conduction speed in motor and sensory nerves as well (1211).
They can keep our skin healthy (1212).
They reduce high blood pressure (1213).
They reduce lung cancer (Pardini R.S.: Nutritional Intervention with Omega-3 Fatty Acids in a case of Malignant
Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Lungs, Nutrition and Cancer 2005, 52 (2) , pp.: 121-129
It is useful to give a bit more detail about the vitamins contained in these oils.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid is an essential fatty acid that contains organic sulphur (as it is organic, that is, linked to biological molecules, it is not toxic). It directly helps making brain, muscle and skeleton
energy available during physical activity (1208), controlling diabetes as well (1214).

Alpha-Linolenic Acid
Alpha-linolenic acid is a cis polyunsaturated fatty acid present in cold-pressed flax seed oil. It is transformed into EPA and DHA (Omega 3 fats), that are difficult to find in food.

Table 2: percentage of vitamins contained in oils


Conclusions are:

Flax Seeds Excellent omega 3
Pumpkin Seeds Excellent for vitamin E

SoyBean (NO GM) Good but Avoid soy

Sunflower(NO GM) Excellent but AVOID Polyunsaturated oils (e.g. corn oils ) as they promote the growth of small blood vessels (by promoting the production of “bad” prostaglandins). This is bad for cancer because it allows tumors to grow new blood vessels. However, these small blood vessels are good for preventing strokes. Thus, ONLY WHILE  on a cancer diet avoid polyunsaturated oils.
Walnuts(NO GM) Good 
Rice (NO GM) Good if organic, coldworked
Safflower Good
Grape Seed Good
Sweetcorn (NO GM) Inadvisable for Multiple Sclerosis, also AVOID in cancer
Extravirgin Olive Excellent for vitamin E! moderation
Sesame Good
Rapeseed (NO GM) Good if does not contain  erucic acid
Almonds Advisable! (whole RAW almonds are also great source of protein an vitamin B17)

Peanuts (NO GM) Inadvisable
Palm  Negative 

Palmist Negative

Coconut  Negative(whole raw young coconut allowed in cancer)

Other oils that are great in cancer :

Seabuckthorn oil.  cannabis oil hemp oil, avocado oil(whole avocado) and hazelnuts (whole raw hazelnuts – alune de PADURE).

Other sources of good, healthy fats are various fruit seeds( melons, grapes, berries, prunes, nectarines, apricots(vitamin b17), apples, pears, and others).

Note. If you are not a very weak person that should immediately go on a diet rich in omega3, water-soluble fats(see my book for details) , it is advisable you eat whole RAW foods rather than oils extracted from them.

Best of health,


P.S.: Dozele, ca in orice lucru destinat sa combata  cancerul(o conditie severa) sunt RIDICATE: MINIM 6-8 linguri ulei omega 3 hidrosolubil zilnic(NON GMO, atentie inclusiv la in), minim un Pumn de nuci sau migdale zilnic, 40-50 samburi caise zilnic(care NU sunt toxici in aceste doze a se vedea si aici click si aici click si in cartea versiunea in engleza),etc.

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