Arhive etichetă | Burzinski


inainte de a citi cele de mai jos unde veti gasi o lista extinsa de clinici de top din lume fac urmatoarea precizare

Pe cei interesati de un tratament la o clinica ii rog sa ma contacteze.

Fac aceasta mentiune, intr-ucat eu sunt foarte constient ca , pentru cei mai multi dintre dvs, (asa cum a fost si cazul mamei), tratamentul la o clinica nu este cea mai accesibila varianta de tratare.

In acelasi timp, la fel cum am facut mentiunea si la aparatele eletromedicale (care iarasi sunt un lux, dar sunt foarte bune pentru cine isi poate permite),NU pot exclude optiuni si variante de tratare care pot oferi o sansa reala celor in situatia dvs pe motive financiare. Asta ar insemna sa limitez din sansele dvs.

Sunt cazuri afectate in asa masura de tratamentele conventionale incat un tratament facut acasa (care este de cele mai multe ori un tratament nutritional, al carui eficienta scade drastic cand organismul a urmat tratamente conventionale (care, conform studiilor (am dat linkuri cu studii in actul disclaimer inceputul cartii),  afecteaza tractul digestiv( asa cum sunt chimioterapia si operatia ) sistemul imunitar(chimio/radio)  si organele interne) astfel incat organismul nici nu poate utiliza eficient nutrientii si are probleme majore de recuperare datorate acestor daune ale organelor interne) NU poate echivala cu un tratament facut la o clinica buna(clinica alternativa, complementara sau integrative).

Prin clinica buna ma refer la acele clinici care au minim cateva zeci de ani experienta in domeniu si pot prezenta statistici si cazuri clinice incurajatoare.

Si, pe langa experienta de zeci de ani(care la un moment dat poate face diferenta), sunt clinici care au aparatura si aparate electromedicale, tehnica si tot ce este necesar (lucruri pe care , probabil, un pacient nu si le-ar putea permite pe toate intr-o viata ) pentru a asigura unui pacient sanse maxime (aparatura , tehnici si metode pentu a asigura o abordare si sustinere completa, atat prin lucruri destinate sa asigure energia necesara supravietuirii, sa energizeze puternic un pacient slabit, ofere alternative puternice menite sa sustina pe cei afectati de chimio/radio(pentru care,datorita dauneleor de cele mai multe ori abordarea nutritionala pur si simplu nu isi poate face efectul) , prin metode si tehnici de detectie si monitorizare a progresului precise cat si prin tratamente eficiente exclusiviste ( de exemplu, antineoplastonii cancer creier Dr Burzinski, Tehnicile SPDT si BX de la Institutul Hope4Cancer, Aparatele Photon Institutul Ed Skilling, etc)

Problema care apare este ca fiecare clinica este cu nisa ei(insemnanad specializata pe anumite tipuri de cancer si terapii: ( de exemplu, clinica Burzinki, care a facut inconjorul lumii cu antineoplastionii( este adecvata celor cu cancer de creier, institutul Issels celor afectatati MASIV de chimio/radioterapie, Institutul Ed Skilling celor EXTREM de slabiti energetic. etc ) si cei in situtatia dvs nu au la dispozitie timpul necesar sa analizeze toate clinicile din lume. ) si cei in situtatia dvs nu au la dispozitie timpul necesar sa analizeze toate clinicile din lume.

De aceea, pentru cei interesati de tratamentul la o clinica , putem dicuta  si incerca sa gasim impreuna o varianta optima(caresa va ofere cazului dvs specific sanse cat mai mari) functie de situatia si de tipul dvs specific de cancer.

Adresa mea de mail este si am sa incerc(asa cum fac mereu) sa raspund tuturor in limita timpului.

Va reamintesc ca mentin colaborari active si schimb de informatie cu multe institute cu renume mondial in acest domeniu (inclusiv cu institutele Ed Skilling, Issels, Hope4Cancer, Gerson si multe altelte) , in conseciinta cunosc destul de bine fiecare institut pe ce este specializat si ce face mai bine.

De aceea tratamentele din aceasta carte se fac si la si le veti intalni si la clinici cu renume mondial in tratarea alternativa , complementara si integrativa a cancerului si , fara modestie, repet ca sunt cele mai potente care se pot face acasa(care va ofera cele mai multe sanse din cele care se pot face acasa), insa exista si lucruri, care din diverse motive se pot face doar la clinici si va aduc un plus de sanse (exemple:aparate electromedicale pe care un pacient probabil nu si le-ar permite intr-o viata, tratamente exclusiviste patentate(antineopalstoni,SPDT,BX,ARRSOTA, etc.), de aceea, daca va puteti permite, nu neglijati aceasta optiune de a merge si la o clinica DE TOP(clinica care are si statistici sa o sustina, nu orice clinica).

Personal inca imi reprosez ca nu am incercat sa contactez unele clinici in cazul mamei, si doresc sa fiu cu constiinta impacata ca am mentionat si aceasta optiune (care poate fi foarte puternica, si , la un moment dat,poate face diferenta,  functie de cazul dvs specific)  pentru cei interesati .

Prin aceasta carte si site nu am ca obiectiv sa fac reclama unor clinici ci sa informez asupra optiunilor dvs.(si, intr-ucat, cei mai multi dintre dvs optati pentru tratamente facute acasa(asa cum a fost si cazul mamei), asupra acestor tipuri de tratamente am incercat sa ma concentrez ).

Insa, fiecare este liber si dator sa incerce si sa faca ce considera adecvat pentru imbuntatirea sanatatii si a vietii sale, inclusive sa opteze pentru tratament la o clinica.Trebuie sa va orientati sa va descurcati cu ce posibilitati aveti, intr-ucat SE POATE, insa nici nu neglijati optiuni daca va sunt accesibile si va pot spori sansele.



CLICK AICI pentru  limba ROmana(traducerea „aproximativa” utilizand google translate).

List of Clinics in EUROPE

The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation.

I will add additional information about each clinic as soon as I will hear back >I’ve already contacted most of them.

There will be  separate pages with detailed information for each clinic this website will endorse(& a hyperlink to that page).Information will include details including services offered , scientific proof, clinical trials and cure rates, contact information, size of clinic, costs if available, whether they take insurance, etc.

If you do go to a clinic for treatment, be sure to let us know about your experience. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.


The Kroiss-Cancer-Center for Alternative Cancer Therapy

Run by Dr. Thomas Kroiss in Vienna, Austria is especially known for treating breast cancer, cancer of lung, colon/rectum, prostate, brain tumor, leukemia, liver metastases, bone metastases, and ovarial tumors, using alternative methods.

Website  Phone 43-1-982 57 67 Fax: 43-1- 982 69 92.


Humlegaarden Complementary Cancer Clinic

Since 1945, Humlegaarden has been one of Scandinavia’s most well-known private cancer clinics, using alternative therapies along with chemotherapy if necessary. Phone 45 491 32 465


Brackendene Clinic

Run by Dr. Paul Layman is in Dorset, England. They carry out metabolic therapy and give B17 IVs.

Tel. 01202 824109/ Fax 01202 820739.

The Bristol Cancer Help Center , England

Run by Dr. R.M. Daniel, B.Sc., M.B.B.Ch. The clinic opened in 1980. They use diet, immune stimulators, vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, Bach flower remedies, shiatsu, massage, and many creative techniques.

Website  Phone 0117 980 9500 Fax: 0117 923 9184.


M.D. in London, England uses numerous herbs, nutritional supplements, enzymes, and substances uniquely tailed to fight cancer, along with a detoxification regime, an overhaul of the patient’s diet, and psychological tips for „health survivorship.” Phone , 011 44 207 2 55 2232 or Mobile: 44 7930 336348
Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine, Hants.

They tailor their tests and treatments to the individual. They may use Laetrile and Dendritic Cell Therapy to reduce tumor size, C-statin from bindweed for angiogenesis inhibition, homeopathy, diet and nutrition, autohemotherapy or intravenous ozone, acupuncture, whole body negative ionisation, and life style changes/mind/body approaches. They treat late stage cancers and many chronic diseases. Website Phone at 01962 718 000.

Hale Clinic, London, England

The Hale Clinic was established in 1987 and was officially opened by HRH the Prince of Wales in 1988. The Clinic was founded by Teresa Hale whose aim is to combine and integrate the principles of conventional and complementary medicine. Great emphasis is placed on preventative medicine as a way of maintaining good health following treatment. The Hale Clinic has pioneered research into chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autism, cerebral palsy and repetitive strain injury. They can be reached at: 7 Park Crescent, London; W1B 1PF Tel: 0870 167 6667 Fax: 0870 169 0777 and at

The Issels Cancer Treatment

Over 50 year old therapeutic system originating in Europe. Therapy includes:
detoxification, nutritional support, supplementation of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, Chelation Therapy,
acupuncture, massage therapy, counseling, Oxygen/Ozone Therapy, vaccines, light therapy, and a truly integrated approach to treating cancer. approaches are not necessarily meant to replace conventional care, but can be used with it.

With the Issels Treatment, so-called ‘incurable’ cancer patients have led full cancer-free lives, some for up to 45 years, and as follow-up to conventional treatment, the cure rate is as high as 87% .

Read their official statistics confirmed by studies and contact detalis at

The Park Attwood Clinic , Worcestershire uses a combination of treatments, including anthroposophical approaches, in conjunction with conventional medication when needed. They treat a wide range of illnesses including cardio-vascular diseases, musculo-skeletal disorders, neurological problems, immunological disorders, and cancer.

They provide a range of programmes depending on individual needs:

•Transitional rehabilitation from hospital to home

•Continuing rehabilitation and long-term management

•Structured Care Needs Assessments

•Intensive crisis intervention

•‘Respite Plus’ – including ‘Health MOT’ and brief report

•Education and support for carers and families

Tel: +44 (0) 1299 861444 or Fax: +44 (0) 1299 861375. Full details at their website


Here is a nice list of clinics (positioned on the Google map) offering local Hyperthermia and various intravenous treatments around the world Check this map to find a clinic close to your location.

Next to that, here are clinics that are offering “alternative” or “complementary” cancer treatments with whom I’ve got in contact during the past years or clinics that were recommended by visitors of this website:

Germany: Dr. med. Bozena Kilarski

Schumannstr 48, D-48431 Rheine, Germany
Tel +495971 984 606, Fax.+495971 984607,, Mail :
Comments: A mid-size alternative cancer treatment clinic located near the border with the Netherlands offering various treatments IV next to local and whole body hypherthermia. The doctor has been working in a conventional hospital for decades and has good connections to the hospital nearby, if needed.
For chemosensitivity tests, the clinic is using Metavectum tests, performed in Germany.

Germany: Dr. med. Nils H. Thoennissen

Klinik Kloster Paradiese, Stiftsfeld 1, 59494 Soest Telefon: 02921 36 100-65
Comments: I do not know the clinic personally but I heard good things about them in terms of care towards the patient and positive results.

Germany: Prof. Joachim Drevs

Unifontis, Clinic for Integrative Oncology, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 6, €¨72076 T¼bingen, Germany
Comments: A large cancer treatment clinic lead by a very good doctor. Very interesting combination of unique theraphies including Diflunisal. The stay is like a holiday but the costs are high.
For chemosensitivity tests, they are working with RGCC.

Germany: Dr. Nesselhut

Hinterstr. 53 37115 Duderstadt
Comments: A well known private clinic on immunotherapies.

Germany: IOZK
Comments: A large Immunotheraphy treatment center located in Koln, Germany
Administrating immunotheraphies including Dendritic Cells, New Castle, etc.

Germany: Dr. med. Gerhard Siebenhuner

Comments: A mid to large size alternative cancer treatment clinic located in Frankfurt. The strong point of this clinic is the extensive knowledge and network of the doctor combined with innovative treatment methods not necessarily advertised on their home page, combined with local and whole body hypherthermia, and all the typical IV traetments including Insulin Potentiating Therapy. Good but expensive.

Germany: Dr. med. Huseyin Sahinbas
Comments: expert in combining hyperthermia (local and whole body) with chemotherapy and radiation for increased effectiveness of conventional treatments. Next to that, they are offering various IV treatments including Curcumin, Vitamin C, etc.
For chemosensitivity tests, they are working with RGCC.

BioPulse Rejuvenation Clinic

The Bio Pulse Clinic in Mexico has been stopped from using some of the therapies they were using. We aren’t sure about the clinic in Germany. Bio Med Klinik,  in Bad Borgzabern is run by E. Dieter Hager, M.D., Ph.D., since 1989. They treat cancer as well as other immunodeficiencies, including chronic fatigue syndrome. They use many therapies including hormone therapy, hyperthermia, immunotherapy (ASI/tumor vaccination), thymus peptides, and electrotherapy (galvanotherapy). Complementary oncology, immunology and hyperthermia.

Website:  Tel.:+ 49- 6343- 705 – 0  FAX  (+49-6343-705-913)
Hartmut Baltin, M.D. between Salzburg and Munich treats cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases. He uses diet, plant extracts, hyperthermia, ozone, vaccinations, minerals, vitamins, psychotherapy, surgery, and acupuncture. Tel.: 0049-08052-4176.
Hufeland Clinic for Holistic Immunotherapy , Bad Mergentheim, Germany

Uses a treatment based on a well-established concept developed by Dr. Josef Issels, which is a holistic approach using fever therapy, hyperthermia and immunobiological medicine. They treat most cancers including breast, melanoma, prostate, colon, kidney, brain, and sarcomas, as well as arteriosclerosis. They also use colonics, eumetabolic, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, ozone, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, chelation, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and nutrition.

Website :  Telephone: 49 7931/536-0
Dr. Helmut Keller treats cancer as well as multiple sclerosis, chronic polyarthritis, Crohn’s disease, and neurodermatitis using preventative programs, immune evaluations, vitamins, minerals, and hyperthermia. Phone: 011-49-9288-5166.We show he has moved to Stella Maris Clinic in Mexico.

Klinik St. Georg, Bad Aibling, Germany

Run by Dr. Douwes. Their standard cancer protocol is a week of detoxification and the strengthening of the immune system with diet and nutritional supplements, followed by two weeks of localized hyperthermia treatment and low-dose chemotherapy. Best to fax them at 011+49-8061-498-455 We have received a few complaints about this clinic – Go to our web page on them for additional information.

Hans Nieper‘s clinic is in Hanover, north of Frankfurt. Although he is no longer alive, the office is still open and they treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, arteriosclerosis, coronary disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. Therapies include eumetabolic therapy, gene repair, beta-carotene, dialdehydes, squalene-ascorbate, ureylmandelonitrile, laetrile, and enzymes. (Trying to confirm contact info: 011-49-511-348-08-08 or Fax: 011-49-511-318417.)

Institute for Immunology and Thymus Research, Bad Harzburg, outside of Hanover

Run by Milan  C. Pesic, M.D. They have had the best response with treating the following cancers: lung, bladder, colon, pancreatic, breast, Hodgkin’s, non-Hodgkins, and Kaposi’s sarcoma. They use THX/Thymex-L, a thymus extract for the immune system.

Tel: +49 (0)5322 96 05 14
Fax: +49 (0)5322 96 05 16


United Cancer Research Institute, Budapest

Run by Dr. Laszlo K. Csatary and Eva Csatary. They can be reached via a Fort Lauderdale phone/fax number: 954-525-3120. This clinic uses a not-so-new Virus Therapy that they have been researching and developing for over 30 years. They have patients that are in remission since their inception. 954-525-3120
New Clinical Gerson
A new Clinical Gerson, is in Dobogoko (Budapest). Dobogoko is at a distance of 30 kms from Budapest, and is linked to the city by a good road. There is an hourly bus service to Budapest, and a local service every 15 minutes. The nearest hospital is at 5 kms from the Center, at Pilisszzentkereszt. Preliminaries of patient admission, assessment , medical underwriting system:
Initial steps at the head office of Source of Health Foundation

1) Enquirers calling in person, by telephone or e-mail are briefly (10-20 minutes) informed about the Gerson Therapy.
2) The enquirer is given the recommended information material: Beata Bishop’s book and the DVD.
3) Photocopies of the enquirer’s medical reports are requested (hospital discharge papers, complete blood work, x-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, PET)
4) If the above documents do not provide sufficient information, we arrange for the enquirer to undergo specific tests.
5) The date for a personal consultation is agreed.
6) The enquirer provides at least 2 days prior to the consultation the completed questionnaire and the copies of the medical documentation.
Consultation : The suggested protocol is explained during a 2-hour consultation Ireland

The Netherlands: BeterKliniek

Address: Helze 27, 5662 JE Geldrop, 0031407117337

BeterKliniek is an integrative clinic specialized in homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, epigenetics and integral metabolic oncology (including but not limited to, e.g. Metromap protocol by Jane McLelland)


The East Clinic , Killaloe in County Clare/Killaloe

Run by Paschal Carmody, M.B., B.Ch., D.C.H., D.Obs. It was established over 20 years ago. They treat cancer as well as cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal, dermatological, hematological, and neurological disorders. They use immune modulating, live cell treatment, ozone, hyperthermia, chelation, and nutritional supplement therapy. Tel: 001 353 61 376349/376206. Fax: 001 353 61 376773.


Giancarlo Pizza, MD at Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna – Telephone (direct from the U.S.) 01139 0516362478 or fax: 01139 0516362476. Treatment is out-patient at the Clinic. Additional follow-up both and home and visiting the clinic may be required. Best results are in renal cancer, but they treat most cancers. They use specific and non-specific transfer factor; low dose IL-2 injected intralymphatically, interferon, LAK cells (lymphokine activated killer cells), interferon-alpha, and hormone therapy. Currently they have a proposed research study on transfer factor as a form of immunotherapy for advanced metastatic prostate cancer stage D3. NFAM has a write up on this clinic at

Pizza Giancarlo: Immunotherapy of metastatic kidney cancer, Int. J. Cancer, 94, pp.109-120, 2001 ;


Health Center of Lisbon is run by Serge Jurasunas, ND. It was established over 15 yrs ago. They treat most cancers, especially breast, stomach, prostate, colon, pancreas, and brain; as well as multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s. The therapies they use include: Geoxy 132, chitin, Ukraine therapy, bamboo leaf extract, SGE, SOD, LEM, aloe vera injections, xian tian, propermyl, DMSO, enzymatic, hematoxilan, live cell, tributyrrate, nucleic acid, and peptides. 00351-1-347-1117


J. Buxalleu Font in Barcelona treats solid tumors using self-vaccination with gamma globulin. He has used this therapy since 1965. 0034-93-792-0489

Las Mariposas Clinic in Malaga, Spain – treats any problem with chronic diseases and degeneration, especially cancer.

Their clinic, as far as we know, is the only clinic in the world that offers a full refund of all clinical consultation fees to any cancer patient that is treated by them that does not see any noticeable improvements within ninety days after following their therapy. Their program uses HLB – high blood resolution analysis to allow them to tailor their approach to your specific endogenic (immune) status and hormonal needs, EAP (Electro-Acupuncture) treatment, and Dr. Budwig’s protocol( one of the most powerful cancer treatment options, also described in my book).

Spain: Clínica Checa
Pza. de Lisboa, 1, Albolote, Granada, Spain


Nova Vita hospital has 11 years long experience in treating cancer, autoimmune diseases, liver cirrhosis and other serious conditions.

Significant results are recorded in treating breast, lung, kidney and all well-vascularized organs’ cancer.

Serious results are also achieved in treating lupus, Morbus Behçet, Sjögren’s syndrome, diabetes, systemic sclerosis, sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis, dermatomyositis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s and skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea.

We treat late cancer stages and other chronic diseases using natural biologically active preparations (BAD), herbs, geomagnetic waves and special baths.

Our experience says that important progress is being made by synergism of various types of therapies.

The treatment in Nova Vita hospital consists of combined application of natural preparations which influence is joined mutually as well with current classic therapy. We have most experience in using preparations of Biofarm Group company . Depending of condition and individual needs of  the patient, also we use the products of other companies.
We combine herbs’ baths, nutrition individual adapted to each patient, care and specific therapy with standard,where it is needed. The therapy is administered orally or rectally, depending on the patient condition. 
The synergism of integrative and conventional therapy gave us a serious results.
For the faster recovery process and long lasting results we use Medical Park Lapcici, Budva, Montenegro, i.e. beneficial influence of active, pulsing geomagnetic waves on that locality. Geomagnetic waves eliminate micro-nucleus cells’ disorders as well as existing imbalance.

Dr Zeljko Milosevic

Specijalna bolnica za internu medicinu

Patrijarha Dimitrija br. 36
11090 Beograd, Srbija
Tel:      + 381 (0) 11 356 48 64
+ 381 (0) 11 356 48 63
Fax:     + 381 (0) 11 356 44 88


Aeskulup in Brunnen – has approaches similar to Klinik St Georg in Germany and they are a well known clinic in Switzerland. They use Classical homeopathy, neural therapy, TCM – traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine (mistletoe), fever therapy (hyperpyrexia), blood-oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, hyperthermia – whole body and local, galvanotherapy, and more.  Website , Phone+41 (0)41 825 47 47, mail:

CSCT has closed the clinic in Switzerland. Their clinic in Mexico has also been shut down.
Fred Vogeli is opening a clinic in Switzerland. He uses Hulda Clark’s approaches. Go to or email for more info.

Lukas Klinik, CH-4144 Arlesheim, Phone: 011-41-61-72-3333. Their website is

They use Mistletoe in their treatment programs. They aim to give special consideration not only to the physical situation of the sick individual but also to his or her soul and spirit. The work bases on the insights gained in anthroposophically  extended medicine which was  developed by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman.
Paracelsus Klinik Center for Holistic Medicine and Dentistry combines holistic medicine, naturopathic treatments and biological dentistry. They work with some clinics in the U.S. In US, contact 508-748-0816.

Dr. Corinne I.Heitz at Serafin Naturheilpraxis AG in Wolfhalden, Switzerland uses blood testing diagnostics, NLS (Non Linear Systems), chiropractic, laser therapy, pain management, immune system modulations (Micro-immune Therapy), Phytotherapy, Orthomolecular Therapy, most natural healing methods for treating chronic diseases, including cancer.

Phone. + 41 (0)71 891 32 40 or fax.+ 41 (0)71 891 32 47

Their website: or

United Kingdom

See England above *******************************************************
The information on this page is provided by The Cancer Cure Foundation based on information we have received from a variety of sources, including the clinic itself, feedback from people who have gone to the clinic, and in some cases from clinic tours. The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation, unless we have indicated it. We encourage you to check out each clinic by visiting the clinic if possible, talking to people who have gone to the clinic (ask the clinic for contact information of people who have gone to the clinic), and by checking with other organizations as to what they know about the clinic. There are also some forums you can join to get feedback from others. We would also be happy to tell you what we know about any of these clinics. If you do go to any of these clinics for treatment, be sure to mention you heard about them through The Cancer Cure Foundation, and be sure to let us know about your experience, positive or negative. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.

Mexican Clinics

Please note that over the last year several Mexican Clinics have been temporarily closed. Some are allowed to re-open either completely or with some restrictions on what services they can provide. Bio-Pulse and Century Nutrition were shut down in March 2001. For more information on these closures, see Peter Chowka’s article on Natural Healthline’s website. We understand that many of the health inspectors in Mexico about this time were fired and replaced. Apparently any clinic that does not have the appropriate permits will be closed. If we hear about any other closures, we will post the information on this page.Other clinics impacted have been: St. Jude (Jimmy Keller’s clinic), Century Nutrition may be prohibited from providing some therapies. American Metabolics and American Biologics were temporarily shut down, but they they all reopened. If any hospital is using „unproven” approaches or does not have all the proper permits, they may be temporarily shut down to get the proper permits. Any of the clinics that are found to have their papers in order could potentially resume offering alternative therapies if the Mexican federal government approves their requests to conduct experimental  treatments. We have heard that they would be limited to a small number of patients and could not charge the patients for experimental treatments. We have not confirmed this. See our January Newsletter for a write up on why people go to  mexican Clinics.

If you do go to this clinic for treatment, be sure to let us know about your experience. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.

Advanced Medical Group has an office in El Paso, but the clinic is in Juarez, Mexico. They treat cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease using chelation, ozone, electrotherapy, laetrile, Koch, and BCG.
Here is their contact information: website and email Telephone  (915) 581-2273  Address 5744 Tablerock Dr., El Paso, TX 79912

American Biologic is an „integrated facility” that offers a wide variety of approaches, including laetrile, enzymes, chelation, oxygen therapies, bioelectrical therapies, nutritional therapy, hydrotherapy, and hyperthermia. They also have an office in Chula Vista California. American Biologics was also temporarily shut down and were  renting a small part of the old Hospital Del Mar/The Meridian Hospital, but we have been told they have reopened their clinic. We have received some positive and some negative comments about this clinic; mostly we have heard that they have become more conventional than in the past. Go to our web page on them for more information.   800-227-4473 

American Metabolic uses up to 150 different nontoxic medications and therapies to train the immune system to eliminate cancer. The clinic was temporarily shut down, but they have advised us they have re-opened. We have received some positive and some negative comments about this clinic. Go to our web page on them for more information – at  800-388-1083 


As of May 1st, the Gerson Institute has initiated a license agreement with a new treatment center co-owned and operated by the two most knowledgeable and devoted Gerson physicians in the world: Dr. Alicia Melendez and Dr. Luz Maria Bravo. The new treatment facility, called Baja Nutri Care, is located in the Playas area of Tijuana, Mexico. Call Tel. 619-685-5353 or  888-4-GERSON 


Betania West Institute – Salvador Vargas M.D. in  Tijuana. Vargas uses intravenous Laetrile with low-dose chemo, low-dose radiation, enzymes, Vitamins, etc.  Tel: Toll free  (888) 396-3130 , 01152 664 638-8496 or Fax: 01152 664 638-8413 or e-mail: U.S. Mailing Address: PO. Box 430430 San Ysidro, CA 92143-0430  

Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic) in Tijuana was established in 1963 and was one of the first alternative cancer facilities in Mexico. They use Hoxsey tonic and salves to treat cancer. Best results are with skin cancer (including melanoma) and breast cancer. 011-52-664-684-90-11

BioMedics Institute in Tijuana offers hyperthermia and focused low dose radiation with advanced therapies including brachytherapy, vaccine therapies, bio molecular therapies, Xenotransplantation (Cell Therapy), Apheresis, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Cytokine Therapy, Electro-Magnetic Therapy, detoxification, Biological response modifiers, aloe vera, cesium, live cell therapy, and a nutritional program. They treat many disorders, including: cancer, immune disorders including lupus and MS, cardiovascular problems, gastro-intestinal disorders, chronic fatigue, and  Fibromyalgia.  They have purchased a linear accelerator to allow them to do lower dosed „pinpoint” radiation.  Their website is or call

 (888) 626-8067

BioPulse Rejuvenation Clinics were known for their intense treatments to fortify the immune system. The clinic in Mexico apparently did not have all the required permits to operate, so they are being prevented from using some of their therapies. They are currently focusing on a tumor marker test.

Center for Immuno-Energy Therapy has moved from Canada to Reynosa as they felt there they would be able to allow the medical support that need for more rapid elimination of cancers. They provide individuals with chronic degenerative health problems, including immuno-deficiency diseases, neuroimmune diseases, and problematic infections assistance on how to achieve wellness. They use magnetic therapy, chelation therapy, HANSI, enzyme therapy, photoluminescence/oxygenation of the blood, diet, herbs, and a special technique of intra-cancer injections.

Phone  317-928-8885  for more details

Centro Medico is a Windstorm Foundation Facility in Mexico. They tackle the „incurables” – emphysema, stroke, cancer, Lou Gehrig’s, etc. using bio-oxidative therapies, oxygen therapy, vaccines, enzyme therapy, and herbal therapy. (Please note, this information came from Third Opinion by John Fink and has not been verified. We believe the clinic has been closed.)

Century Nutrition, Hulda Clark’s research center in Mexico was temporarily shut down. They have re-opened, but we don’t know if there are any restrictions on what therapies they can use. For details call 

1-800-220-3741 .

CHIPSA – the home of the Center for Integrative Medicine, is a modern full-service hospital located Tijuana. CHIPSA treats all forms of cancer and is one of the few places in the world where patients can receive the Coley’s Toxins modalities. They use a modified Gerson Diet. They also use the VG-1000 vaccine, CoQ10, Ozone Therapy, Hyperthermia, Laetrile, DMSO, Wobe Enzymes, Chelation, Biological Dentistry, diet, supplements, and a variety of other approaches.  

1-877-424-4772  – ( 1-877-4-CHIPSA )

Contreras Clinic – See Oasis Hospital below.

CSCT -Cell Specific Cancer Therapy also known as Zoetron is in Tijuana, Mexico has been shut down.

Hospital Santa Monica, also known as the Donsbach Clinic, uses detoxification of the body, a rigorous course of immune enhancing and rebuilding therapies and many disease-specific treatment protocols, including hyperthermia, oxygen/ozone therapy, light therapy, ultraviolet blood purification, diet and nutrition

.  800-359-6547  or  619-427-3007 

Europa Institute of Integrated Medicine – Contact Dr. Carolyn Bormann, a consultant for them has an office in California, but the clinic is in Mexico. They treat cancer and also multiple sclerosis, lupus, CFIDS, viral syndromes, and other immune dysfunctions. They use ozone, chelation, photoluminescence, UBI, hyperthermia, amino acid, enzyme, nutrition, hydrotherapy, neural therapy, and biologicals.  

(909) 338-3533 .

Genesis West Research Institute for Biological Medicine, previously run by Sergio Amescua, M.D., is now being run by Jacob Swilling, PhD. They treat cancer and other chronic and degenerative illnesses. Treatments include detoxification, non-toxic dentistry, chelation therapy, oxygen and ozone, therapeutic nutrition, pH balance, and Bio-Energetic Medicine.  


Gerson Healing Centers of America has an office in Bonita, California, but the main clinic is in the Oasis Hospital in Mexico. They not only treat cancer, but also heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritis, and liver diseases. Therapy is Gerson, minerals, enzymes, liver extract, B12, acupuncture, botanicals, massage, and chiropractic. They offer a variety of educational programs. 


Harold Manner Center has an office in San Ysidro and a hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. They are best known for their use of laetrile in treating cancer. They were  temporarily shut down but we have heard they have re-opened.

Hector E. Solorzano, M.D., Ph.D. He also treats arthritis, lupus, AIDS, diabetes, migraine, multiple sclerosis, and chronic renal failure. They use 216 different alternative therapies, including, DMSO, chelation, enzymes, amino acids, shark cartilage, and electromagnetism. I believe they have a clinic in Tepatitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Email is website:

Hospital Bajanor S.A. de C.V. in San Diego also treats arthritis, heart disease, lung infections, and kidney stones. They use detoxification, amino acids, laetrile, DMSO, EDTA chelation, GH3, polypeptides, Hoxsey, germanium, and nutrition.


Hope4Cancer Institute, led by Dr. Antionio Jimenez, is located on Ave de Pacifico, the Pacific Coast Highway near Rosarito Beach in Baja. Protocols include Local and whole body hyperthermia, SonoPhoto Dynamic Therapy, RaphaEL and AARSOTA cancer vaccines, IVs, detox, immune support, enzyme therapy, full spectrum nutrition and counseling. This small private clinic specializes in glioblastoma multiforme, breast, bladder and prostate cancers. Website:

Phone:  888 544 5993  Fax: 941.921.3536

I.M.A.Q – Dr. Castillo – Dr. Isai Castillo Ramos in Tijuana treats cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and many chronic diseases. He uses IVs, Hoxsey, laetrile, nutrition, etc. Costs to go to his clinic are very low compared to many other clinics. 


Institute of Chronic Disease is run by Dr. Gustavo Andrade. They treat cancers, Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Herpes. Therapies include conventional therapies, vitamins, enzymes, laetrile, ozone, shark cartilage, Hydrazine Sulfate, and chelation. 011-526-680-9292.

International Bio Care Hospital and Medical Center (IBC) in Tijuana

 IBC Hospital’s general treatment approach is based on the next concepts: 

1. The uniquely individual biochemistry of the patient.
2.The development of treatment programs (protocols) taking this unique individualized biochemistry into account.
3. A multifactorial, integrative, succesive, restorative approach aiming at:

  • Detoxification and dietary adjustment.
  • Balancing of the neuro-endocrinological (hormonal) systems.
  • Regulation and restoration of the various components of the immune defense system.
  • An all-out attack on pathogens with the fullest possible range of modalities with an emphasis on natural, non-toxic methods.
  • Exhaustive review of dental health to ensure the absence of infectious foci and the presence of mercury amalgams and other potentially toxic materials.
  • Fostering of a healing psychological milieu.

 (800) 785-0490

International Medical Center in Juarez Mexico. They treat cancers, heart disease, circulatory problems, arthritis, diabetes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr virus, candidiasis, hypoglycemia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and most chronic degenerative diseases. Treatments include chelation, hyperbaric oxygen, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, colon therapy, ozone therapy, detoxification, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, shark and bovine cartilage, Koch vaccine, enzyme and nutritional therapy, and immunotherapy. Phone: (800) 621-8924. We don’t know very much about this clinic.

Medico Cirujano in Tijuana is run by Dr. Perez Garcia. He uses  IPT – Insulin Potentiation Therapy for treating cancer. 18 years of IPT experience. Dr. Garcia also has a training program. 011-52-(664)-686-5473.

Mission Medical has a clinic in Tijuana. They can be reached by calling  (619) 662-1578 . Their primary doctors are James Gunier, H.M.D., Ph.D.; Roberto Diaz, M.D., Ph.D.; N. They treat all forms of cancer as well as AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, stroke, paralysis, rare neurological diseases, and chronic degenerative diseases. They use nontoxic therapies; tumor reduction therapy, tumorin, therapeutic immunology, RNA regeneration, Koch, Ridasa, immune therapy, rare homeopathic tumor related remedies, HCL mineral chloride infusion, super IV drops, herbology, Rife, Dia-Pulse, poultices, counseling, diet, lifestyle, and a personalized follow-up program. We don’t know very much about this clinic.

Monterrey Clinic, formerly called the Davidson Cancer Clinic, is run by James Gary Davidson. Apparently he is under indictment. We do not recommend dealing with this clinic.

New Hope Clinic – Dr. Stephen Linsteadt – in Tijuana is best known for their use of BioElectric Cancer Therapy and BioResonance protocols from Germany. They are an integrative medical facility utilizing the latest techniques in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and most chronic degenerative diseases.  Treatments include BioElectrotherapy, BioResonance, photoluminescence, oxygenation, chelation, immune system modulators and auto-vaccinations, enzyme and nutritional therapy.

Oasis of Hope Hospital – also known as Contreras Clinic is in Tijuana Mexico. (note: Gerson Center now operates out of its own clinic.) They are currently the only facility authorized by The Issel’s Foundation to use use the name of Issels and Issels Treatment. They have been treating cancer patients over 35 years. 
USA Phone:  1-888-500-HOPE  (4673)
International Phone: 011-52-664-6316111

Program for Studies of Alternative Medicines in Jalisco is run by Hector E. Solorzano, M.D., Ph.D. It was established in 1985 and treats cancer, arthritis, lupus, AIDS, diabetes, migraine, multiple sclerosis, and chronic renal failure using  216 different alternative therapies, including, DMSO, chelation, enzymes, amino acids, shark cartilage, electromagnetism, moxibustion, and lasers. (Please note, this information came from Third Opinion by John Fink and has not been verified.) Phone: 011-378-13532; -15133; -15134.

Providence Hospital, located just of outside of Tijuana, was founded in 1996 by Dr. Gary Tarasov. In addition to treating cancer, Providence Hospital also offers a unique vaccination program for those currently without cancer. 619-972-383.

San Diego Clinic
in Tijuana uses
a „Total Integrative Medicine Program” – the use of all major forms of alternative and complementary therapies to treat specific cancers and other degenerative conditions including MS, ALS, and CFS. Therapies include detoxification, nutritional programs, boosting the immune system, enzyme therapy,  Biological (Biological Response Modifiers, especially cytokines) and Immunological Therapies, and a variety of vaccines. Costs to go to his clinic are very low compared to many other clinics.
Tijuana phone number:  +52 (664) 6831398
US line: 619-804-773,  619-618-2879

Sanoviv is a health resort on the Baja Coast at Rosarita Beach. They are a modern, beautiful facility right on the ocean that incorporates modern diagnostics with a variety of treatment programs. They treat many cancers as well as many degenerative diseases. They believe the body has the power to heal itself when provided with the proper nutrients and when relieved of its accumulated toxic burdens. Their website is or for more info call

 (800) SANOVIV . 

Stella Maris Clinic in Tijuana offers a basic 21 day therapy which includes detoxification and individualized protocols to rebuild the immune system.  Dr. Alvarez, who runs this facility, is one of our favorite doctors.

 800-662-1319 .

Lawrence H. Taylor, M.D., is working as a consultant with BioMedics Institute in Mexico. (above) His program calls for a reordering of a patient’s body and mind, from immune system support and detoxification to emotional counseling and a complete nutritional program

.  (888) 626-8067  or  (909) 303-3250 .

Clinic Tours:
If you would like to tour some of the clinics in Mexico, there are several organizations that provide tours, including:
CCS Cancer Clinic Tours in Modesto – 209-529-4697

Private Cancer Tours aka Alternative Health Tours P. O. Box 530218 San Diego, CA 92153-0218 Phone: (619) 475-3834 Fax: (619) 475-0753
Website: – 1-800-788-9050 –

However, we understand they often only tour American Biologics and Hospital Meridian.

USA & Mexico: Dr. Jason Williams 
CommentsJason R. Williams, MD is a board certified Radiologist who specializes in the diagnosis of conditions using imaging technology. With such technology, he can deliver treatments locally via methods such as TACE and intra-tumoral injection via CT and Ultrasound guidance. Next to that, Jason’s main work seems to be focused on cryoablation combined with immune check point inhibitors (e.g. Yervoy, Opdivo and Keytruda). Part of the team who at the end of last year made the news around the world with a great success. Using Salinomycin and 3BP, administrated during one month, the team succeeded to cure a stage IV lung cancer patient who was not responding to conventional methods.
Note: this option seems to be very expensive.


Clinics in the United States

The following doctors, clinics and hospitals provide alternative treatments for cancer in the United States. If you are interested in a clinic outside of the United States, go to Clinics Outside of the US, or to our list of Mexican Clinics, which we have recently put on its own web page. We also have a list of clinics that use a combination of alternative and conventional therapy to treat cancer. If you are interested in working with a naturopath, we have a web page devoted to naturopathic physicians and traditional naturopaths. If you would like to find a homeopath who works with individuals with cancer, go to our page devoted to homeopaths.

USA: Omaha Health Therapy Center

Sarah A. Kracht, APRN, BC-FNP
Address: 8031 West Center Road #321, Omaha NE 68124
Phone: 402-763-9335

“Sarah Kracht, APRN, BC-FNP, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner at Omaha Health Therapy Center LLC in Omaha, Nebraska. Sarah takes a holistic and integrative approach to medicine, combining conventional and alternative treatments to prevent and treat disease, as well as optimize patient health and wellness.

Sarah graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, with her Master of Science as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. Dedicated to her profession, Sarah is also certified in chelation therapy by the American College of Advancement in Medicine, as well as intravenous (IV) nutrition therapy, IV ozone therapy, and Prolozone™ injections by the American Academy of Ozonotherapy. She’s also a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

At Omaha Health Therapy Center LLC, Sarah uses a variety of safe and effective alternative therapies that allow patients to have more choices for their care. Some of the services available include alternative cancer therapy, chelation therapy, intravenous nutrient infusions, including mega Myers’ and glutathione therapy. The holistic and integrative medicine practice also offers ozone therapy, Prolozone, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Sarah is proud to offer her patients the most current conventional medical developments, along with the very best of alternative therapies.”



Elisabeth-Anne Cole, M.D., Ph.D., in Kenai treats immune dysfunction presenting as cancer-all phases, all tumors, at any location in the body, as well as AIDS, HIV, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and fibromyalgia. She uses nontoxic immune system enhancement and balancing through nutritional supplementation, diet, detoxification, oxygenation, and bioenergetic/electromagnetic strengthening, as well as acupuncture, neural therapy, and sclerotherapy.  907-283-7740 .

Brian Le Compte, MD in Anchorage may use laetrile and IPT as part of his approach. phone:  907-344-7775  or email:


BioImmune (formerly Arnold Takemoto, President  (888) 663-8844   or  (480) 778-1618 .  They really aren’t a clinic, but they provide protocols to use at home. They can also recommend clinics that are using their protocols.  We have heard they have a good protocol for leukemia.

The First Resort in Green Valley, AZ is run by Bryan McConnell, ND. It is mostly a general practice, but he does treat cancer using a variety of approaches. He uses IV vit C, IPT, diet, exercise, colon hydrotherapy, detox, cleansing, chelation, EDTA, trained in Gerson and other diet programs, juicing, classical homeopathy, darkfield microscope, hoxsey, essiac, bio-oxidative therapies, constitutional hydrotherapy, hydrazine sulfate, Poly MVA for cancer cytotoxic action, DMSO, and dry sauna similar to Hubbard protocol.  Call  877- 399-9212  or  520 399-9212  

Integrative Health Care, PC, in Scottsdale AZ, is run by Alan Christianson, ND treats almost any type of cancer, even later stage cancers. They use metabolic therapies for those not undergoing conventional care. For those doing conventional treatments, they use intravenous nutrition and botanical meds to prevent side effects and help efficacy of chemo/radiation.  Call  (480) 657-0003  or go to their website at


New Hope Medical Center in Scottsdale uses alternative methods to treat immune deficient illnesses such as cancer. Dr. Fredda Branyon, Director, and Dr. Mario Galaburri, NMD, agree that a physician should never just treat the symptoms of the illness, but treat the individual as a whole.  Dr. Ronald Peters, MD, MPH, has also joined the New Hope team, reinforcing New Hope Medical Center’s commitment to offer its patients an aggressive, non-invasive approach to the treatment of cancer and other auto-immune diseases.  Dr. Peters has 15 years of experience in integrative medicine and nutritional biochemistry, with special emphasis in the treatment and prevention of chronic disease.Phone  (480) 556-0182 , toll free:  (888) 518-7788 , or go to their website at

Dr. Michael Uzik, ND. works with Arizona Naturopathic Physicians in Tucson AZ treats a wide range of conditions, including HIV, cancer, MS, chrones, etc. using nutritional IVs, mistletoe, ambrozile (oleander), copper reduction therapy for anti-angiogenesis, chelation, diet, herbs, heavy metal detox, etc.  He is also an ND for Southern AZ AIDS Foundation. He only sees patients if they are under the care of an oncologist.  520-546-2321 .

Dr. Joe Brown, Naturopathic Doctor, Natural Health Medical Centers 2055 E. Southern Ave., Suite B, Tempe, Arizona 85282,  (602) 421-2613


Advanced Medical Clinic, in Encino is run by Ilona Abraham, M.D. They also treat heavy metal toxicity, and chronic depression of the immune system. They use chelation, mercury detoxification, homeopathy, and nutritional supplements. Their website is  818-345-8721 

Alternative Medicine Associates
, in Santa Barbara also treats chronic pain, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. They use Chinese herbs, acupuncture, nutrition, osteopathy, Ayurveda, and QiGong. Phone:  805-569-8825 .

American Biologics has an office in Chula Vista, but the clinic is in Mexico. 

American Metabolic Institute has an office in San Diego, but the clinic is in Mexico. 

Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic) has an office in  in San Ysidro, but the clinic is in Mexico. 

Michael Broffman, an herbalist and acupuncturist works at the Pine Street Medical Clinic in San Anselmo, CA. He uses traditional Chinese medicine with cancer patients as an adjunct to mainstream treatments –  (TCM) & supplement program.   (415) 485-0484  

Casdorph Clinic of Long Beach, run by Richard Casdorph, M.D., Long Beach, mainly treats cardiovascular disease, toxic metal exposure, and practices environmental medicine. He uses EDTA chelation, and nutrition.  562-597-8716 

Center for Well Being and Integrative Medicine Clinic in Westlake Village is run by Dr. Norman Narchi. He has over 25 yrs. in practice Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ADD combination of healing techniques and conventional practices. He often uses QiGong in his treatment protocols.   818-879-0555  or  818-879-5508 or email

Daniel Beilin, O.M.D., L.Ac., in Aptos treats cancer and  internal medicine, using enzyme, diet, polypeptides, alkalization, Sanum Therapy, and Chinese herbs. He also uses thermography to test for cancer. Contact info:  831-685-1125  or

Contreras Clinic (Oasis Hospital) has an office in Chula Vista, but treat in Mexico. 

Europa Institute of Integrated Medicine – contact a consultant for the clinic – Dr. Carolyn Bormann, who has an office in Twin Peaks, but the clinic is in Mexico. 

Genesis West Research Institute for Biological Medicine has an office in Irvine, but the Clinic is in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Gerson Healing Centers of America has an office in San Diego, but the main clinic is in Mexico at Oasis of Hope. The diet is used to treat autoimmune disorders, CHD, and Type II diabetes using Gerson’s Diet, Issel’s treatments, and Danopoulos’ protocols. They have clinics in Mexico, Canada, and the UK. See our organizations page.  1-888-4-GERSON

David Getoff, ND, a Naturopath and Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist in Jamal, CA. treats cancer and a variety of other conditions with nutritional support. He utilizes numerous modalities from around the world to support your body’s ability to heal itself.   619-468-6846 

Harold Manner Center has been temporarily shut down. They are best known for their use of laetrile in treating cancer. The clinic is in Mexico.

Holistic Medical Center in Los Angeles is run by Emil Levin, M.D. He also treats viral infections, parasites, allergies, asthma, hepatitis, diabetes, and more, Therapies include infusion, homeopathic, chelation, and  vitamins. Phone:  213-650-1789 .

Holistic Resource Center in Agoura Hills, CA – Dr. Alan Schwartz, MD. and a number of holistic practitioners including a chiropractor, naturopaths, homeopath, and a massage therapist. They can do bio-electrical screening, NAET allergy removal, and they provide nutritional support including IVs, diet programs, Poly MVA, PC SPES, homeopathy, and more.  818-597-0966  or fax 818-597-8668.

Douglas Hopper, MD in Santa Monica specializes in family practice, treating ADD, allergies, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, CFS, cancer, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, thyroid disorders, and many other conditions.  He uses a wide range of approaches.  Note:  He will be doing a special program to test the use of hi vitamin C, and other supplements against cancer. The program is being funded so there is no charge to participate.  You might want to contact him for information. He can be reached at  310-581-8585 , by fax at 320-215-4650, website,
or email:

Richard P. Huemer, MD in Quartz Hill, has retired. He is still providing medical advise via the internet. He works with athersclerosis, chemical sensitivities, autism, and chronic fatigue syndrome. He uses nutrition, IV vitamin C, high-dose nutrients, and BCG. His website is

Orange County Immune Institute in Huntington Beach has a „complementary” approach to exploit the biochemistry and genetics of cancer cells and how they differ from normal cells. The emphasis is on eliminating toxicity and building the immune system. Therapies used  include: chelation,  hyperthermia,  BioResonance devices, diet and nutrition, detoxification, nutraceuticals, light, and immunotherapy. In some cases, different forms of chemotherapy are used.  For more information about this clinic and for a link to an article about them, see a write up on our website at You can also call them at  714-842-1777  or go to  

Dr. Shaw in Woodland Hills, CA is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist who provides treatment for a variety of illnesses including cancer, AIDS, allergies, ALS, candida, chronic fatigue, diabetes, gulf war syndrome, leukemias, lupus, and other conditions.  His website is  He is one of the few doctors in the United States that uses HANSI in his treatments. The clinic also offers Chinese Herbs, vitamins and minerals, and nutritional counseling. Call:  (818) 888-1617  or  (818) 346-8888   for information.

Institute of Chronic Disease has an office in San Ysidro , with a clinic in Mexico.

International Biocare Hospital is in MexicoThey use the  Alivizatos Treatment.

International Center for Medical & Biological Research has an office in San Diego and clinic in Mexico. 

Jeremy E. Kaslow, MD FACP, FACAAi in Santa Ana, CA treats heart disease, fatigue, arthritis, cancer, headaches, chronic infections, allergies, elevated cholesterol, depression, anxiety, PMS, menopause, autism, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. He believe these conditions are manageable if the underlying causes are more fully understood. He uses nutritional counseling, hormone balancing, Neural Therapy, detoxification, mind/body approaches, Chinese medicine and herbs, metabolic approaches, and allergy elimination.  (714) 565-1032

La Jolla Whole Health Medical Clinic is run by Dr. Mark Stengler inLa Jolla, CA. He specializes in the treatment of chronic illnesses using natural medicine, with specialties in the areas of nutrition, herbal medicine, and homeopathic medicine. He is also the author of thirteen different health-related books. Their website is or call them at  858-450-7120 

Livingston Foundation Medical Center in San Diego is run by Kenneth C. Forror, M.D. He also treats allergies, arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. There is a 10-day comprehensive program which includes vaccines, nutrition, diet. A 2-day prevention program is also offered. Their website is  (888) 777-7321 .

Mission Medical Center is in San Diego. They also treat AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, stroke, paralysis, and rare neurological diseases. Therapies they use include tumorin, therapeutic immunology, RNA, Koch, herbology, Rife, and diet. Phone:  619-662-1578 .

Natural Healing Institute in Encinitas is run by Steven R. Schechter, N.D., Ph.D. He also treats AIDS, CFIDS, Epstein-Barr virus, liver disorders, and environmental disorders using therapeutic herbs, supplements, glandular extracts, enzymes, and nutrition.  760-943-8485 

Oasis Hospital has an office in San Ysidro, but the clinic is in Mexico. It is also called the Contreras Clinic. 

Richard A. Kunin, M.D. in San Francisco is also a general medicine practitioner. He uses psychiatry-neurology, nutrient support, diet, detoxification, chelation, magnetic, DMSO, and other approaches. Phone:  415-346-2500 .

Preventive Medical Center of Marin, is in San Rafael. It is run by Elson M. Haas, M.D. He is a general family practitioner who also does preventive medicine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and viral infections. He uses detoxification, osteopathy, nutrition, acupuncture, herbals, bodywork, and  psychotherapy. The website is Scott Anderson is semi-retired, but still works at the clinic.   415-472-2343 

James R. Privitera, M.D
. has an office in Covina. He treat arthritis, circulatory problems, preventive medicine, chronic fatigue, and PMS in addition to cancer. His approach is to use nutrition, immunological enhancement, chelation, and darkfield microscope. His website is Contact info: Phone:  (626) 966-1618  or Toll Free:  (888) 220-7888  or toll free:  800-5-PREVENT 

Rational Therapeutics, run by Robert Nagourney, M.D. in Long Beach  treats blood disorders and solid tumors. His approach is laboratory-based therapy utilizing short form (apoptotic) assays to identify active agents and eliminate inactive agents. Custom tailored, assay-directed therapy, to provide personal cancer strategies based on your  tumor response in the laboratory. This eliminates much of the „guess work” prior to your undergoing the potentially toxic side effects of chemotherapy regimens. Contact info:  562-989-6455 . Website:

Robert Jay Rowen, MD has moved from Alaska to Santa Rosa, CA. You can reach him at  707-571-7560 . He treats most forms of cancer, as well as treating chronic pain, immune dysfunction, allergies, and cardiovascular disease. The main therapies he uses includes: IPT therapy, chelation, bio-oxidative, nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, immune therapies, vitamin C, vaccines, and detoxification. He is not using laetrile in California.  We understand he enjoys treating later stage cancers.  His website is http://www.doct

Sciabbarrasi, Joseph MD in in Santa Monica, CA has a general practice, but he also treats cancer. using orthomolecular approaches, homeopathy, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal therapies.  (310) 395-2453 .

Simply Healing, run by Alex Strande, N.D., PhD is in Irvine.  Alex is a naturopath and PhD microbiologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. He specializes in chronic fatigue, pain, depression and anxieties, difficult and rare conditions. If you’ve tried everything and you’re still not getting well, call Simply Healing at  949-553-1882 .

Stella Maris Clinic has an office in San Ysidro, with the clinic in Mexico. 

Suzanne Skinner, Ph.D., R.N.C., N.D., D.Sc., C.H. has an office in Torrance. She uses Contact Reflex Analysis, nutrition, colonics, homeopathy, herbs, supplements, lymphatic work, and Kineseology to treat cancer and most illnesses. Phone:  (310) 518-4555 .

Lawrence H. Taylor, M.D., has an office in Chula Vista, but operates his clinic in Mexico. 

Valley Cancer Institute in Los Angeles is run by James Bicher, M.D. They treat brain, bone, throat, thyroid, lungs, breast, liver, pancreas, colon, female, prostate cancer, many more. They use primarily hyperthermia and nutrition along with standard conventional therapy.  310-398-0013 


Applewood Chiropractic Clinic in Wheat Ridge CO, is run by Brian E.P.B. O’Connell, N.D. They treat conditions from asthma to Zoster and claim to specialize in cancer, neurological challenges (MS, Fibro, etc.) and ADD/ADHD. For diagnosis they use muscle testing and live blood cell analysis along with traditional approaches. They use all natural products he and others developed, they work with an herbologist, and they refer to a chosen group of chiropractors for structural adjustments.  (303)996-6262 

Health Quarter Ministries in Colorado Springs is run by Dr. David Frahm, who wrote the book „A Cancer Battle Plan”. They offer a 10 day detox retreat, as they believe proper nutrition heals the body at the cellular level, but before  nutritional changes can be effective, detoxing the system must take place. There is a very strong „spiritual” aspect to their program. For information, go to, call  (719) 593-8694 , or fax (719) 531-7884.  

Robert C. Roundtree, M.D., practices at the Helios Health Center in Boulder. He works with many patients who use traditional therapies, so he uses nutritional and herbal supplementation to help reverse damage that can result from chemotherapy and radiation. His goal is to build the immune system back.  He has been on sabatical. 


Ron Schmid, N.D. and Ellen Triplett, C.L.S., run a clinic in Brookfield and one in Fairfield. They treat cancer, autoimmune problems, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, ulcers, and psoriasis using diet and supplements. Phone:  (860) 945-7444


Accent on Health in Lake Worth is run by Sheri W. Pinsley, D.O. They treat most cancers, chronic fatigue, immune suppressive diseases, candida, MS, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.  They use intravenous treatments including chelation, vitamins and minerals, and hydrogen peroxide; nutritional counseling; stress management; and lifestyle modifications. Phone:  (407) 547-2770 .

Center for Metabolic Disorders in Hollywood is run by E.K. Schandl, Ph.D. He also treats heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, and AIDS. He uses Metabolic-IV, interferon, hyperbaric oxygen, and  nutrition.

Offers EXCELLENT tests & method for Early Detection, Prevention & TREATMENT MONITORING!

Phone: 214-392-8888

Dayton Medical Center, run by Martin Dayton, MD DO, in Sunny Isles Beach FL integrates holistic, alternative and mainstream conventional medicine to treat cancer, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, neurological disorders including MS, and general conditions. They specialize in preventive medicine including Chelation Therapy, IV therapies(IntraVenous Vitamin C , nutrients by IV, IV oxidative, Insulin Potentiation Therapy, Poly MVA, Cantron, QiGong, low dose Naltrexone,  chelation therapy, cell therapy, therapeutic nutrition, IV’s, and oxidation therapy.

Their website is and their phone number is  (305) 931-8484 

Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. They treat cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, allergies, and more. They use diet, detox, mind/body approaches, nutritional counseling, wheatgrass and juice therapy,  nutripuncture, and electro-magnetic treatments. We are not sure if they are set up to treat advanced cancers.   800-842-2125 

Immuno-Augmentative Therapy Centre has an office in Fort Lauderdale, but the clinic is in the Bahamas. 

Many healing testimonials found on internet  about this clinic

Lost Horizon Health Awareness Center in Oviedo, FL, run by Roy B. Kupsinel, M.D., also treats degenerative diseases. Therapies include EDTA chelation, preventive medicine, nutrition, and diet. Phone:  407-365-6681 . Email

Panama City Clinic aka Akbar Clinic is in Panama City, FL. It is run by Naima Abdel-Ghany, M.D. She also treats AIDS and chronic degenerative diseases using metabolic therapy, nutrition, enzymes, hyperpyrexia, oxygenation, acupuncture, supplements, and natural immune enhancers. Phone:  (850) 872-8122 . We have heard very good things about her.

Perlmutter Health Center in Naples also treats arthritis, bowel and digestive disorders, cardiovascular, problems, dementia, and Parkinsons. They use a variety of complementary health techniques, including vitamins, nutrition, herbal, massage, and EDTA chelation.  941-649-7400 

Thomas McNaughton, M.D. has a clinic in Sarasota. He also treats immune dysregulation, cardiac/pulmonary diseases, and chronic fatigue syndrome using chelation, bio-oxidative, nutrition, and immune system enhancement. Phone:  813-365-6273 .

Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. in Miami, FL uses a multi-faceted nutritional and herbal supplementation program to strengthen the immune system and the patient’s own inner defenses.  305-213-3507  


IMS – Integrated Medical Specialists – Dr. Shantha and Dr. Bergeron now work out of separate facilities.  

American Wellness Clinic in Cumming, Georgia is run by Dr. Rhett Bergeron. Additional staff includes a naturopath and hyperbaric oxygen therapy specialist. He offers therapies that most clinics in the U.S. do not offer. He treats all forms of cancer, including late stage cancers, auto immune diseases, and more.  For more information contact American Wellness Clinic at 678.679.0632 or by email

Dr. Shantha runs Integrated Chemotherapy Specialists. He uses IPT with low dose chemo as the cornerstone of his treatment.  Restoring the immune system to enable it to destroy cancer cells, and killing the cancer at the site of occurrence is the prime objective at ICS. Therapies he uses includes: IPT therapy, hyperthermia, Urea, Homeopathy, Sodium phenylbutyrate, vaccines, BioResonance, oxygen therapy, CELLBAL, Iscador, vitamins and supplements, and more. His website is  Email or call him at  (770) 474-4029 


Keith Block, M.D. at the Block Medical Center in Evanston, IL considers it important to use a complete detoxification program along with both conventional and complementary techniques. or  847-492-3040 .

Contemporary Medicine in Burr Ridge uses a Comprehensive Cancer Care model utilizing all of nutrition, mind-body medicine, together with IPT – Insulin Potentiation Therapy.  630-321-9010 

Natural Medicine Clinic, in Naperville is run by Dr. J. Steven Holcomb, who treats any illness when natural medicine is preferred, using nutrition, herbal, QiGong,  and acupuncture. Phone:  (630) 357-8662 .

Ross A. Hauser, M.D., D.C. and Marion A. Hauser, M.S., R.D., C.N.S.D. have a clinic in Oak Park, IL. They also treat chronic pain, allergies, blockages of arteries, and chronic fatigue. They use bio-oxidative therapies (ozone, hydrogen peroxide), IPT therapy, and  photoluminescence. (708) 848-7789

Jack O. Taylor, M.S., D.C. He provides nutritional support for cancer patients. He uses a variety of supplements, glandulars, detoxification programs, and chiropractic adjustments.   727-418-0218 .


The Foxhollow Clinic of Integrated Biological Medicine in Crestwood offers an individualized program that may include intravenous therapies, metal detox, Neuromuscular Restructuring, neural therapy, cupping, juicing, immune strengthening therapies, hormone balancing, stress management, mind/body approaches, nutrition, supplements, and energy balancing – rebalancing the energy „meridians” in your body through homeopathy, oriental medicine, European biological remedies and anthroposophical medicine. They are a partner clinic with Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland. Contact info: 502-241-4304, (800) 624-7080, Fax: (502) 241-3935, or   


Maine Whole Health in Portland Maine is run by Alan N.Weiner, DO, CCN. Alan N.Weiner is certified in clinical nutrition and has experience in treating cancer with a variety of alternative modalities. Devra Krassner, ND also works at the clinic. They guide you in bridging conventional and complementary cancer therapies.  They use diet and nutrition programs to enhance the immune system, detoxification, IVs, supplements, homeopathy, herbal and botanical medicine, a complete mind/body approach – Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), and guided imagery. –  207-828-5645


Ahmad Shamim, M.D. in Laurel, MD also treats heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, digestive disorders, yeast-related illnesses, and multiple sclerosis. He uses cleansing, detoxification, immune enhancement, herbals, enzymes, diet, glandulars, supplements, and immune stimulators. Phone:  410-792-0333 . We have heard some good things about him.

Paul V. Beals, M.D. also runs a clinic in Laurel. He treats Most nonmetastatic cancers and various degenerative diseases. including heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, multiple sclerosis, and  fibromyalgia. He uses diet, metabolic nutrition, IV & oral vitamins & minerals, immunotherapy, laetrile, megavitamins, DMSO, hydrogen peroxide, BCG, and chelation. Contact info:  (301) 490-9911 .


In Pontiac, Vahagn Agbabian, D.O. does internal medicine using complementary approaches, especially nutritional. Chelation and IPT therapy may also be used.  Phone:  248-334-2424 . We have had a couple of good reports on him.


Dr. Brodie in Reno includes nutritional and herbal supplements along with strong physical and psychological support and conventional treatments where necessary.   775-829-1009 

James W. Forsythe, M.D., H.M.D. manages two clinics: Cancer Screening and Treatment Center of Nevada for conventional cancer treatment and Century Wellness Center for alternative medicine. Dr. Forsythe’s expertise is in conventional therapy and he may propose that as your first option.

Las Vegas Institute of Preventive Medicine in Las Vegas is run by Dr. Thomas Brumfield M.D. He uses POLY-MVA and hormone management. Go to for more info or email him at He can also be reached by phone at    702-380-8470 .  We don’t have a lot of information about his clinic.

Nevada Clinic in Las Vegas has good responses with liver metastases, colon, and breast cancers. They also treat lupus and AIDS using homeopathy, chelation, acupuncture and other approaches. Website:  800-641-6661 

New Jersey:

In Fort Lee, the Center for Nutrition & Preventive Medicine, run by Dr. Gary Klingsberg, D.O., treats breast, colon, prostate, & lung malignancies and  cardiovascular diseases using diet, herbs and supplements; chelation, and osteopathic manipulation. Phone:  201-585-9368 .

Magaziner Medical Center in Cherry Hill is run by Allan Magaziner, D.O., P.C. He mainly treats prostate, breast, lung, and bowel cancers; but he also treats Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and heart problems. He uses oral and IV vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oral botanicals, herbs, enzymes, homeopathic remedies, chelation, and detoxification. His website is  856-424-8222 

Metabolic Associates in Florham treats cancer and also AIDS, cholesterol, obesity, and any disease with a nutritional component by using nutrition and diet in their therapies. Phone:  201-377-7300  email: 

Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D., in Lawrenceville, NJ, operates the Simone Protective Cancer Center.  He feels lifestyle modifications are an important part of therapy. He has a „Ten-Point Plan to Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer.” His program also uses special nutritional supplements, adjunctive therapies and hormonal treatments.  609-896-2646  609-896-2646

New York:

The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine in New York – Richard N. Ash, M.D., P.C., also does  internal medicine, and treats HIV, chronic fatigue, arthritis, heart disease, and allergies. He uses chelation, oxidative therapies, and vitamins (oral & IV). Their website is We don’t have much info on him.

Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine in New York is run by Robert Atkins, M.D.  1-800-2-Atkins . We understand that Dr. Atkins is cutting back on his cancer practice, especially for later stage cancers. We have heard he has a unique program for prostate cancer. We will contact them to find out about this.

Centers for Integrative and Complementary Medicine in New York is run by Dr. Dr. Fred Pescatore, who has worked along side Dr. Atkins. Dr. Pescatore treats patients with AIDS, diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis, and cancer—in addition to addressing more common concerns such as diet and nutrition—by employing a combination of both alternative and traditional medicines.  212-779-2944 .

Center for Progressive Medicine & Rhinebeck Health Center in Rhinebeck –  Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Steven Bock, M.D., also treat allergies, ADD, autoimmune disorders, and heart disorders using chelation, diet, herbs, Chinese remedies, enzymes, homeopathic medicine, photo-oxidation, and oxidative medicine. Phone:  845-876-7082

Foundation for Cartilage and Immunology Research uses bovine cartilage is used as a first-line therapy where other modalities are of little or no value, such as cancer of the pancreas, adenocarcinoma of the lung, squamous cell cancer of the pharynx, lung, larynx (metastatic), renal cell carcinoma, and others. It is used as a reserve therapy in malignancies for which there are standard therapies of recognized effectiveness, such as breast, gastrointestinal, or prostate cancer. Phone:  (914)763-6195 .

Dr. Gonzales in New York treats all cancers, but specializes in pancreatic cancer. He uses a metabolic approach, with high doses of supplements.  212-213-3337   website:

The Hoffman Center in New York also treat muscular degeneration, Lyme disease, HIV, and heart conditions. They use nutrition, chelation, acupuncture,  neural therapy, megadoses of vitamins (IV), and Chinese medicine. Phone:  (212)779-1744  website:

Institute of East-West Medicine is run by Raymond Chang, M.D., F.A.C.P. He treats cancer with TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine,  Acupuncture, Ayurveda and authentic Tibetan Medicine consultations are offered. The emphasis is on preserving and practicing the original traditional healing arts of Asia with modern conventional medicine.  212-683-1221 . The website is and email is

Revici Life Science Center, in New York, NY – Emanuel Revici, M.D., until he passed away ran the Revici Life Science Center in NY, NY. Dr. Korin took over until he passed away.  It is run for awhile by Dr. Joseph Carozzi. It may now run by Dr. Revici’s grandson. They use fatty acids and sterols, enzymes, high-dose selenium, dietary changes, and a „biologically guided” nontoxic chemotherapy. He recommends not taking high dose vitamins without checking how these shift the body’s acid/alkaline balance. 212 252-1942

Michael B. Schachter, M.D. of the Schachter Center in Suffren has had good responses with breast, lung, colon, lymphoma, and Hodgkin’s. He also treats AIDS,  neurological problems, and candida. He uses detoxification, EDTA & DMPS chelation, laetrile, DMSO, coenzyme Q10, hydrogen peroxide, shark cartilage, hydrazine sulfate, biomagnetic, and homeopathy. (845) 368-4700
New patient services: ext. 6

At Strang Cancer Prevention Center in New York City. George Wong, PhD,  is a Harvard trained Phd, as well as fourth generation Chinese herbalist. He has actively practiced traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in New York City for many years and is experienced in the TCM management of a wide variety of chronic diseases, particularly those related to aging and cancer. He is president of American Foundation for Chinese Medicine in New York City, a not-for-profit research organization in New York City dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge of TCM. Currently he is directing an herbal medicine program at Strang and Cornell with a major emphasis on women’s health issues. Call his office at  212-794-4900  x 128 for more info on his practice. For a testimonial, go to His website is and email is

CAM Institute for Integrative Therapies – Tutsis Center is located in Brooklyn, New York. Their phone number is  718-621-0900 . They use hyperbaric medicine. Mostly known for treating strokes and brain injuries.  

North Carolina:

Carolina Center for Bio-Oxidative Medicine is in Raleigh. They treat cancer and also immune system dysfunctions and cardiovascular disease using ozone, EDTA chelation, hydrogen peroxide, minerals, vitamins, diet, detoxification, hydrotherapy, and lymphatic massage. Phone:  (919) 571-4391 .

In Southern Pines, Carolina Health Quest is run by Keith Johnson, M.D., ASCVD, CAD, PVD. He also treats arthritis, COPD, CFIDS, and hormonal deficiencies. Therapies include chelation, hydrogen peroxide, DMSO, ozone, hormone replacement, and colonics. Phone:  910-695-0335 .

Nature’s Path in Matthews NC also treats Multiple Sclerosis naturally. For cancer, they use intravenous supernutritional treatments, colonic hydrotherapy, nutritional therapy, oxygen therapy, natural hormone replacement, chelation, blood irradiation, and more. They can be reached at   704-849-8266  or through their website at

North Dakota:

Brian E. Briggs, M.D. in Minot gets the best responses with prostate cancer, but he also treats cardiovascular disorders and immune system disorders and uses detoxification, neural therapy, nutrition, chelation IV, amygdalin IV, and supplements. Office  701-838-6011 .


Essence Of The Spirit Retreat in Caldwell, Ohio is run by Randy and May Huffman. The retreat is free, but they do accept donations. They use Lee Crock’s Energy Stimulator to help the body heal itself. Information on this device is available at (Note: They do not specifically treat cancer, though some people appear to have been helped by this machine. This is a facility where one can experiment with an approach that has not been evaluated and approved. Guests should be under the care and responsibility of a physician as there are no persons available with the medical knowledge that are permitted to administer any form of medical attention.) They can be reached by phone at  (740) 783-0021 .

Physicians Care Center in Powell OH is run by William D Mitchell, DO FACOI.  He offers Internal medicine, preventive medicine, and accepts all types of cancer, even later stage cancers. He uses IPT therapy, nutritional approaches, etc. phone:  614-761-0555  website: or email:


Alternative Medicine New Hope Health Clinic in Jenks uses a holistic approach to treating cancer and other conditions. Treatment is very thorough and involves finding the underlying causes to the cancer and then working to reverse and remove these causes. Detoxification, immune therapy, homeopathy, naturopathy, ozone therapy, oxidation, chelation are some of the approaches they use.  (877) 544-HOPE  (4 6 7 3)

William H. Philpott, M.D. in Midwest City also deals with pain relief, arteriosclerosis, and degenerative diseases using magnetic therapy. He will help you set up a protocol to follow at home, or he can work with your doctor or even put you in touch with doctors he has trained. Phone:  405-390-1444 .


Gateway to Health Naturopathic Clinic  in Portland, is run by Thomas Lee Abshier, ND. He provides Naturopathic diagnosis and treatment of difficult to diagnose and treat medical symptoms. Treatments may include PC SPES. Ph:  503-255-9500  or visit his website

Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Clinic in Portland is run by Rick Marinelli, N.D., M.Ac.O.M. The clinic focuses on the successful treatment of chronic disease and pain, and can help with adjunctive cancer therapy, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, diabetes, and degenerative disc disease. They use naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, integrated medicine, Orthopedic Medicine, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, and detoxification. Website:  (503) 644-4446 

Dr. Paul Anderson is a Naturopathic Physician in Salem. His website is and the phone number to reach him at is  503-365-0377 . Dr. Anderson provides health care for the whole family, integrating conventional and alternative health care. He provides intensive treatment to support the immune system, including I.V. treatment, diet therapy, and detoxification. These same therapies may also help traditional therapies (such as surgery and chemotherapy) work better. Each patient is treated as an individual, and personal choices are supported.

Tori Hudson, N.D. of „A Woman’s Time” in Portland, OR is well-known for treating cervical cancer. She uses a precise program of herbs, nutrition, dietary change, and special nontoxic treatments. Phone:  503-222-2322  or visit her website:

Martin Milner, N.D., in Portland at the Center for Natural Medicine, Inc. uses a naturopathic approach with nutritional and herbal supplementation, exercise, stress reduction, and dietary change.  503-232-1100 


Center for Preventive Medicine and Dentistry in Bala Cynwyd –  Howard Posner, M.D., also treats heart disease, arthritis,  candida, hypertension, and infertility. He uses megavitamins, herbs, homeopathic remedies, ayurveda, detoxification, and shark cartilage. Phone:  610-667-2927 

Health Achievement Center in Darby also treat arteriosclerosis, arthritis, toxic states, ADD, and chronic fatigue. They use electro-acupuncture, neural, chelation, bio-oxidative, hydrotherapy, and detoxification in their treatments. Phone:  610-461-6225 .

Donald J. Mantell, M.D. in Sarver also treats arthritis, allergies, and multiple sclerosis. They use metabolic, diet, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs, homeopathy, DMSO, vitamin C, colonics, electro-acupuncture, and chelation. Phone:  412-776-5610 .

In Cranberry Township, P. Jayalakshmi, M.D. and  K.R. Sampathachar, M.D. run The Alternative Medicine and Holistic Medical Center. They treat cancer only using nutrition, oral supplementation, chelation, megavitamins, oxidative, colonics, Ayurvedic, and detoxification. Phone:  215-473-4753  Website:

South Carolina:

Health Dimensions Clinics located in West Columbia and Spartanburg, South Carolina are run by James Shortt, M.D. The Clinics feature Hormone Modulation, Immune Enhancement, Sports Medicine, Oxidative Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Neural Therapy, Kinesiology, Live Blood Analysis and Longevity and cancer treatments. He uses Oxidative Therapy, Chelation Therapy, DMSO, beta glucan, enzymes, and transfer factors as part of his therapy.  (803) 755-0114  


Preventive Medicine and Wellness Clinic in Old Hickory, TN is run by Russell W. Hunt, M.D. He treats cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, heart disease, etc. using  IPT therapy, chelation, nutrition, IVs, conventional approaches along with alternative approaches. works on immune system   615-541-0400 


Burzynski Clinic, in Houston is run by S.R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D. They have found their best results with brain cancer. They also treat non-Hodgkins lymphoma, prostate, and kidney cancer. Their main therapy is the use of  antineoplastons. Therapy is very expensive here.  713-335-5697

Energy Health Centre
in Ft. Worth, Texas offers integrative treatments that combine conventional and complementary medicine in the healing of cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis C, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and heart disease. They offer adjunctive immunologic support to those individuals suffering from advanced cancer. Treatments include: IPT therapy, nutritional oral and IV therapy, Tradition Chinese Medicine, bioenergetic medicine (homeopathy, NAET), detoxification (homeovitics and chelation), psychoneuroimmunological (mind-body) therapy, diet, supplementation, high dose Vitamin C IVs, and oxidative medicine. They have a website at and can be reached by phone at  817-927-5111 . They have a special cancer option and prevention program.

Global Healing Center in Houston, TX, is currently only offering programs in cancer prevention.   713-484-6550  or 

Vladimir Rizov, M.D., in Austin gets good results with prostate cancer. He also treats cardiovascular problems, arthritis, fungal infections, and allergies. He uses IPT therapy, DMSO, vitamins, EDTA, enzymes, nutrition, detoxification, chelation, oxygen, and homeopathy. Website: Phone:   (512) 451-8149 


BioPulse Rejuvenation Clinic – believe they are closed.


Champlain Center for Natural Medicine in Shelburne, VT is run by Bill Warnock, ND, Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND, and Simon Frishkoff, ND. They treat cancer – all stages, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, Wilson’s Syndrome and chronic fatigue. They may use a variety of approaches – homeopathic, anthroposophical, acupuncture, botanic, nutritional, bee venom therapies, and mistletoe. They work with patients who want alternative or integrated approaches to help their immune system while doing or after chemo or other conventional approaches.  (802) 985-8250 


Integrated Medical Center in Annandale offers live blood analysis and bio-terrain which show many conditions such as candida, cancer, lymes disease, and parasites. They use chelation, IV vitamin drips, nutrition, acupuncture, Hyperbaric Chamber, colon hydro therapy, and  homeopathy. They can be reached at  703-941-3606  or by fax at 703-658-9415.

Vincent Speckhart, M.D., M.D.H. in Norfolk, VA uses homeopathic remedies, herbs, and nutritional supplements to remove toxins and repair the immune system. (757) 622-0014


The Leo J Bolles Clinic is in Bellevue offers the following services:  chelation therapy, IV vitamin therapies, homeopathy, neural therapy, H2O2, detoxification, heavy metal removal, antiviral IV therapy, Electro acupuncture, herbal medicine, oral vitamin therapy, dark field blood evaluation, Thermographic Analysis, EKG Analysis, Anti-cancer Protocols, Chronic Fatigue Therapies, Fibromyalgia treatments, NAET and all phases of Preventive Medicine. Contact info:  425-881-2224

Patrick Donovan, N.D.
, at the University Health Clinic in Seattle considers diet and nutritional/herbal supplementation  to be critically important. He also feels it is important to understand the psychological side of the disease process. (206)  525-8015

Northwest Natural Health Specialty Care Clinic, Dan Labriola, N.D., in Seattle works with patients who need or want to stay with conventional treatments and uses naturopathic approaches to provide nutritional supplementation to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and other harsh treatments. 206-2784-9111

Pacific Center for Naturopathic Medicine in Bellingham is run by Rachelle Herdman, N.D., M.D. They treat cancer and autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular, digestive disorders, and chronic fatigue. They use nutrition, diet, Ayurveda, homeopathy, botanical medicine and teas, herbal tinctures,  plant extracts, and a variety of supplements. Second location in Canada. Phone:  360-734-0045 .

The Paracelsus Clinic in Federal Way is run by Dr. Dorman. They treat a variety of conditions, primarily with prolotherapy and chelation. Their website is: or they can be reached by phone at  253-529-3050 .


Waisbren Clinic in Milwaukee, run by  Burton A. Waisbren, Sr., M.D., treats carcinoma, lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Therapies they use include BCG, Coley’s vaccine, lymphoblastoid lymphocytes, vaccines, Interleukin2, and Interferon.  414-272-1929

List of other Clinics in Center/South AMERICA

The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation. We will add additional information about each clinic as soon as our staff has a chance to contact them. If we have a separate page for the clinic, there will be a hyperlink to that page. In addition, we are putting together a database that will include details including contact information, size of clinic, costs if available, whether they take insurance, etc. If you would like us to check our database to see if we have this information available on a particular clinic, or if you would like us to contact a clinic on your behalf, contact our office by emailing us at, or by calling us at (800) 282-2873 or (805) 498-0185 9-5 PST.
If you do go to a clinic for treatment, be sure to let us know about your experience. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.


Immuno-Augmentative Therapy Centre in Fort Lauderdale has a clinic in the Bahamas. The goal of lAT is to build systemic levels of tumor killing immune complexes to the levels that would be found naturally in a balanced immune system – their credo is „we treat immune systems, not cancer.” (242) 352 7455.


In Havana, Ozone Research Center – Carlos Hernandez Castro, Ph.D., also treats senile dementia,
Parkinson’s, arthritis, diabetic neuroangiopathy, and glaucoma. Primary therapy is ozone therapy. 011-53- 721-0588


Robert B. Wickman DO ND is Quito is an Osteopathic doctor, specializing in diseases of the nervous system and spinal column. He has treated many cancers, even advanced. He uses IPT therapy, diet and supplements. 593-2-241-274

San Salvador

Hospital de Diagnostico, a „boutique hospital” using art and music and other extra medical forms of gentleness and strength to add to its ambiance of healing, has added HANSI AT to its list or therapies offered. To assure El Salvador of its integrity, it will be tested further there under the auspices of Stanford University, while other tests are beginning in St. Petersburg, Russia, in cooperation with the Pasteur Institute and the World Health Organization. Dr. Rodrigo Brito, president and director of Hospital de Diagnostico, and his staff will administer the treatment of late stage cancer along with the facility’s arsenal of advanced equipment for cancer therapies. Dr. Cesar Bertacchini, oncologist and professor of oncology in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, will join them as medical director of the program. Patients will be received beginning August 1, 2002. For additional information, contact Dr. Colleen Green at the U.S. Information Office (941) 358- 8500.

South America

Centro De Rejuvenecimiento Cellular Por Oxigenoterapia Hiperbarica in Palmira, Colombia does adjuvant HBO treatment, especially for those receiving radiation or chemotherapy, mostly breast and prostate cancers. They also use nutritional and vitamin therapy. Tel. (57 ) (02 ) 272 45 44 , FAX : (57 ) (02 ) 273 32 28
In Cali there are two clinics that use allopathic and alternative, including Hyperbaric, Bio Energetic Medicine, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, chelation, vitamin and nutritional medicine. These two clinics are:
Clinica de Medicina Biologica del Dr. Arturo – Tel (57) (02) 554 12 87 and Medicina Bio Energetica,
Dr. Elias Bechara Simancas – Tel (57 ) ( 02 ) 661 78 36 or email


Jim Chan, ND in Vancouver, BC is an acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese Medicine. He works with cancer patients using alternative therapies and nutrition. He has a very good reputation. 604-435-3786 Cose, Inc., in Rock Forest, Quebec is primarily run by Gaston Naessens, Francoise Naessens, Stephane Sdicu, and Daniel Sdicu. They treat cancer and multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative diseases. Their main therapy is 714X. Note: Gaston Naessens invented the Somatoscope, a microscope capable of reaching 30,000X magnification and a condenser permitting ultramicroscopy to help in diagnosing cancers. Note: The clinic is currently closed, but it may be reopening. For info on 714X and Gaston
Naessens, go to
Highline Oxyzone, Oxygen Therapies in Vernon, BC provides adjunctive therapies for cancer, HIV/AIDS,  post stroke, chronic brain-trauma neurological conditions such as M.S., Cerebral Palsy, etc. and autoimmune disorders. They use ozone, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, detoxification, lymphatic drainage, and intravenous vitamin therapies. They can be reached by phone at 250-503-2111 or by fax at 250-542-1574.
HOC Centre for Progressive Medicine – Dr. Thao Nguyen in Coquitlam, BC uses hyperbaric oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, Bio-Oxidative Medicine, Balneotherapy, IV / Chelation. It is a Hyperbaric oxygen centre with a naturopathic physician on staff. Their focus is on neurological conditions as well as adjunctive care for cancer and HIV/AIDS. They can be reached by phone at 604-520-3941 or by fax at 604-520-9869.
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. practices in British Columbia. He is considered a pioneer in the use of nutritional substances for healing. He uses high doses of Vitamin C along with other supplements, and a low-fat, lowsugar, dairy-free diet. 250 386 8756 Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic in Kelowna, BC is run by Dr. Garrett Swetlikoff, ND. He is a naturopathic physician who has a family practice and utilizes biological medicine. He uses a wide variety of modalities,
including but not limited to, clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, intravenous high dose vitamin/minerals, Ukrain, B17 oral and IV, neural therapy, ozone, IV hydrogen peroxide, photo oxidation,thymus injections, IV DMSO, Heckel whole body hyperthermia, Insulin Potentiation Therapy, Potassium and Insulin IV, Helixor mistletoe therapy, Photocell, Clodronate, Heparin,Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy,

Ionized O2, Blood and Urine vaccines, Sanum pleomorphic remedies, IV Garlic, PCSPES, Chelation therapy IV and oral, Enzymes, various diets and alot of „care and love” – his words. phone: 250-868-2205 or email:

Natural Therapeutics Limited in Toronto, Canada. We believe this clinic has been shut down.
Northern Health Inc. in Ontario – Rudolf E. Falk, M.D., who was associated with this clinic has passed away.
It has been replaced by the Nasri Chelation Clinic. Dr. Durenfeld and Dr. Nasri are continuing where he left off using a variety of approaches including vitamin C, hyaluronan, HA, hyperthermia, Intravenous Poly MVA with Hyaluronic Acid, Iscador, Laetrile, Tumorin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Neural Therapy, Wobe-mugos, Dendritic vaccine, Infra red Sauna. They also use low-dose chemotherapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and high doses of vitamin C, all of which are combined with hyaluronic acid, which is a targeting carrier molecule. The use of hyaluronic acid allows for better penetration of the drug to the tumor, and also better targeting, so the severe side effects of drugs are not felt. In operation since 1986.

Phone: (705)735- 2354. website:

List of Clinics in ASIA / OCEANIA

Hong Kong

Optimum Health Centre in Causeway Bay is run by Alexander Yuan, B.A., D.C., N.D., D.Ht. It was established in 1987 and is one of the oldest & largest health centers in Hong Kong. They treat a full range of health problems, including AIDS and cancer. They use gastrointestinal tract cleansing, colon hydrotherapy, herbal, nutritional, constitutional hydrotherapy, ionic, enzymes, supplements, and diet. 2577-3798


Holistic Keihoku Hospital in Tokyo is run by Tsuneo Kobayashi, M.D. They treat many cancers including bone, breast, liver, ovarian, and colon; as well as cirrhosis of the liver; and chronic hepatitis. They use lymphocyte therapy, LAK therapy, plasma exchange, herbal, refreshment therapy (enhancement of natural healing), psychoimmunomodulation, and immuno-thermo-chemotherapy. 0081-03-3946-7271

New Zealand

Bay of Plenty Environmental Health Clinic in Tauranga is run by Mike Godfrey, M.B.B.S. In addition to cancer they treat Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disorders, and other chronic diseases using nutrition, immunosupportive therapies, detoxification, chelation, acupuncture, and homeopathy. They also do mercury amalgam investigations.


Bio Medical Health Center in Pasay City, Metro Manila treats chronic degenerative diseases, vascular and heart diseases using, homeopathy, chelation, and Chinese Medicine. 0063-702-827-1444

The information on this page is provided by The Cancer Cure Foundation based on information we have received from a variety of sources, including the clinic itself, feedback from people who have gone to the clinic, and in some cases from clinic tours. The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation, unless we have indicated it. We encourage you to check out each clinic by visiting the clinic if possible, talking to people who have gone to the clinic (ask the clinic for contact information of people who have gone to the clinic), and by checking with other organizations as to what they know about the clinic. There are also some forums you can join to get feedback from others. We would also be happy to tell you what we know about any of these clinics.
If you do go to any of these clinics for treatment, be sure to mention you heard about them through The Cancer Cure Foundation, and be sure to let us know about your experience, positive or negative. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.

On top of these, I should mention Ed Skilling Institute, as it is affiliated with the world’s most advanced doctors and alternative therapy practitioners (all modalities) in 41 countries. This provides the best alternative therapies available while specializing in alternative cancer therapy and alternative cancer treatments for all types and stages of cancer.

The Skilling Institute provides the common sense approach to alternative cancer therapy based on years of experience which includes offering the world’s best in Electromedicine with Ed Skilling’s advanced electromedicine alternative therapy, the Photon Genie and NEW Photon-Genius.

The Skilling Institute’s 50 year history in the alternative therapy field of electromedicine delivers energetic strength and harmonic balance to the body and provides electromedicine „power tools” for improved health as an alternative therapy and alternative cancer treatment.

More about EdSkilling Electromedicine devices and their huge impact in keeping an advanced cancer patient alive by energizing and re-balancing the body in my book.

Best of health!




Desi aveam de gand sa scriu despre cazul Gaston Naessensce, cel  ce a confirmat prin cercetare independenta, prin intermediul microscopului  tip ” dark field” descoperirea PREMIUL NOBEL WARTBURG – cancerul e cauzat de oxigenarea inadecvata – si a dus cercetarile mult mai departe, identificand cele 16 forme ale celulei canceroase (voi revin cu articol) scriu acum URGENT despre tot despre BURZINSKI. A aparut filmul cancer is SERIOUSS BUSINESS partea II si doar acum 13-20 iulie este GRATIS.




De asemenea , CONTRIBUITI SI DVS. la aprobarea antineoplastonilor Dr. Burzinki pe piata ca tratament cancer. Ajutati-l sa invinga FDA si FARMA si ca medicamentul sau sa fie accesibil tuturor, inclusiv dvs.


Va reamintesc ce sunt antineoplastonii si ce cancere MORTALE au vindecat!

  • Antineoplastonii sunt peptide și derivați de amino-acizi care acționează în calitate de switch-uri/comutatoare genetice. Ele opresc oncogene care cauzeaza cancer și , mai ales,  pornesc sau activeaza gene supresoare de tumori – gene care lupta cu cancerul
  • Tratamentul Dr. Burzynski a vindecat pentru prima data gliom  de trunchiul cerebral , un tip mortal de cancer cerebral care de obicei afecteaza copiii si adultii tineri
  • Tumorile care se ataseaza la maduva spinarii si / sau a creierului, Burzynski vindecat peste 40 de tipuri de cancer, inclusiv de san, vezica urinara, pulmonar si terminalul cancer la creier.
  • Cercetatorii japonezi au petrecut 27 ani de testare independenta a antineoplastonilor și reproducand constatarile Dr. Burzynski , au tras concluzia că eficiența antineoplastonilor este  „evidenta, nu anecdotica”
  • Foarte multi bolnavi de cancer catalogati ca incurabili( trimisi acasa sa moara dupa ce au primit doze maxime de radio/chimio pina cand organismul a dezvoltat rezistenta la acestea) au depus marturie in instanta ca s-au vindecat total (asta in cazul in care inca va indoiti daca tratamentele “alternative” functioneaza!) 

    Iata 2 astfel de marturii ale pacientilor sai in justitie:

  • Cititi si vedeti mai multe despre cazul Burzinski aici, inclusiv marturiile in justitie ale pacientilor

Urmariti si ce spun cei tratati si vindecat ide Burzinki, cei ce au fost mai intai la CELE MAI BUNE CENTRE DE TRATARE CANCER DIN LUME si au fost TRIMISI ACASA SA MOARA IN FINAL, pe care Burzinki i-a VINDECAT IN SCURT TIMP si FARA EFECTE ADVERSE!

ATENTIE : Fabio la un moment dat spune cum ii spune „parerea lui ” sorei sale si anume: cancerul nu are legatura cu alimentatia si dupa ce sora a inceput sa manace dulciuri si paste fainoase cancerul s-a extins asa mult ca doctorii i-au dat medicamnete pentru sarcom (unul din cancerele ce se extind cel mai rapid).

  • Un grup de pacienti si cei ce pledeaza pentru pacienti au lansat o campanie pentru a avea Antineoplastoni acceptate la nivel mondial ca un „standard de îngrijire” pentru tratamentul cancerului .
  • ACUM , cine poate primi antineoplastonii este reglementat de FDA, si numai cei care au urmat chimio/ radio extensiv si dovedesc ca acestea nu au nici un efect pot intra pe lista de asteptare pentru antineoplastoni(daca mai traiesc…).CONTRIBUITI si dvs. ca antineoplastonii sa fie disponibili oricui, fara a fi nevoie de tortura si DISTRUGEREA chimio/radio  .SEMNATI PETITIA :

SEMNATI PETITIA!!!CINE STIE :-?? Poate veti beneficia si dvs! NU fiti ignoranti!PUTETI CONTRIBUI SI DVS. mai ales ca stiti cum e sa fiti tratati medical si sa vi se spuna ca nu prea stim ce sa facem…



Partea a II a (2013) a documentarului premiat international 2011 a Dr. Mercola Dr Burzninski intitulat „CANCERUL ESTE O AFACERE SERIOASA” analizează starea actuală a testelor clinice cu Antineoplastoni „, sancționate de FDA Statele Unite ale Americii( Food & Drug Administration) și dispune de povestea moderna a  luptelor pacientilor cu cancer tratati astăzi la Clinica Burzynski în Houston, Texas.

Pentru majoritatea pacienților care fac tratament Burzynski , cancerul este avansat si  se ruleaza cu  un baraj constant de scepticism ce vine nu numai de la medicii lor oncologi , dar, de asemenea, de la prieteni și de familie care simt ca sunt luate decizii suspecte de tratament pentru cei dragi lor sunt tratament , chiar dacă masa de oncologie i-a lăsat pe mulți sa moara.

Pe măsură ce povestea se desfasoara, veți observa o schimbare în timp real in inimile și mințile de la multe dintre aceste persoane ( medici si familii). Spre deosebire de primul documentar, Partea a II-a are interviuri cu medicii oncologi certificati, chirurgi și neurochirurgi, care au asistat ca pacientii sa părăsească îngrijirea lor si în curând revin la o sănătate excelentă, cand optează pentru clinica Burzynski.

De la cartografiere a genomului cancerului, Burzynski are un pionierat o extindere de tratament pe care o numește, „terapia cancerului personalizata orientata Gene „, unde Atlasul Cancer genomic al fiecarui pacient   este mapat și un regim de tratament este personal adaptat pentru fiecare individ pacient comparativ  cu abordarea acelasi tratamente pentru fiecare la care  aderă oncologia.

Datorită obstacolelor birocratice aplicate pe Antineoplastoni de FDA, acest prgram nou si extins „personalizat gene-țintă” a permis mai multor pacienti (cărora li se refuză accesul la Antineoplastoni),  a beneficia de practica Burzynski în moduri niciodată înainte de a crezut că este posibil. Și totuși, tratamentului Burzynski cu Antineoplastoni încă i se opuna rezistență similară și controverse .

Filmul, de asemenea, vă va duce la Universitatea Kurume în Fukuoka, Japonia, unde studiile concepute independent de Antineoplastoni au fost în curs de desfășurare de 27 de ani, fără implicarea sau supravegherea Dr. Burzynski (inventatorul)   .Aflați cum aceasta echipa de patologi japoneze, medicii oncologi si chirurgi au studiat aceste compusi anti-cancer folosind propriile lor metodologii-rezultate  independent si au administrat studii clinice randomizate controlate.


„După douăzeci și șapte ani de testare independenta Antineoplastoni-inclusiv prin studii clinice randomizate, am constatat că dr. Burzynski a avut dreptate. ” 
– Hideaki Tsuda, MD – 2013, Universitatea Kurume Medical, Prefectura Fukuoka, Japonia



Cred sincer ca lucrurile se vor schimba(mai devreme sau mai tarziu), insa retineti macar :




Am strans atat pe site cat si in carte tratamente foarte eficiente de cancer si personal, NU am nici un dubiu asupra celor ce va prezint dumneavoastra.

Burzinki a reusit sa invinga FDA cu toata influenta si banii lor in justitie si acesta este un lucru MARE. Este demonstratia atat asupra CURABILITATII CANCERULUI cat si asupra pesecutiilor si suprimarilor facute asupra remediilor existente, remedii bazate pe stiinta solida (inclusiv premii Nobel).

Este un pioner si a facut un pas mic – un pas enorm pentru cei bolnavi de cancer si consider ca asa cum el a demonstrat pentru dvs CURABILITATEA CANCERULUI si a facut lumina si pentru cei sceptici, asa si dvs, comunitatea celor bolnavi trebuie sa-l sprijiniti semnand petitia, daca doriti ca schimbari in bine sa aiba loc la nivel de societate, copii si nepotii dvs si ai nostrii sa nu sufere de aceeasi ignoranta de care  foarte multi au suferit si au MURIT pentru ca li s-a spus  „NU stim ce e cancerul, NU stim sa vindecam, dati-ne bani sa facem cercetari si intre timp faceti chimio/radio, desi , daca nu stim ce e si sa tratam , sunt aleatoare si mai au si efectele care le au”. ESTE SIMPLU: SEMNATI PETITIA( atat pentru dvs cat si pentru cei dragi):

„Nu-mi pot imagina o lume în care alte persoane nu vor avea privilegiul pe care l-am avut-privilegiul de a fi salvată viața lor de o noua tehnologie care poate vindeca de cancer, este groaznic.”

– Laura Hymas – 2013, gradul Glioblastomul IV, pacient cu cancer cerebral, dupa care se confrunta o remisiune completă sub terapie Antineoplastoni.


Si aveti incredere in dumneavoastra si calea aleasa: Funtioneaza ! Stiinta este, demonstratie este. Nu are nici un rost sa va lasati inca „ametiti”!!

Tot in film va va fi prezentat modul în care industria utilizeaza agenția de reglementare si astazi a uzurpat si blocat „studiu clinic  al  procesului faza 3 ” Antineoplastoni  și a orchestrat un grup de” asasini informații  „(de asemenea, cunoscut ca o” campanie de gazon sintetic „) pentru a polua toate canalele de informare a publicului într-un efort de a dezinforma  publicul despre adevărul din spatele Antineoplastoni. Acest grup internațional de dezinformatori „de gazon sintetic”, de asemenea, sa angajat în intimidare și hărțuirea pacientilor potentiali si actuali cu cancer terminal sub îngrijirea Dr. Burzynski .

Cu toate acestea, cel mai notabil dintre toate, sunt evenimentele cutremurătoare care a avut loc la ultimele zile de producere a acestui film-Veti fi lăsati fără cuvinte, dar cu atât de multe de spus, atunci când asistati la povestea și concluzia șocantă la Burzynski: cancerul este o afacere serioasa, Partea a II.


– Vezi mai multe la:


De asemnea, NU stati degeaba si asteptati pina sa fie aprobati antineoplastonii in timp ce va puteti deja trata cancerul foarte eficient si non-toxic.

Exista foarte multe tratamente alternative NON-toxice, care funtioneaza. NU toate sunt la fel de eficiente si nici antineopalstonii Burzinki nu sunt cel mai eficient tratament cancer(cel putin nu pentru toate tipurile de cancer si nu inca – daca veti cauta veti gasi ratele de succes ale antineoplastonilor , care oricum sunt NET SUPERIOARE tratamentelor chimio/radio si FARA efecte adverse).

Exista abordari diferite in tratarea cancerului alternativa( nutritionala/naturista , minerala, electromedicala, bazata pe stimulare si intarire imunitara , pe baza de oxigen, antineoplastonii si cred ca vor mai veni si altele )

Fiecare abordare ofera rezultate diferite pentru tipuri , etape si cazuri specifice de cancer. Important este ca EXISTA, FUNCTIONEAZA si sunt si tehnici care ofera rate de remisie completa/VINDECARE (ATENTIE -VINDECARE, NU supravietuire) de aproximativ 90% (asa cum sunt si cele pentru bolnavii avansati descrise in carte).

Tehnici sunt, stiinta este, demonstratie si studii sunt , vindecari si confirmari sunt, aveti de unde alege, NU e nevoie de putere financiara.Tot ce este nevoie este sa fiti decisi  si sa aveti incredere in puterile dvs. , alegeti tratamente eficiente si adecvate etapei dvs(testati-le sa vedeti daca sunt sau nu destul de bune), tineti-va de ele si aveti cele mai multe sanse de vindecare!

Faceti tot ce tine de dvs.pentru ca NU sunt necesare minuni!


De asemenea, am gasit si prima parte a filmului completat prima partea a acestui articol intitulat CANCERUL ESTE CURABIL chiar si IN CAZURILE DISPERATE( fara efecte secunde! pot adauga) ,cu marturiile pacientilor  sai din justitie si alte lucruri. click aici


Va mai spun un lucru, de care vreau sa fiti constienti:

Daca dupa urmarirea acestor 2 documentare, inca va indoiti de curabilitatea cancerului si inca va incredeti in vorbele „sistemului”, sunteti  singurii responsabili pentru soarta dvs.  si ma indoiesc ca va poate ajuta cineva. Binele chiar NU se poate face cu forta si suntem responsabili pentru si PUTEM influenta mult mai multe decat putem crede, prin alegerile simple , bazate pe fapte si dovezi, pe care le facem fiecare!

Sper sincer ca aceste filme sa va ajute macar din punct de vedere psihic! Am sa revin si cu alte tratamente cancer , pentru cei care adopta sau au deja o atitudine de luptator si invingator, bazata si pe aceste DOVEZI! Pot sa va ajut insa cel mai  mult o puteti face dvs. (nici eu nici nimeni nu poate lupta in locul dvs. pentru viata dvs!)



Cristian Gologan



SPUNETI SI ALTORA! ( sunt butoane sub aceasta pagina precum si in DREAPTA SUS!). 



Desi aveam de gand sa scriu despre cazul Gaston Naessensce, cel  ce a confirmat prin cercetare independenta, prin intermediul microscopului  tip ” dark field” descoperirea PREMIUL NOBEL WARTBURG – cancerul e cauzat de oxigenarea inadecvata – si a dus cercetarile mult mai departe, identificand cele 16 forme ale celulei canceroase (voi revin cu articol) scriu acum URGENT despre tot despre BURZINSKI. A aparut filmul cancer is SERIOUSS BUSINESS partea II si doar acum 13-20 iulie este GRATIS.





De asemenea , CONTRIBUITI SI DVS. la aprobarea antineoplastonilor Dr. Burzinki pe piata ca tratament cancer. Ajutati-l sa invinga FDA si FARMA si ca medicamentul sau sa fie accesibil tuturor, inclusiv dvs.


Va reamintesc ce sunt antineoplastonii si ce cancere MORTALE au vindecat!

  • Antineoplastonii sunt peptide și derivați de amino-acizi care acționează în calitate de switch-uri/comutatoare genetice. Ele opresc oncogene care cauzeaza cancer și , mai ales,  pornesc sau activeaza gene supresoare de tumori – gene care lupta cu cancerul
  • Tratamentul Dr. Burzynski a vindecat pentru prima data gliom  de trunchiul cerebral , un tip mortal de cancer cerebral care de obicei afecteaza copiii si adultii tineri
  • Tumorile care se ataseaza la maduva spinarii si / sau a creierului, Burzynski vindecat peste 40 de tipuri de cancer, inclusiv de san, vezica urinara, pulmonar si terminalul cancer la creier.
  • Cercetatorii japonezi au petrecut 27 ani de testare independenta a antineoplastonilor și reproducand constatarile Dr. Burzynski , au tras concluzia că eficiența antineoplastonilor este  „evidenta, nu anecdotica”
  • Foarte multi bolnavi de cancer catalogati ca incurabili( trimisi acasa sa moara dupa ce au primit doze maxime de radio/chimio pina cand organismul a dezvoltat rezistenta la acestea) au depus marturie in instanta ca s-au vindecat total (asta in cazul in care inca va indoiti daca tratamentele “alternative” functioneaza!) 

    Iata 2 astfel de marturii ale pacientilor sai in justitie:

  • Cititi si vedeti mai multe despre cazul Burzinski aici, inclusiv marturiile in justitie ale pacientilor

Urmariti si ce spun cei tratati si vindecat ide Burzinki, cei ce au fost mai intai la CELE MAI BUNE CENTRE DE TRATARE CANCER DIN LUME si au fost TRIMISI ACASA SA MOARA IN FINAL, pe care Burzinki i-a VINDECAT IN SCURT TIMP si FARA EFECTE ADVERSE!

Daca aveti probleme si nu puteti vedea filmele pe mail( ar fi trebuit sa fi vazut 3 mai sus si inca 2 mai jos) , cititi acest articol pe site. Va spun :va parea rau daca ignorati aceste documentare!NE AFECTEAZA PE TOTI!


ATENTIE : Fabio la un moment dat spune cum ii spune „parerea lui ” sorei sale si anume: cancerul nu are legatura cu alimentatia si dupa ce sora a inceput sa manace dulciuri si paste fainoase cancerul s-a extins asa mult ca doctorii i-au dat medicamnete pentru sarcom (unul din cancerele ce se extind cel mai rapid ,ca sa vedeti legatura dintre GLUCIDE SI CANCER ).


  • Un grup de pacienti si cei ce pledeaza pentru pacienti au lansat o campanie pentru a avea Antineoplastoni acceptate la nivel mondial ca un „standard de îngrijire” pentru tratamentul cancerului .
  • ACUM , cine poate primi antineoplastonii este reglementat de FDA, si numai cei care au urmat chimio/ radio extensiv si dovedesc ca acestea nu au nici un efect pot intra pe lista de asteptare pentru antineoplastoni(daca mai traiesc…).CONTRIBUITI si dvs. ca antineoplastonii sa fie disponibili oricui, fara a fi nevoie de tortura si DISTRUGEREA chimio/radio  .SEMNATI PETITIA :

SEMNATI PETITIA!!!CINE STIE :-?? Poate veti beneficia si dvs! NU fiti ignoranti!PUTETI CONTRIBUI SI DVS. mai ales ca stiti cum e sa fiti tratati medical si sa vi se spuna ca nu prea stim ce sa facem…



Partea a II a (2013) a documentarului premiat international 2011 a Dr. Mercola Dr Burzninski intitulat „CANCERUL ESTE O AFACERE SERIOASA” analizează starea actuală a testelor clinice cu Antineoplastoni „, sancționate de FDA Statele Unite ale Americii( Food & Drug Administration) și dispune de povestea moderna a  luptelor pacientilor cu cancer tratati astăzi la Clinica Burzynski în Houston, Texas.

Pentru majoritatea pacienților care fac tratament Burzynski , cancerul este avansat si  se ruleaza cu  un baraj constant de scepticism ce vine nu numai de la medicii lor oncologi , dar, de asemenea, de la prieteni și de familie care simt ca sunt luate decizii suspecte de tratament pentru cei dragi lor sunt tratament , chiar dacă masa de oncologie i-a lăsat pe mulți sa moara.

Pe măsură ce povestea se desfasoara, veți observa o schimbare în timp real in inimile și mințile de la multe dintre aceste persoane ( medici si familii). Spre deosebire de primul documentar, Partea a II-a are interviuri cu medicii oncologi certificati, chirurgi și neurochirurgi, care au asistat ca pacientii sa părăsească îngrijirea lor si în curând revin la o sănătate excelentă, cand optează pentru clinica Burzynski.

De la cartografiere a genomului cancerului, Burzynski are un pionierat o extindere de tratament pe care o numește, „terapia cancerului personalizata orientata Gene „, unde Atlasul Cancer genomic al fiecarui pacient   este mapat și un regim de tratament este personal adaptat pentru fiecare individ pacient comparativ  cu abordarea acelasi tratamente pentru fiecare la care  aderă oncologia.

Datorită obstacolelor birocratice aplicate pe Antineoplastoni de FDA, acest prgram nou si extins „personalizat gene-țintă” a permis mai multor pacienti (cărora li se refuză accesul la Antineoplastoni),  a beneficia de practica Burzynski în moduri niciodată înainte de a crezut că este posibil. Și totuși, tratamentului Burzynski cu Antineoplastoni încă i se opuna rezistență similară și controverse .

Filmul, de asemenea, vă va duce la Universitatea Kurume în Fukuoka, Japonia, unde studiile concepute independent de Antineoplastoni au fost în curs de desfășurare de 27 de ani, fără implicarea sau supravegherea Dr. Burzynski (inventatorul)   .Aflați cum aceasta echipa de patologi japoneze, medicii oncologi si chirurgi au studiat aceste compusi anti-cancer folosind propriile lor metodologii-rezultate  independent si au administrat studii clinice randomizate controlate.


„După douăzeci și șapte ani de testare independenta Antineoplastoni-inclusiv prin studii clinice randomizate, am constatat că dr. Burzynski a avut dreptate. ” 
– Hideaki Tsuda, MD – 2013, Universitatea Kurume Medical, Prefectura Fukuoka, Japonia


Cred sincer ca lucrurile se vor schimba(mai devreme sau mai tarziu), insa retineti macar :




Am strans atat pe site cat si in carte tratamente foarte eficiente de cancer si personal, NU am nici un dubiu asupra celor ce va prezint dumneavoastra.

Burzinki a reusit sa invinga FDA cu toata influenta si banii lor in justitie si acesta este un lucru MARE. Este demonstratia atat asupra CURABILITATII CANCERULUI cat si asupra pesecutiilor si suprimarilor facute asupra remediilor existente, remedii bazate pe stiinta solida (inclusiv premii Nobel).

Este un pioner si a facut un pas mic – un pas enorm pentru cei bolnavi de cancer si consider ca asa cum el a demonstrat pentru dvs CURABILITATEA CANCERULUI si a facut lumina si pentru cei sceptici, asa si dvs, comunitatea celor bolnavi trebuie sa-l sprijiniti semnand petitia, daca doriti ca schimbari in bine sa aiba loc la nivel de societate, copii si nepotii dvs si ai nostrii sa nu sufere de aceeasi ignoranta de care  foarte multi au suferit si au MURIT pentru ca li s-a spus  „NU stim ce e cancerul, NU stim sa vindecam, dati-ne bani sa facem cercetari si intre timp faceti chimio/radio, desi , daca nu stim ce e si sa tratam , sunt aleatoare si mai au si efectele care le au”. ESTE SIMPLU: SEMNATI PETITIA( atat pentru dvs cat si pentru cei dragi):


„Nu-mi pot imagina o lume în care alte persoane nu vor avea privilegiul pe care l-am avut-privilegiul de a fi salvată viața lor de o noua tehnologie care poate vindeca de cancer, este groaznic.”

– Laura Hymas – 2013, gradul Glioblastomul IV, pacient cu cancer cerebral, dupa care se confrunta o remisiune completă sub terapie Antineoplastoni.

Si aveti incredere in dumneavoastra si calea aleasa: Funtioneaza ! Stiinta este, demonstratie este. Nu are nici un rost sa va lasati inca „ametiti”!!

Tot in film va va fi prezentat modul în care industria utilizeaza agenția de reglementare si astazi a uzurpat si blocat „studiu clinic  al  procesului faza 3 ” Antineoplastoni  și a orchestrat un grup de” asasini informații  „(de asemenea, cunoscut ca o” campanie de gazon sintetic „) pentru a polua toate canalele de informare a publicului într-un efort de a dezinforma  publicul despre adevărul din spatele Antineoplastoni. Acest grup internațional de dezinformatori „de gazon sintetic”, de asemenea, sa angajat în intimidare și hărțuirea pacientilor potentiali si actuali cu cancer terminal sub îngrijirea Dr. Burzynski .

Cu toate acestea, cel mai notabil dintre toate, sunt evenimentele cutremurătoare care a avut loc la ultimele zile de producere a acestui film-Veti fi lăsati fără cuvinte, dar cu atât de multe de spus, atunci când asistati la povestea și concluzia șocantă la Burzynski: cancerul este o afacere serioasa, Partea a II.



– Vezi mai multe la:

De asemnea, NU stati degeaba si asteptati pina sa fie aprobati antineoplastonii in timp ce va puteti deja trata cancerul foarte eficient si non-toxic.

De asemenea, am gasit si prima parte a filmului completat prima partea a acestui articol intitulat CANCERUL ESTE CURABIL chiar si IN CAZURILE DISPERATE( fara efecte secunde! pot adauga) ,cu marturiile pacientilor  sai din justitie si alte lucruri. click aici


Va mai spun un lucru, de care vreau sa fiti constienti.Daca dupa urmarirea acestor 2 documentare, inca va indoiti de curabilitatea cancerului si inca va incredeti in vorbele „sistemului”, sunteti  singurii responsabili pentru soarta dvs.  si ma indoiesc ca va poate ajuta cineva. Binele chiar NU se poate face cu forta si suntem responsabili pentru si PUTEM influenta mult mai multe decat putem crede, prin alegerile simple , bazate pe fapte si dovezi, pe care le facem fiecare!

Sper sincer ca aceste filme sa va ajute macar din punct de vedere psihic! Am sa revin si cu alte tratamente cancer , pentru cei care adopta sau au deja o atitudine de luptator si invingator, bazata si pe aceste DOVEZI! Pot sa va ajut insa cel mai  mult o puteti face dvs. (eu nu pot lupta in locul dvs.!)



Cristian Gologan


SPUNETI SI ALTORA! ( sunt butoane sub aceasta pagina precum si in DREAPTA SUS!). 



Desi aveam de gand sa scriu despre cazul Gaston Naessensce, cel  ce a confirmat prin cercetare independenta, prin intermediul microscopului  tip ” dark field” descoperirea PREMIUL NOBEL WARTBURG – cancerul e cauzat de oxigenarea inadecvata – si a dus cercetarile mult mai departe, identificand cele 16 forme ale celulei canceroase (voi revin cu articol) scriu acum URGENT despre tot despre BURZINSKI. A aparut filmul cancer is SERIOUSS BUSINESS partea II si doar acum 13-20 iulie este GRATIS.




De asemenea , CONTRIBUITI SI DVS. la aprobarea antineoplastonilor Dr. Burzinki pe piata ca tratament cancer. Ajutati-l sa invinga FDA si FARMA si ca medicamentul sau sa fie accesibil tuturor, inclusiv dvs.


Va reamintesc ce sunt antineoplastonii si ce cancere MORTALE au vindecat!

  • Antineoplastonii sunt peptide și derivați de amino-acizi care acționează în calitate de switch-uri/comutatoare genetice. Ele opresc oncogene care cauzeaza cancer și , mai ales,  pornesc sau activeaza gene supresoare de tumori – gene care lupta cu cancerul
  • Tratamentul Dr. Burzynski a vindecat pentru prima data gliom  de trunchiul cerebral , un tip mortal de cancer cerebral care de obicei afecteaza copiii si adultii tineri
  • Tumorile care se ataseaza la maduva spinarii si / sau a creierului, Burzynski vindecat peste 40 de tipuri de cancer, inclusiv de san, vezica urinara, pulmonar si terminalul cancer la creier.
  • Cercetatorii japonezi au petrecut 27 ani de testare independenta a antineoplastonilor și reproducand constatarile Dr. Burzynski , au tras concluzia că eficiența antineoplastonilor este  „evidenta, nu anecdotica”
  • Foarte multi bolnavi de cancer catalogati ca incurabili( trimisi acasa sa moara dupa ce au primit doze maxime de radio/chimio pina cand organismul a dezvoltat rezistenta la acestea) au depus marturie in instanta ca s-au vindecat total (asta in cazul in care inca va indoiti daca tratamentele “alternative” functioneaza!) 

    Iata 2 astfel de marturii ale pacientilor sai in justitie:

  • Cititi si vedeti mai multe despre cazul Burzinski aici, inclusiv marturiile in justitie ale pacientilor

Urmariti si ce spun cei tratati si vindecat ide Burzinki, cei ce au fost mai intai la CELE MAI BUNE CENTRE DE TRATARE CANCER DIN LUME si au fost TRIMISI ACASA SA MOARA IN FINAL, pe care Burzinki i-a VINDECAT IN SCURT TIMP si FARA EFECTE ADVERSE!

ATENTIE : Fabio la un moment dat spune cum ii spune „parerea lui ” sorei sale si anume: cancerul nu are legatura cu alimentatia si dupa ce sora a inceput sa manace dulciuri si paste fainoase cancerul s-a extins asa mult ca doctorii i-au dat medicamnete pentru sarcom (unul din cancerele ce se extind cel mai rapid).

  • Un grup de pacienti si cei ce pledeaza pentru pacienti au lansat o campanie pentru a avea Antineoplastoni acceptate la nivel mondial ca un „standard de îngrijire” pentru tratamentul cancerului .
  • ACUM , cine poate primi antineoplastonii este reglementat de FDA, si numai cei care au urmat chimio/ radio extensiv si dovedesc ca acestea nu au nici un efect pot intra pe lista de asteptare pentru antineoplastoni(daca mai traiesc…).CONTRIBUITI si dvs. ca antineoplastonii sa fie disponibili oricui, fara a fi nevoie de tortura si DISTRUGEREA chimio/radio  .SEMNATI PETITIA :

SEMNATI PETITIA!!!CINE STIE :-?? Poate veti beneficia si dvs! NU fiti ignoranti!PUTETI CONTRIBUI SI DVS. mai ales ca stiti cum e sa fiti tratati medical si sa vi se spuna ca nu prea stim ce sa facem…


Partea a II a (2013) a documentarului premiat international 2011 a Dr. Mercola Dr Burzninski intitulat „CANCERUL ESTE O AFACERE SERIOASA” analizează starea actuală a testelor clinice cu Antineoplastoni „, sancționate de FDA Statele Unite ale Americii( Food & Drug Administration) și dispune de povestea moderna a  luptelor pacientilor cu cancer tratati astăzi la Clinica Burzynski în Houston, Texas.

Pentru majoritatea pacienților care fac tratament Burzynski , cancerul este avansat si  se ruleaza cu  un baraj constant de scepticism ce vine nu numai de la medicii lor oncologi , dar, de asemenea, de la prieteni și de familie care simt ca sunt luate decizii suspecte de tratament pentru cei dragi lor sunt tratament , chiar dacă masa de oncologie i-a lăsat pe mulți sa moara.

Pe măsură ce povestea se desfasoara, veți observa o schimbare în timp real in inimile și mințile de la multe dintre aceste persoane ( medici si familii). Spre deosebire de primul documentar, Partea a II-a are interviuri cu medicii oncologi certificati, chirurgi și neurochirurgi, care au asistat ca pacientii sa părăsească îngrijirea lor si în curând revin la o sănătate excelentă, cand optează pentru clinica Burzynski.

De la cartografiere a genomului cancerului, Burzynski are un pionierat o extindere de tratament pe care o numește, „terapia cancerului personalizata orientata Gene „, unde Atlasul Cancer genomic al fiecarui pacient   este mapat și un regim de tratament este personal adaptat pentru fiecare individ pacient comparativ  cu abordarea acelasi tratamente pentru fiecare la care  aderă oncologia.

Datorită obstacolelor birocratice aplicate pe Antineoplastoni de FDA, acest prgram nou si extins „personalizat gene-țintă” a permis mai multor pacienti (cărora li se refuză accesul la Antineoplastoni),  a beneficia de practica Burzynski în moduri niciodată înainte de a crezut că este posibil. Și totuși, tratamentului Burzynski cu Antineoplastoni încă i se opuna rezistență similară și controverse .

Filmul, de asemenea, vă va duce la Universitatea Kurume în Fukuoka, Japonia, unde studiile concepute independent de Antineoplastoni au fost în curs de desfășurare de 27 de ani, fără implicarea sau supravegherea Dr. Burzynski (inventatorul)   .Aflați cum aceasta echipa de patologi japoneze, medicii oncologi si chirurgi au studiat aceste compusi anti-cancer folosind propriile lor metodologii-rezultate  independent si au administrat studii clinice randomizate controlate.

„După douăzeci și șapte ani de testare independenta Antineoplastoni-inclusiv prin studii clinice randomizate, am constatat că dr. Burzynski a avut dreptate. ” 
– Hideaki Tsuda, MD – 2013, Universitatea Kurume Medical, Prefectura Fukuoka, Japonia


Cred sincer ca lucrurile se vor schimba(mai devreme sau mai tarziu), insa retineti macar :




Am strans atat pe site cat si in carte tratamente foarte eficiente de cancer si personal, NU am nici un dubiu asupra celor ce va prezint dumneavoastra.

Burzinki a reusit sa invinga FDA cu toata influenta si banii lor in justitie si acesta este un lucru MARE. Este demonstratia atat asupra CURABILITATII CANCERULUI cat si asupra pesecutiilor si suprimarilor facute asupra remediilor existente, remedii bazate pe stiinta solida (inclusiv premii Nobel).

Este un pioner si a facut un pas mic – un pas enorm pentru cei bolnavi de cancer si consider ca asa cum el a demonstrat pentru dvs CURABILITATEA CANCERULUI si a facut lumina si pentru cei sceptici, asa si dvs, comunitatea celor bolnavi trebuie sa-l sprijiniti semnand petitia, daca doriti ca schimbari in bine sa aiba loc la nivel de societate, copii si nepotii dvs si ai nostrii sa nu sufere de aceeasi ignoranta de care  foarte multi au suferit si au MURIT pentru ca li s-a spus  „NU stim ce e cancerul, NU stim sa vindecam, dati-ne bani sa facem cercetari si intre timp faceti chimio/radio, desi , daca nu stim ce e si sa tratam , sunt aleatoare si mai au si efectele care le au”. ESTE SIMPLU: SEMNATI PETITIA( atat pentru dvs cat si pentru cei dragi):

„Nu-mi pot imagina o lume în care alte persoane nu vor avea privilegiul pe care l-am avut-privilegiul de a fi salvată viața lor de o noua tehnologie care poate vindeca de cancer, este groaznic.”

– Laura Hymas – 2013, gradul Glioblastomul IV, pacient cu cancer cerebral, dupa care se confrunta o remisiune completă sub terapie Antineoplastoni.

Si aveti incredere in dumneavoastra si calea aleasa: Funtioneaza ! Stiinta este, demonstratie este. Nu are nici un rost sa va lasati inca „ametiti”!!

Tot in film va va fi prezentat modul în care industria utilizeaza agenția de reglementare si astazi a uzurpat si blocat „studiu clinic  al  procesului faza 3 ” Antineoplastoni  și a orchestrat un grup de” asasini informații  „(de asemenea, cunoscut ca o” campanie de gazon sintetic „) pentru a polua toate canalele de informare a publicului într-un efort de a dezinforma  publicul despre adevărul din spatele Antineoplastoni. Acest grup internațional de dezinformatori „de gazon sintetic”, de asemenea, sa angajat în intimidare și hărțuirea pacientilor potentiali si actuali cu cancer terminal sub îngrijirea Dr. Burzynski .

Cu toate acestea, cel mai notabil dintre toate, sunt evenimentele cutremurătoare care a avut loc la ultimele zile de producere a acestui film-Veti fi lăsati fără cuvinte, dar cu atât de multe de spus, atunci când asistati la povestea și concluzia șocantă la Burzynski: cancerul este o afacere serioasa, Partea a II.


– Vezi mai multe la:

De asemnea, NU stati degeaba si asteptati pina sa fie aprobati antineoplastonii in timp ce va puteti deja trata cancerul foarte eficient si non-toxic.

De asemenea, am gasit si prima parte a filmului completat prima partea a acestui articol intitulat CANCERUL ESTE CURABIL chiar si IN CAZURILE DISPERATE( fara efecte secunde! pot adauga) ,cu marturiile pacientilor  sai din justitie si alte lucruri. click aici

Va mai spun un lucru, de care vreau sa fiti constienti.Daca dupa urmarirea acestor 2 documentare, inca va indoiti de curabilitatea cancerului si inca va incredeti in vorbele „sistemului”, sunteti  singurii responsabili pentru soarta dvs.  si ma indoiesc ca va poate ajuta cineva. Binele chiar NU se poate face cu forta si suntem responsabili pentru si PUTEM influenta mult mai multe decat putem crede, prin alegerile simple , bazate pe fapte si dovezi, pe care le facem fiecare!

Sper sincer ca aceste filme sa va ajute macar din punct de vedere psihic! Am sa revin si cu alte tratamente cancer , pentru cei care adopta sau au deja o atitudine de luptator si invingator, bazata si pe aceste DOVEZI! Pot sa va ajut insa cel mai  mult o puteti face dvs. (eu nu pot lupta in locul dvs.!)


Cristian Gologan


SPUNETI SI ALTORA! ( sunt butoane sub aceasta pagina precum si in DREAPTA SUS!). 



Desi aveam de gand sa scriu despre cazul Gaston Naessensce, cel  ce a confirmat prin cercetare independenta, prin intermediul microscopului  tip ” dark field” descoperirea PREMIUL NOBEL WARTBURG – cancerul e cauzat de oxigenarea inadecvata – si a dus cercetarile mult mai departe, identificand cele 16 forme ale celulei canceroase (voi revin cu articol) scriu acum URGENT despre tot despre BURZINSKI. A aparut filmul cancer is SERIOUSS BUSINESS partea II si doar acum 13-20 iulie este GRATIS.





De asemenea , CONTRIBUITI SI DVS. la aprobarea antineoplastonilor Dr. Burzinki pe piata ca tratament cancer. Ajutati-l sa invinga FDA si FARMA si ca medicamentul sau sa fie accesibil tuturor, inclusiv dvs.



Va reamintesc ce sunt antineoplastonii si ce cancere MORTALE au vindecat!

  • Antineoplastonii sunt peptide și derivați de amino-acizi care acționează în calitate de switch-uri/comutatoare genetice. Ele opresc oncogene care cauzeaza cancer și , mai ales,  pornesc sau activeaza gene supresoare de tumori – gene care lupta cu cancerul
  • Tratamentul Dr. Burzynski a vindecat pentru prima data gliom  de trunchiul cerebral , un tip mortal de cancer cerebral care de obicei afecteaza copiii si adultii tineri
  • Tumorile care se ataseaza la maduva spinarii si / sau a creierului, Burzynski vindecat peste 40 de tipuri de cancer, inclusiv de san, vezica urinara, pulmonar si terminalul cancer la creier.
  • Cercetatorii japonezi au petrecut 27 ani de testare independenta a antineoplastonilor și reproducand constatarile Dr. Burzynski , au tras concluzia că eficiența antineoplastonilor este  „evidenta, nu anecdotica”
  • Foarte multi bolnavi de cancer catalogati ca incurabili( trimisi acasa sa moara dupa ce au primit doze maxime de radio/chimio pina cand organismul a dezvoltat rezistenta la acestea) au depus marturie in instanta ca s-au vindecat total (asta in cazul in care inca va indoiti daca tratamentele “alternative” functioneaza!) 

    Iata 2 astfel de marturii ale pacientilor sai in justitie:

  • Cititi si vedeti mai multe despre cazul Burzinski aici, inclusiv marturiile in justitie ale pacientilor


Urmariti si ce spun cei tratati si vindecat ide Burzinki, cei ce au fost mai intai la CELE MAI BUNE CENTRE DE TRATARE CANCER DIN LUME si au fost TRIMISI ACASA SA MOARA IN FINAL, pe care Burzinki i-a VINDECAT IN SCURT TIMP si FARA EFECTE ADVERSE!

ATENTIE : Fabio la un moment dat spune cum ii spune „parerea lui ” sorei sale si anume: cancerul nu are legatura cu alimentatia si dupa ce sora a inceput sa manace dulciuri si paste fainoase cancerul s-a extins asa mult ca doctorii i-au dat medicamnete pentru sarcom (unul din cancerele ce se extind cel mai rapid).


  • Un grup de pacienti si cei ce pledeaza pentru pacienti au lansat o campanie pentru a avea Antineoplastoni acceptate la nivel mondial ca un „standard de îngrijire” pentru tratamentul cancerului .
  • ACUM , cine poate primi antineoplastonii este reglementat de FDA, si numai cei care au urmat chimio/ radio extensiv si dovedesc ca acestea nu au nici un efect pot intra pe lista de asteptare pentru antineoplastoni(daca mai traiesc…).CONTRIBUITI si dvs. ca antineoplastonii sa fie disponibili oricui, fara a fi nevoie de tortura si DISTRUGEREA chimio/radio  .SEMNATI PETITIA :

SEMNATI PETITIA!!!CINE STIE :-?? Poate veti beneficia si dvs! NU fiti ignoranti!PUTETI CONTRIBUI SI DVS. mai ales ca stiti cum e sa fiti tratati medical si sa vi se spuna ca nu prea stim ce sa facem…



Partea a II a (2013) a documentarului premiat international 2011 a Dr. Mercola Dr Burzninski intitulat „CANCERUL ESTE O AFACERE SERIOASA” analizează starea actuală a testelor clinice cu Antineoplastoni „, sancționate de FDA Statele Unite ale Americii( Food & Drug Administration) și dispune de povestea moderna a  luptelor pacientilor cu cancer tratati astăzi la Clinica Burzynski în Houston, Texas.

Pentru majoritatea pacienților care fac tratament Burzynski , cancerul este avansat si  se ruleaza cu  un baraj constant de scepticism ce vine nu numai de la medicii lor oncologi , dar, de asemenea, de la prieteni și de familie care simt ca sunt luate decizii suspecte de tratament pentru cei dragi lor sunt tratament , chiar dacă masa de oncologie i-a lăsat pe mulți sa moara.

Pe măsură ce povestea se desfasoara, veți observa o schimbare în timp real in inimile și mințile de la multe dintre aceste persoane ( medici si familii). Spre deosebire de primul documentar, Partea a II-a are interviuri cu medicii oncologi certificati, chirurgi și neurochirurgi, care au asistat ca pacientii sa părăsească îngrijirea lor si în curând revin la o sănătate excelentă, cand optează pentru clinica Burzynski.

De la cartografiere a genomului cancerului, Burzynski are un pionierat o extindere de tratament pe care o numește, „terapia cancerului personalizata orientata Gene „, unde Atlasul Cancer genomic al fiecarui pacient   este mapat și un regim de tratament este personal adaptat pentru fiecare individ pacient comparativ  cu abordarea acelasi tratamente pentru fiecare la care  aderă oncologia.

Datorită obstacolelor birocratice aplicate pe Antineoplastoni de FDA, acest prgram nou si extins „personalizat gene-țintă” a permis mai multor pacienti (cărora li se refuză accesul la Antineoplastoni),  a beneficia de practica Burzynski în moduri niciodată înainte de a crezut că este posibil. Și totuși, tratamentului Burzynski cu Antineoplastoni încă i se opuna rezistență similară și controverse .

Filmul, de asemenea, vă va duce la Universitatea Kurume în Fukuoka, Japonia, unde studiile concepute independent de Antineoplastoni au fost în curs de desfășurare de 27 de ani, fără implicarea sau supravegherea Dr. Burzynski (inventatorul)   .Aflați cum aceasta echipa de patologi japoneze, medicii oncologi si chirurgi au studiat aceste compusi anti-cancer folosind propriile lor metodologii-rezultate  independent si au administrat studii clinice randomizate controlate.


„După douăzeci și șapte ani de testare independenta Antineoplastoni-inclusiv prin studii clinice randomizate, am constatat că dr. Burzynski a avut dreptate. ” 
– Hideaki Tsuda, MD – 2013, Universitatea Kurume Medical, Prefectura Fukuoka, Japonia


Cred sincer ca lucrurile se vor schimba(mai devreme sau mai tarziu), insa retineti macar :




Am strans atat pe site cat si in carte tratamente foarte eficiente de cancer si personal, NU am nici un dubiu asupra celor ce va prezint dumneavoastra.

Burzinki a reusit sa invinga FDA cu toata influenta si banii lor in justitie si acesta este un lucru MARE. Este demonstratia atat asupra CURABILITATII CANCERULUI cat si asupra pesecutiilor si suprimarilor facute asupra remediilor existente, remedii bazate pe stiinta solida (inclusiv premii Nobel).

Este un pioner si a facut un pas mic – un pas enorm pentru cei bolnavi de cancer si consider ca asa cum el a demonstrat pentru dvs CURABILITATEA CANCERULUI si a facut lumina si pentru cei sceptici, asa si dvs, comunitatea celor bolnavi trebuie sa-l sprijiniti semnand petitia, daca doriti ca schimbari in bine sa aiba loc la nivel de societate, copii si nepotii dvs si ai nostrii sa nu sufere de aceeasi ignoranta de care  foarte multi au suferit si au MURIT pentru ca li s-a spus  „NU stim ce e cancerul, NU stim sa vindecam, dati-ne bani sa facem cercetari si intre timp faceti chimio/radio, desi , daca nu stim ce e si sa tratam , sunt aleatoare si mai au si efectele care le au”. ESTE SIMPLU: SEMNATI PETITIA( atat pentru dvs cat si pentru cei dragi):


„Nu-mi pot imagina o lume în care alte persoane nu vor avea privilegiul pe care l-am avut-privilegiul de a fi salvată viața lor de o noua tehnologie care poate vindeca de cancer, este groaznic.”

– Laura Hymas – 2013, gradul Glioblastomul IV, pacient cu cancer cerebral, dupa care se confrunta o remisiune completă sub terapie Antineoplastoni.


Si aveti incredere in dumneavoastra si calea aleasa: Funtioneaza ! Stiinta este, demonstratie este. Nu are nici un rost sa va lasati inca „ametiti”!!

Tot in film va va fi prezentat modul în care industria utilizeaza agenția de reglementare si astazi a uzurpat si blocat „studiu clinic  al  procesului faza 3 ” Antineoplastoni  și a orchestrat un grup de” asasini informații  „(de asemenea, cunoscut ca o” campanie de gazon sintetic „) pentru a polua toate canalele de informare a publicului într-un efort de a dezinforma  publicul despre adevărul din spatele Antineoplastoni. Acest grup internațional de dezinformatori „de gazon sintetic”, de asemenea, sa angajat în intimidare și hărțuirea pacientilor potentiali si actuali cu cancer terminal sub îngrijirea Dr. Burzynski .

Cu toate acestea, cel mai notabil dintre toate, sunt evenimentele cutremurătoare care a avut loc la ultimele zile de producere a acestui film-Veti fi lăsati fără cuvinte, dar cu atât de multe de spus, atunci când asistati la povestea și concluzia șocantă la Burzynski: cancerul este o afacere serioasa, Partea a II.


– Vezi mai multe la:


De asemnea, NU stati degeaba si asteptati pina sa fie aprobati antineoplastonii in timp ce va puteti deja trata cancerul foarte eficient si non-toxic.

Exista foarte multe tratamente alternative NON-toxice, care funtioneaza. NU toate sunt la fel de eficiente si nici antineopalstonii Burzinki nu sunt cel mai eficient tratament cancer(cel putin nu pentru toate tipurile de cancer si nu inca – daca veti cauta veti gasi ratele de succes ale antineoplastonilor , care oricum sunt NET SUPERIOARE tratamentelor chimio/radio si FARA efecte adverse).

Exista abordari diferite in tratarea cancerului alternativa( nutritionala/naturista , minerala, electromedicala, bazata pe stimulare si intarire imunitara , pe baza de oxigen, antineoplastonii si cred ca vor mai veni si altele )

Fiecare abordare ofera rezultate diferite pentru tipuri , etape si cazuri specifice de cancer. Important este ca EXISTA, FUNCTIONEAZA si sunt si tehnici care ofera rate de remisie completa/VINDECARE (ATENTIE -VINDECARE, NU supravietuire) de aproximativ 90% (asa cum sunt si cele pentru bolnavii avansati descrise in carte).

Tehnici sunt, stiinta este, demonstratie si studii sunt , vindecari si confirmari sunt, aveti de unde alege, NU e nevoie de putere financiara.Tot ce este nevoie este sa fiti decisi  si sa aveti incredere in puterile dvs. , alegeti tratamente eficiente si adecvate etapei dvs(testati-le sa vedeti daca sunt sau nu destul de bune), tineti-va de ele si aveti cele mai multe sanse de vindecare!

Faceti tot ce tine de dvs.pentru ca NU sunt necesare minuni!


De asemenea, am gasit si prima parte a filmului completat prima partea a acestui articol intitulat CANCERUL ESTE CURABIL chiar si IN CAZURILE DISPERATE( fara efecte secunde! pot adauga) ,cu marturiile pacientilor  sai din justitie si alte lucruri. click aici


Va mai spun un lucru, de care vreau sa fiti constienti.Daca dupa urmarirea acestor 2 documentare, inca va indoiti de curabilitatea cancerului si inca va incredeti in vorbele „sistemului”, sunteti  singurii responsabili pentru soarta dvs.  si ma indoiesc ca va poate ajuta cineva. Binele chiar NU se poate face cu forta si suntem responsabili pentru si PUTEM influenta mult mai multe decat putem crede, prin alegerile simple , bazate pe fapte si dovezi, pe care le facem fiecare!

Sper sincer ca aceste filme sa va ajute macar din punct de vedere psihic! Am sa revin si cu alte tratamente cancer , pentru cei care adopta sau au deja o atitudine de luptator si invingator, bazata si pe aceste DOVEZI! Pot sa va ajut insa cel mai  mult o puteti face dvs. (eu nu pot lupta in locul dvs.!)



Cristian Gologan


SPUNETI SI ALTORA! ( sunt butoane sub aceasta pagina precum si in DREAPTA SUS!).