Arhive etichetă | Chlorella cancer

Reducerea inflamatiei – partea II

Partea mai progresivă a medicinei moderne  învăța rapdi care cauza principala a multor boli contemporane ca fiind nimeni alta decât inflamatia cronica, un răspuns imun persistent cauzat de dieta saraca si alti factori care, în cazul în care nu este controlata, poate deteriora o serie de sisteme importante din corp. Sistemul endocrin al dvs. (hormoni), cel central, imunitar, digestiv, cardiovascular, respirator și alte sisteme, pentru a numi pe cele mai comune, sunt toate amenințate de inflamatia cronica, care are în cele din urmă potențialul de a se manifesta ca sute de boli diferite.

„Cercetatorii fac conecxiunea inflamatiei la o serie tot mai largă de boli cronice”, a scris reporter Newsweek, Anne Underwood  in inflamatia boala in creștere in 2005. „Dintr-o data puzzle-uri medicale par a se rezolva, cum ar fi de ce hipertensiunea si pacientii cu risc crescut de Alzheimer, sau cei ce sufera de artrita reumatoida au rate mai mari de moarte subită cardiacă. Sunt toate conectate la un anumit nivel fundamental.”

Nu mai spunem, inflamatia ca raspuns natural atunci cand sistemul imunitar ehiperactiv sau ataca o infectie in organism, inflamaie care de multe ori duce la complicatii severe, asa cum este in cazul tratamentului cancer cu clorura de cesiu sau a tratamentelor ce stimuleaza imunitatea

Deci, ce puteți face pentru a ajuta la lupta valul pandemic de inflamatia cronica, care este declarat a fi responsabil pentru cauzarea de pana la 80 la suta din toate vizitele la medic în America?

Am scris cateva aici:

Aici sunt inca patru tratamente naturale ,alimente uimitoare de care știința continuă să arate ca posedă proprietăți anti-inflamatorii unice, fără a provoca efecte secundare nocive:

1) Curcumina (turmeric). Există sute de studii publicate care sa demonstreze beneficiile uimitoare anti-inflamatorii de curcumă / Curcumina, care se crede a fi ingredientul activ principal în turmeric, a fost demonstrat pentru a ajuta la tratarea și prevenirea de condiții cum ar fi indigestie, prostatita, osteoartrita, boala Crohn, boala Alzheimer, si altele. De fapt, prin modularea directade niveluri inflamatorii citokine in interiorul corpului, curcuma ajuta la protejarea impotriva o gamă largă de boli debilitante, inclusiv boli de inima si cancer (

„Ceea ce distinge curcumina este capacitatea sa de a reduce inflamatia prin cel puțin nouăzeci și șapte de mecanisme biologice diferite”, scrie Jack Challem în cartea sa Sindromul Inflamatia: Planul dvs. de Nutritie pentru Marea Sănătate, pierdere în greutate, și de viață fara durere. „Până în prezent, nici o altă substanță nu a fost descoperit sau dezvoltat cu astfel de ample beneficii anti-inflamatorii” (

Sa nu uitam ca , cucurmina este un tratament cancer individual/sau folosit in tratamentele cancer  pe baza de miere ca transportor(miere si cucurmina pudra in raport 1 la 1, de 3 ori pe zi cate o lingura pe stomacul gol)

Pperina potenteaza activitatea si biodisponibilitatea de cucurmina de pina la 2000% (20 ori)

2) Boswellia (tămâie). În mod similar, planta Boswellia, din care tămâia rășină aromatică este derivata, conține compuși puternici anti-inflamatorii, cunoscut sub numele de acizi boswellic. Aceste substanțe inhibă activitatea leucotrienelor, care sunt substanțe chimice cauzatoare de inflamații în organism. Studiile au demonstrat că administrarea de Boswellia poate ajuta osteoartrita trata artrita reumatoida, colita ulcerativa, și astm, printre alte condiții (

Si tamaia se foloseste  in tratamentele cancer  pe baza de miere ca transportor(miere si tamaie si scortisoara pudra in raport 1 la 1, de 3 ori pe zi cate o lingura pe stomacul gol)


3) Spirulina si Chlorella. Aceste populare microalge sunt gata pentru a deveni urmatorul lucru mare. Proprietățile anti-inflamatorii ale spirulinei sunt deja bine stabilite, și continuă să fie afirmate de studii majore, inclusiv un studiu publicat în 2012 Journal of Clinical Biochimie si Nutritie. Acest studiu a constatat ca spirulina in mod special ajută modula o serie de factori de transcriptie legate de provocare de inflamatie, în mod eficient exercitând activitate antioxidantă și anti-inflamator atunci cand este consumata (

4) Vitamina D3. minim 30 minute de  expunerea la lumina soarelui natural în fiecare zi. Una dintre cele mai simple și mai puternice metode de a preveni boli legate de inflamatie, vitamina D3, care este produsă în mod natural în organism, ca urmare a expunerii la radiații ultraviolete B (UVB), este esențială pentru reducerea si prevenirea de  inflamatie cronica. Sute de studii peer-revizuite arată că lipsa de vitamina D3, care poate fi, de asemenea obținute oarecum  prin suplimente de vitamina D3 de înaltă calitate(iarna), este asociata cu sute de boli, de la autism la cancer (

„Pacientii cu boli cronice inflamatorii, cum ar fi astmul, artrita si cancerul de prostata, care au deficit de vitamina D3, pot beneficia de suplimentarea cu vitamina D3 pentru a obține nivelul  serice de vitamina D3 peste 30 nanograme pe mililitru (ng / ml),”, spune Elena Goleva , autor al unui studiu care a gasit 2012 suplimentarea cu vitamina D3 poate ajuta la vindecarea inflamatia cronica (

Expunerea la soare , prin vitamina D3 cu rolul sau antimicrobian , imunostimulator si energia produsa previne pina la 80% cazuri cancere.

Suplimentarea cu vitamina D3 in cancer:doze zilnice de 1,400-1,500 mg de suplimente de calciu, 1,400-1,500 mg de suplimente de calciu, plus 1.100 UI de vitamina D3, inclusiv SOARE 30 minute pe zi MINIM zilnic


5.Melatonina Conjugat cu expunerea zilnica la soare, e odihna noaptea intre 22-03 am , cu secretia si SUPLIMENTAREA de MELATONINA:

Țineți cont de faptul că este necesară doar o doza foarte mica – de obicei 0,25 mg sau 0,5 mg pentru a începe cu și puteți ajusta de acolo. Luând doze mai mari, cum ar fi 3 mg, se poate face, uneori, mai mult de veghe în loc de somnolență, astfel ajustati cu atenție doza;

„Doze de 10-50 mg de melatonină noapte sunt benefice pentru pacientii cu cancer.

Cei recent diagnosticat cu creștere lentă sau cancer în stadiu incipient ar putea dori să ia în considerare suplimentarea cu 3-6 mg melatonină noaptea; acesta din urmă doza poate fi rezervat pentru pacientii cu cancer stadiu incipient care suferă de tulburări de somn. Deoarece cele mai multe studii clinice au aratat ca pacientii cu  stadiu terminal , avansat, sau cancer ‘netratabil’, sau cei cu metastaze cancer, beneficiază de suplimentarea cu 20 mg de melatonină, astfel de pacienți ar putea dori să ia în considerare suplimentarea cu între 6 și 50 mg de melatonină de noapte , în funcție de concentrațiile plasmatice ale melatoninei.”


Doamne ajuta!


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Solutii la paraziti, microbi, mucegaiuri, Lyme, etc

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Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD and the Klinghardt Academy hosted „A Deep Look Beyond Lyme” May 6-8, 2011 in Redmond, WA. As has always been the case, this event was simply superb and enlightening. Dr. Klinghardt was joined by speakers such as Dr. Simon Yu MD, Dr. Stephen Fry MD, Tami Duncan, and others. I learned a great deal from this exciting weekend and will attempt to share some portions of it with you here.

The notes below were largely those I captured during the event, but they do not begin to cover all of the points made or even all of the speakers that presented at this event. I highly recommend the DVDs and binders from this conference if you would like to learn more.

Note: As this information may be updated as any errors are found, I kindly request that you link to this single source of information rather than copying the content below. If any updates or corrections are made, this will help to ensure that anyone reading this is getting the most current and accurate information.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – What Makes Us Sick? What Helps Us Heal?

  • It is rarely, or never, the microbe that makes us sick.
  • It is the immune response to the microbe that creates the majority of symptoms.
  • Transplant patients often live longer as their immune-system is suppressed in order to avoid organ rejection. The immune reaction is blunted which keeps the body in a calm state.
  • Treatment focus should be on immune modulation.
  • Classical homeopathy rarely works anymore.
  • Amalgam and root canal removal is still beneficial.
  • Cavitation surgery can still be big but is no longer a miracle.
  • Simple things that worked 30 years ago no longer work well.
  • Parasite treatment is still a big benefit.
  • Gluten-free is still big.
  • Mold and EMF mitigation are big.
  • Melatonin is big.
  • Treating Lyme, balancing the bite, and ballroom dancing can be very helpful. Ballroom dancing puts the autonomic nervous system in its most healing state.
  • Skilled practitioners may bring benefit in the areas of neural therapy, prolotherapy, osteopathy, cranial work, and Sanum therapy.
  • Newer areas of focus in getting people well include CCSVI, stem cell therapy, platelet rich plasma, and mold mitigation.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Treatment Approaches

  • Correct KPU/HPU and insulin resistance (discussed elsewhere in this blog post).
  • Address interference fields – scars, dental issues, EMFs.
  • Decrease further pollution – remove/address amalgams, root canals, and cavitations. Mitigate mold exposures.
  • Ensure restorative sleep.
  • Bind toxins with chlorella, clay, plant sterols, chitin, DMPS, cilantro, cholestyramine.
  • Decrease microbial burden and address biofilms. Antimicrobials such as herbs and RX medications, antifungals such as Rizol Gamma, parasites treatments such as the „Modified Simon Yu” protocol, and the Klinghardt Lyme Cocktail. Address biofilms with liposomal solutions, Cistus tea/tincture, Sodium EDTA, Freeze-dried garlic, iodine (for lungs), grapefruit seed extract 10 drops twice daily, silica such as BioSil 10 drops twice daily.
  • Modulate the immune response with chlorella 5 grams four times daily 30 minutes before food, 2 grams fish oil, Sanum remedies, homeopathics, Actos, LDN, auto-urine therapy.
  • Correct regulatory peptides. ADH, VIP nasal spray, propolis or myrrh for increasing MSH, neural therapy (sinus pattern, tonsils, Pleo-Rec).
  • Increase microcirculation – Low dose EPO (may prove helpful in CCSVI as more is learned), EDTA, heparin. Biological options include Lumbrokinase, Pleo Sanuvis, Gingko, Vitamin E, Freeze-dried Garlic, ginger. Mitigate EMFs. Sanum Mucor racemosus.
  • Cistus is more potent than any other agent known for biofilms. Crosses the blood-brain barrier and is 100% absorbed in the gut. It is antiviral. Can rebrew the tea 4 times. Whitens the teeth (also a biofilm which causes yellow teeth), body fluid smells and odors reduce.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Parasites

  • Dr. Klinghardt has found immense success in treating parasites as a focus. Many that think Lyme is their problem actually are suffering from parasites. The natural sequence is to treat the parasites first and then treat the Lyme. When this is done, years of antibiotic therapy turns into weeks or months.
  • Parasite patients often express the psyche of the parasites – sticky, clingy, impossible to tolerate – but a wonderful human being is behind all of that.
  • We are all a composite of many personalities. Chronic infections outnumber our own cells by 10:1. We are 90% „other” and 10% „us”. Our consciousness is a composite of 90% microbes and 10% us. Our thinking, feeling, creativity, and expression are 90% from the microbes within us. Patients often think, crave, and behave as if they are the parasite. Our thinking is shaded by the microbes thinking through us. The food choices, behavioral choices, and who we like is the thinking of the microbes within us expressing themselves.
  • Patients will reject all treatments that affect the issue that requires treating. Patients will not guide themselves to health when the microbes have taken over.
  • Viruses in the nervous system are likely not the cause of CFS. They are certainly often present, but when treated, the patient may only get a little better. The two main causes are parasites (mainly lungworm) and chronic nasal staph infection. These nasal infections enter the hypothalamus which then leads to suppression of MSH. One’s level of fatigue and level of MSH are directly related. MSH is depressed by bacteria and mycotoxins.
  • Parasite treatment may be needed for 6 months to a year.
  • Parasites induce changes in our system to make us a comfortable host.
  • Natural deworming treatments such as Hulda Clark formulations have been weak and disappointing.
  • Mimosa pudica powder is an Ayurvedic herb that is 30 times stronger than the best medical drug. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day two days a week and working up to 1 teaspoon daily for 3 months.
  • Can use rectal application of 1 capsule of BioPure Freeze-dried garlic, 100mg artemisinin, 1 teaspoon phospholipids with pure water in a bulb syringe from the local drugstore. Make the mix liposomal using the ultrasonic method used with the Klinghardt Cocktail. Hold it. This cleans the rectum and then gets absorbed such that many start to see visible evidence of worm elimination. A good first step in parasite elimination.
  • Parasite treatment is best done with concurrent colonic therapy. 2 colonics per week; 1 day after the other.
  • Nail biting is a sign of parasites.
  • Alinia and Albendazole both cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • Deworming is significant in ASD kids. Every biofilm has worm DNA in it.
  • The more you deworm, the longer you live and the healthier you are.

Dr. Simon Yu – Parasites

  • When the latest medical therapies fail, think dental issues and parasites.
  • Dr. Yu uses EAV testing / Acupuncture Meridian Assessment to gain information about stressors in the body.
  • Unsuspected dental problems may be a significant factor impacting health – amalgams, root canals, TMJ, galvanism, implants, heavy metals, bonding materials, metal allergies, and microorganisms.
  • Dr. Yu sees amazing shifts in EAV testing results after parasite treatment. He rarely uses antibiotics.
  • Strongyloides is a common microfilarial worm. Could it be to blame for brain lesions? CCSVI?
  • Cancer may be related to dental issues, parasites, heavy metals, and unresolved emotions.
  • Most parasites are outside of the intestinal tract. They are deceptive, adaptive, and difficult to eradicate.
  • Parasites bring bacteria, viruses, and fungi with them.
  • Deworming horses regularly is known to increase their lifespan. Deworming is a good anti-aging therapy.
  • Parasites are like your children that don’t leave the house.
  • You can get parasites from inhaling parasite eggs.
  • Dr. Yu does not put people on nutritional supplements until the parasites are purged.
  • Parasites can control your mind.
  • Clove oil may be helpful. Black Walnut, Wormwood, Artemisia, and Citrus Seed may be useful.
  • Dr. Yu is not convinced that zappers will work for parasites.
  • He uses longer, higher doses of anti-parasite medications than what is described in the PDR. He also uses combination therapy.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – CCSVI

  • Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency is a narrowing or „stenosing” of the veins that return blood from the head.
  • CCSVI was originally identified by Dr. Zamboni in Italy in MS patients.
  • Dr. Klinghardt has seen CCSVI in 100% of his tested MS patients, autism patients, Parkinson’s patients, ALS patients, and Lyme patients.
  • Treatment is to eradicate biofilm and endothelial infections such as nanobacteria, Rickettsia, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia pneumoniae using the Klinghardt Biofilm Protocol.
  • Then the immune system is downregulated using BioPure Lyme Nosode, Sanum homeopathics for molds, EMF mitigation, and auto-urine therapy.
  • Next, circulation is opened using bee venom ointment, oral nanoized curcumin with black pepper, or Mucokehl.
  • To open the blocked veins, a dental splint, neural therapy in the tonsils and anterior neck veins, osteopathy, or the balloon dilation procedure may be used.
  • Out of 38 Lyme patients Dr. Klinghardt had scanned for CCSVI, all 38 were highly positive.
  • Once the balloon procedure is done to open up the veins, if Lyme is under-treated and vascular inflammation is still present, the CCSVI will reverse and re-stenose.
  • Buzzing in the brain, floaters in the eyes, and many neuro symptoms in Lyme may be related to CCSVI.
  • If seizures are present, the seizure focus is often on the same side as the CCSVI.
  • There is often iron buildup in the basal ganglia, which can be related to Parkinson’s disease. Iron has also been found in the substantia nigra.
  • Neurological illnesses are vascular diseases which lead to neuron disease. 3-4 focal stenotic areas may be the cause of a neurological illness.
  • There are 5 parameters that are looked at during a CCSVI evaluation. In MS, 2 of 5 are often observed. In Lyme, it has been closer to 4 of 5 and in autism, it is often 5 of 5. The best Lyme patient thus far was 3 of 5. Lyme patients, on average, test worse than MS patients.
  • Stenosis leads to abnormal hemodynamics, endothelial damage, vessel wall breakdown, and leakage of T-cells and iron into surrounding tissues. Iron is inflammatory which results in further breakdown of the microvascular system.
  • Outflow of blood from the brain has been overlooked. Most anatomy texts don’t even show the veins in the neck.
  • Backpressure in the brain results from CCSVI.
  • Most people with chronic Lyme disease will test positive for CCSVI.
  • CCSVI is likely an issue in most children with autism. The brain cannot develop. Perfusion (arterial blood flow) of the brain may be reduced by 70%.
  • Treatment for CCSVI includes:
    • Eradicating biofilms and endothelial infections such as Nanobacteria, Rickettsia, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, and Mycoplasma.
    • Downregulating the immune response. This may be done with BioPure Lyme Nosode, Sanum remedies, auto-urine therapy, and reduction of EMFs.
    • Opening circulation. This may be done with bee venom cream, nanoized curcumin with pepper, or Mucokehl.
    • Opening veins. A dental splint may be used to increase vertical dimension. Neural therapy to the tonsils and neck may be performed using procaine with either DMPS, ozone, or Sanum remedies. Osteopathy, kinesiology, or a balloon dilation or stent.
  • Rickettsia and Chlamydia pneumonia cause irritation of the veins. Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, and Mycoplasma do as well.
  • The endothelium is the largest organ in the body and is „bug heaven”.
  • Infections are covered with a protective layer of fibrin. 1000 times the amount of antibiotics are needed to address a microbe when biofilms are present. To get to this level, the patient would not survive the treatment as the antibiotics would be toxic.
  • Auto-urine therapy was big in Europe before WWII. The kidneys excrete fragments of DNA from the microbes. Drinking this gets the GALT to wake up; the GALT is where 80% of the immune system exists. 1 glass of mid-morning and afternoon urine may be used. A urine nasal spray may be used using a puff twice a day. This downregulates the immune response.
  • It is the host response that kills the patient, not the bugs. Downregulating the response is thus a key to treatment.
  • With energetic testing, a warm water bottle may be placed around the neck for 3 minutes. You often then find that most supplements that previously tested well are no longer needed. The stenosis was then the reason for everything that no longer tested beneficial.
  • CCSVI causes dying teeth.
  • Staph in the nose creates three potent biotoxins. The neck is the bottleneck of the operation where things get backed up. With energetic testing, one may focus on the neck area as this may be a location where more microbes are present.
  • You have to treat all the factors first, then have CCSVI done to dilate the veins. Otherwise, any results from the procedure may not be long-lasting.
  • One should consider CCSVI when they have ringing in the ears, sinus issues, headaches, visual problems, migraines, or dental issues.
  • Inflammatory changes cause scar tissue which lead to the narrowing found in CCSVI. The body continues to replace the scar tissue with new scar tissue. Stem cell therapy and PRP (platelet rich plasma) may change this in the future. These may turn back the DNA such that the body remodels the tissue so that it no longer creates scar tissue.
  • CCSVI will be a big focus in autism in the next couple of years.
  • Iron buildup around the veins is often a factor in CCSVI. The Klinghardt Cocktail addresses this as artemisinin is a good iron chelator for iron displaced in the central nervous system.
  • Thyroid hormone has to go through the same stenotic place to get the thyroid hormones out to the body. When TSH is elevated, consider that the higher the TSH, the more of a blockage there may be downstream.
  • There is no point in doing the procedure if C4a, TGF-b1, etc. are still elevated; the fire is still burning.
  • Dental interventions that expand space may have a positive impact on veins.
  • Artemisinin helps reduce iron deposits that result from CCSVI but does not generally impact ferritin.
  • Generally, people take Lumbrokinase for a couple of days before the balloon procedure.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Nasal Staph

  • Treatment for nasal staph consists of 4 main things:
    • Remove „gunk” from nasal mucous membranes. May use a neti pot. 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, Alkala, or Tri-Salts and 1 teaspoon of xylitol. Xylitol bloats bacteria and they then die. Molds and staph are drawn to xylitol and are then killed. Use warm water.
    • Reset the immune system and the mucous membranes by using a urine nasal spray. One can get a saline nasal spray bottle at a drugstore and dump out the contents. It can then be filled with one’s own urine and a drop of SSKI (iodine). SSKI disrupts the cell walls and exposes the cell organelles to the immune system. Nasal auto-urine is done for 2-3 months to balance the immune system. Introduces your urine to the „sleeping beauty” (your immune system). Some drink 1/2 glass of urine twice daily to stimulate the immune system in the gastrointestinal tract as well.
    • Pleo-Rec – 1 drop 2 to 4 times per day in each nostril. Has an antimicrobial effect and mobilizes an anti-staph attack. If using both Pleo-Rec and auto-urine nasal spray, these should be done at separate times. BEG spray is another option. Another option is a bottle with 2/3 pure water, and the remaining 1/3 split between Rizols and Phospholipid Exchange. Rifampin 300mg twice per day for six weeks. Homeopathic Mucosa Complex from Heel 10 drops three times per day with Heel Sinusitis nosode. Rechts Regulat in the nose may be helpful.
    • Improve air exchange through the nose with treatments such as NCR (NeuralCranial Restructuring).
  • The majority of humans are infected with chronic sinusitis. 25-30% of „normal” humans have staph in their nasal passages. Low back pain is often present. The veins of the lower body and the upper sinus are connected.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Strep
  • Strep/PANDAS – chronic strep is the single most overlooked issue in 95% of children with autism.
  • Gargling with Rizoles or OXO may help. MMS may help. Can use Gamma as a mouthwash, gargle, or intranasally.
  • Neural therapy may be helpful.
  • Zithromax 500mg once weekly for six months has been used in kids.
  • Valkion
  • Enderlein remedies such as Pleo Not, Pleo San Pseu, Pleo Art A, and others have been used. Pleo San Pseu or Pleo Art A may be used as an injection.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Mold

  • Americans have an unusual building situation. We have wood-framed structures with a plastic bag wrapped around it. This is the perfect environment for breeding mold. In fact, this is essentially what they do in mold labs to create more mold. We create homes like a mold-growing culture setup.
  • When two mold cultures were separated in a research experiment and one was exposed to EMF while the other was not, the one exposed to EMF had 600 times more toxic biotoxins and its growth rate was dozens of times faster.
  • It may be the case that EMF itself may not harm our body’s cells, but it may impact the microbes within us which results in more biotoxins.
  • Molds create biotoxins (mycotoxins) to defend themselves.
  • Most patients have Aspergillus.
  • Myrrh may be helpful in raising MSH when used in a diffuser.
  • People with mold issues often have a negative reaction to DMSA; though this can also be related to sulfa.
  • Actos turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Each cell has similar organs to our body; a liver for detox for example. The more peroxisomes the better. Actos turns on receptors that signal to more peroxisomes which makes the cell detoxify better. Chlorella does this better than Actos.
  • Chlorella does what Cholestyramine does, but better. God put Actos and Cholestyramine together in one substance called chlorella. High dose of chlorella is better than low dose. Low doses tend to mobilize more than they bind. Higher doses bind more than they mobilize. 20 tablets three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.
  • Fish oil in high doses turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Chlorella + Fish oil can be a very powerful combination.
  • Even mold exposure in a short car ride is enough to re-trigger the negative cycle.
  • Dr. Shoemaker is a „genius”.
  • TGF-b1 leads to remodeling of the blood vessels. It can lead to a fibrotic lung.
  • The intelligence of normal bacteria to that of mold is like that of a cabbage to an elephant. Molds are far more critical than bacteria. Parasites are elephants squared.
  • Molds incorporate heavy metals to protect themselves from white blood cells. The white blood cells are killed by mercury, but the molds are not.
  • MSH is a hypothalamic peptide which is involved in cytokine release. Low levels are associated to mold, MARCoNS (staph), EMF, and Lyme.
  • MSH may be increased with inhalation of Myrrh oil using a diffuser (not a nebulizer). It may give back energy. Dramatically raises MSH. Forget ATP, CoQ10, glutathione, etc. Bring up MSH and you see a miracle. Tincture of myrrh is a good antimicrobial as well.
  • ADH is involved in the reabsorption of water. With chronic Lyme or mold, the pituitary is affected and the body may not make enough ADH. When you stand up and lack ADH, the kidneys may physically slip downward. When people get lots of electric shocks when touching things, this may be an indicator that ADH is low. There is an RX ADH nasal spray available. 1 liter of water mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of Matrix Electrolytes, 1 capful of M-Water, and 2 tablespoons of Matrix Minerals can help here. Neural therapy may be used. Reducing EMFs and getting restorative sleep is critical.
  • VIP regulates blood flow and inflammatory response. When shaking hands with someone and putting your other hand behind their neck, if both are cold, this may represent thyroid issues. If the hands are cold and the neck is warm, this may represent a microcirculation issue or a lack of VIP. Post exercise fatigue may be a lack of VIP. When colors look funny or floaters in the eyes are present, this may be another indicator towards low VIP. There is a nasal VIP spray that can be used to address low VIP using 1 spray 4 times per day in each nostril. Before going this route, one must address mold at home and in the work environment. Sinus flush, removal of amalgams, neural therapy, auto-urine therapy, EMF reduction, and sleep restoration are important here. When VIP is low, it is difficult to mediate, pray, or connect with the Divine.
  • MMP-9 will be normal once a patient has gone through treatment. It is zinc dependent. MMP-9 is a mechanism that is used by the bugs to „mush you up so that they can drink you rather than eat you”. If someone is given zinc when MMP-9 is already elevated, the tissue breakdown will be even worse. High MMP-9 rapidly ages patients. Consider interference fields such as scars, teeth, root canals, sinus infections. Reduce EMFs. Nanoized Curcumin with pepper at 350mg twice a day may help. Life Enhancement has a good option here. An important note here is that if MMP-9 is elevated, KPU treatment with zinc may make matters worse. Ensure MMP-9 is normalized before adding zinc.
  • Liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid may be useful for mycotoxins. Making it liposomal will increase absorption before it gets to the gut where the bugs will use it for protection. 2 dropperfuls three times a day. BioPure carries a liposomal ALA.
Dr. Stephen Fry – Biofilms and FL1953
  • Biofilms are a structured community of bacterial cells enclosed in a self-produced polymer matrix and adherent to an inert of living surface.
  • Slime in a stream is biofilm.
  • Biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms where cells adhere to each other and/or to a surface.
  • Dental plaque is a biofilm community.
  • Biofilms impact medical implants, drinking water, teeth, ship hulls, oil recovery, cooling water, foods processing, and paper manufacturing.
  • Biofilms contain calcium, iron, and magnesium.
  • Chronic sinusitis is a biofilm. Dental issues are related to biofilms.
  • Stenotic arteries and coronary artery disease may be related to biofilms.
  • Alzheimer’s and many other diseases may be related to biofilms.
  • Otitis media – 99% of the time is a complex biofilm.
  • In their smear testing, they had initially identified „Bartonella” which was then determined to be „Haemobartonella” or mycoplasma. A better term is Epierythrocytic bacteria.
  • Minocycline and Clindamycin both have anti-parasitic properties.
  • People with ALS have profound biofilm communities in their blood.
  • Fry Labs was the first lab to report a biofilm-producing protozoan (FL1953).
  • All ALS patients have Ralstonia (pseudomonas) and FL1953.
  • The FL1953 protozoan is something new. It is not Babesia, malaria, toxoplasmosis, etc. It is unique.
  • FL1953 has more profound biofilm formation than pseudomonas.
  • In microtiter plates, they cannot get the biofilm off the plates. It is stuck for good.
  • Filaments observed in a flow system with a Doppler could be biofilms.
  • CFS is a prelude to MS and other neurodegenerative disorders.
  • They caught mosquitoes in an area of Arizona with many sick patients. 81% of the mosquitoes harbored FL1953.
  • They looked at several dogs. The older the dog, the more likely they have the organisms.
  • This novel biofilm-forming organism could be the heart of the problem.
  • Dr. Fry uses tetracyclines, Plaquenil, and other agents.
  • He acknowledges that some herbals work better than antibiotics.
  • Arginine, folic acid, and magnesium are considered problematic and he does not use these in his patients.
  • He uses a McDougall low-fat diet with patients as biofilms have a fat component to them and eating fats, even healthy fats, may add to the problem of biofilms. The Swank MS low-fat diet may also be helpful.
  • Dr. Fry’s lab is working on drug sensitivity studies now for FL1953.
  • FL1953 has been renamed and is now known as Protomyxzoa rheumatica.
  • Ivermectin, anti-protozoals, and anthelmintics show best efficacy.
  • Dr. Fry talked about CCSVI treatment as a mechanical approach to addressing biofilms.
  • As you give more fatty acids, you increase the growth rate of the organism by 150 times. Organism likes fat and fat restriction may be a key to recovery. No meat, no cheese, no oils, no avocados, no nuts.
  • FL1953 is a biofilm forming, hematogenous, vector-borne infection. It adheres to the vascular walls / endothelium. It is lipid-loving. It is complex like a worm. It is drug-resistant. It can produce strong Herxheimer reactions.
  • The FL1953 protozoan is the „Foundation Pathogen”. It is profoundly immune-suppressive. Once you treat parasites and fungus, bacteria much more easily go away.
  • Dr. Klinghardt suggested that liposomal artemisinin may be helpful here given that these microbes love fats and that artemisinin is shown to be powerful against protozoan organisms such as malaria.
  • Dr. Fry thinks this may be the cause of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Lyme Disease

  • It is important to remember that one can have Lyme disease and that may not be the cause of the symptoms. There could be 50 other things that are causing the symptoms.
  • Microbes exist in communities. Lyme surrounds itself with Staph, Strep, Mycoplasma, and molds.
  • Symptoms are rarely caused by the Lyme spirochete. Joint pain is often the result of Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, or Clostridia. Gut issues are often related to parasites or Babesia. Borrelia alters the immune system and opens the door for other infections but does not generally create significant symptoms itself.
  • Transposing letters is a common sign of Lyme. „Messy Syndrome” is a symptom of Lyme; can work as a professional but cannot manage a home.
  • The hardest Lyme patients to treat are those on psychiatric medications. Klonopin is among the worst for making treatment more difficult.
  • Cysts or nodules that are at times deemed to be related to Bartonella may actually be due to elevated TGF-b1.
  • Lyme disease causes insulin resistance which can lead to fatigue, skin tags, interstitial cystitis, osteoarthritis, insomnia, and hormonal problems. Elevated total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides may result. Treatment for insulin resistance is 1000mg niacinamide three times a day with 500mg of Berberine twice a day. The best option for Berberine is BioPure Viressence 2 dropperfuls three times a day. Modifying the diet using Diet Therapy Software or ART is important. Insulin resistance is induced by chronic infections. Niacinamide has less of an anti-psychotic effect but the same antimicrobial effect as niacin.
  • High protein diets are acidic and a disaster for people with Lyme disease. Stay away from fats. ART test protein powders and coconut for protein and fat needs.
  • When we were younger, we needed fish oils. Teenagers need meat. The older you get, the less meat you need. As you get older, more vegetarian and raw food diets make sense. For vegetarians, it is good to look at beans based on your blood type.
  • Dr. Klinghardt uses the Klinghardt Lyme Cocktail (KLC) to support the body against infections and toxicity. It is a liposomal blend made at home from a number of different ingredients and personalized to each client. The basic recipe is:
    • Cover the blades of the blender with pure water and add: 200-400mg Artemisinin, 1/4 bottle of Phospholipid Exchange or 2 tbsp of non-GMO soy lecithin or 2 organic raw egg yolks, 4-8 dropperfuls of Quintessence, 4 dropperfuls of Viressence, and 4 opened capsules of Vital Nutrients Aller-C.
    • The mix is blended at high speed for 5 minutes and then poured into an ultrasonic cleaner for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • While the mixture is in the ultrasonic device, blend: 2 apples (pectin is a good binder), 1 scoop of protein powder, 2 scoops of soaked Mila, 1 teaspoon of ACAI, 1/2 teaspoon of Flax oil, 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil, 20 drops of BioSil and 2 ounces of grapefruit juice.
    • After the 15 minutes in the ultrasonic device is complete, pour the mixture back into the blender with the other contents and blend further.
    • Drink 1/2 30 minutes before breakfast and 1/2 30 minute before dinner. 5 days on 2 days off. 3 weeks on 1 week off.
    • This is a powerful compound. 1 gram of vitamin C is equivalent to about 8 grams when it is made liposomal.
    • Can mix in other substances such as Ayurvedic Trikatu or Ayurvedic Mimosa Pudica (Mimosa is for parasites), or one cap of Passion4Life.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – General Topics

  • ILADS is a fantastic group that is gaining followers. Its core teaching is fantastic.
  • Coinfections are microbes acquired from the same bite that introduced Borrelia into our system. Opportunistic infections are the result of a suppressed immune system and are much more important.
  • Heavy metal symptoms are identical to Lyme, to Mold, to PTSD. The common final pathway is the detox pathway. Mold must be processed through the same liver and kidney as mercury. The detox system is severely overwhelmed in our modern world. There are 200,000 chemicals in the environment. Difficulty with the elimination of biotoxins presents in the same way.
  • Heart rate should be 60 beats per minute or lower. We have a set number of heartbeats and then we die. The faster our pulse, the lower our life. Healthspan, if not lifespan, shortens.
  • Night sweats related to hormones is often treated with Vitamin E; whereas night sweats related to Babesia requires antimicrobials.
  • Many RX drugs often have long-term implications. Can find Valium residues 32 years after having taken it.
  • A good drug detox is needed before pursuing Lyme treatment if one is on psychiatric drugs as these may still be blocking receptors.
  • What some perceive to be striae (stretch marks) from Bartonella may actually be the result of elevated MMPs (Matrix metalloproteinase). It can be the result of multiple infections but is an indication of the breakdown of tissue. Microbes activate an enzyme to mush up our tissues and make us a comfortable food.
  • For every medical drug, there is a natural option that is better, faster, and more effective.
  • C3a is elevated in the presence of bacterial membranes such as Lyme. It may not be elevated in chronic Lyme disease, however.
  • C4a is an inflammatory marker for Lyme disease, mold, EMF, and other contributors. It may be more of a fungal/mold marker. If C4a is elevated but C3a is not, it could be mold or Lyme.
  • If inflammatory markers such as C3a, TGF-b1, MMP-9 are high and ADH, MSH, VP are low, this is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) from Dr. Shoemaker’s work.
  • If only C3a is high and C4a is normal or both are high with low CD57 and IGeneX Western Blot +, think Lyme and co-infections. Arthritic patients typically have elevated C4a.
  • In Dr. Klinghardt’s experience, there are rarely patients with elevated C3a. C4a is almost always elevated and C3a may be slightly elevated or not at all.
  • Treatment is from largest organism to smallest. Parasites, molds, bacteria, then viruses.
  • Sleep Cocktail – 80-120mg Lithium Orotate, 100mg 5-HTP, 3000mg L-Tryptophan at bedtime.
  • When IgA is low, consider electrosmog. To increase IgA, consider Lactoferrin and Vitamin A.
  • 4 Basic Steps to treating all chronic illnesses:
    • Balance the basic body chemistry. KPU and Insulin-Resistance induced by microbes.
    • The response of the host makes the disease, not the microbes. Need to modify the host response with immune-modulation. Downregulate upregulated portions of the immune system. The immune system is like a biting dog. Auto-urine therapy may be used. No homeopathic can ever come close to what your own urine can do for you.
    • Detoxification (including biofilms). QUIN, a Borrelia biotoxin, has been found 32 years after the bugs were gone.
    • Kill microbes.
  • Dr. Klinghardt prefers Heparin over Boluoke, but likes both. He has said that almost everyone with Lyme should be on Boluoke daily.
  • Acid vs. Alkaline Water – has tried various alkaline water instruments and does not feel that they do anything. Alkaline water is not where the gold is at.
  • pH – normal pH for urine is 6.2 with .2 up or down fluctuation (6.0 to 6.4). It should go up and down within that range. Saliva pH should be around 6.7 or between 6.5 and 6.9. Often times the difference between the two is too narrow or there is an inversion/reversal. When the saliva pH is higher than the urine pH, acids are not getting out. Longer term, this could be a sign of kidney failure. When one has an inversion, homeopathic 12x Phosphorous or Standard Process Phosfood may be good options.
  • Nutritional approaches, B12, folic acid will not work when the pH is off. One becomes too acidic if there are unprocessed emotional issues. The common denominator when the gap narrows is electrosmog. Electrosmog acidifies and shuts down the kidneys.
  • For water, reverse osmosis ( with the addition of Matrix Electrolytes, Matrix Minerals, and M-Water is a good option.
  • The best alkalinizing agent is Tri-Salts – this will slow down detoxification.
  • When the pH is too alkaline, life is fading. In patients with ALS, when the pH becomes alkaline, this is the end of the process. Being too alkaline is the most serious state of an illness.
  • Reduce EMFs and allergic foods – acidity is a state of stress.
  • Acidity is treatable, but being too alkaline is much more concerning – especially when there is no undulation/variation in the pHs.
  • Magnesium stearate is an ideal food for biofilms.
  • Liposomal artemisinin treats protozoal infections, possibly FL1953. Malaria has never become resistant to artemisinin. At the bottom of these illnesses may be a protozoal infection. Lyme may be just another factor. Protozoa are more advanced than bacteria and viruses and on the same level as the molds.
  • Liposomal medications penetrate biofilms. Makes Lyme much easier to solve.
  • Many patients are on inhaled iodine using Omron nebulizer. 4 drops SSKI (Tri-Quench) in the inhaler.
  • Frequency options such as Rife and PEMF may breakdown biofilms.
  • We are approaching 1 in 35 children being on the autism spectrum.
  • Asperger’s is 20 times more common in boys than in girls. Testosterone has a negative synergistic effect with mercury, EMFs, etc.
  • The first boy is generally the most challenged as he gets 2/3 of the mother’s toxicity.
  • EMF levels at the sleeping location of the mother directly correlate to the incidence of autism in the child.
  • Antioxidants are contraindicated during the killing mode as they protect the microbes. It may take 10 times longer to address microbial factors when antioxidants are being used. When doing energetic testing, antioxidants often do not test once you have antimicrobials on board in the testing system.
  • Borrelia mitosis is every 28 days and it takes 18 cycles to treat effectively – 1.5 years.
  • For longevity, Viressence and curcumin may support lengthening of telomeres.
  • Radiation – sea salt baths in hot water. Chlorella and cilantro. Chaparral. DMPS. SSKI (TriQuench) – 7 drops a day for 7-10 days for acute exposure, then less than 1 drop per day for maintenance.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Heavy Metals

  • If you remove amalgam fillings and the patient gets worse, they may have Lyme. If you remove amalgam fillings and the patient gets better, they had heavy metals.
  • Heavy metals like mercury, while creating a terrain that makes us hospitable to infections, also have been used as a treatment for Lyme disease. Thus, while the metals generally still need to come out, if one is not on good treatment for the Lyme disease, the patient may initially feel worse. Mercury slows down spirochetes, and thus, chelating removes one of the treatments.
  • Heavy metal detoxification can also result in immune activation and may impact related markers such as TGF-b1.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Tonsils

  • If the patient is 22 years old or younger, miracles occur from having the tonsils removed.
  • Strep is often living in the tonsils. It may lead to attacks against the joints and myelin even if the tonsils are not pussy.
  • Cryotherapy in Germany may be useful.
  • When kids have the dance of St Vitus, think tonsils.
  • Compulsive behavior can be related to tonsils.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – EMF
  • X-rays may result in leukemia.
  • The only known ALS survivors are those that 100% mitigate microwave and cell phone radiation.
  • To ensure optimal sleep: 1) Turn off all fuses at night, 2) Use a EMF-reducing sleep sanctuary/canopy, 3) consider earthing.
  • During the day, no wireless internet or cordless phones.
  • Bluetooth headsets increase exposure from cellular phones.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Hormones

  • People with untreated infections don’t generally do well with hormone therapy.
  • The body is adaptive. Microbes are using the hormones. The body downregulates the hormone production in order to protect itself against the microbes.
  • The addition of supplemental hormones may strengthen the microbes.
  • Hormone therapy feels good at first, but long term, the bugs benefit more.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – XMRV and Viruses

  • GcMAF is not likely to be the big winner. It is probably a small part.
  • GcMAF may be a very expensive intervention with very little ground gained.
  • Viruses create nagalase which is destructive to our system.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – KPU / HPU

  • White spots in the nails are related to zinc and magnesium deficiency.
  • When someone intends to supplement zinc, they should always ensure that MMP-9 is not already elevated and correct this prior to zinc supplementation. If MMP-9 is already elevated, zinc supplementation may elevate it even further as MMP-9 production is zinc dependent.
  • KPU is likely induced by microbes.
  • Zinc is a core mineral that drives WBC function. WBCs need zinc in order to make enzymes to kill microbes.
  • All the soldiers in the immune system need zinc to have bullets to fight the battle. The microbes impact an enzyme which then forces us to pee out our zinc. Once this occurs, the army has no bullets.
  • White blood cells that have spirochetes attached to them cannot make antibodies which may be one reason for false negative Western Blot results.
  • Pale skin is related to KPU and heme deficiency.
  • When you have KPU, you cannot mount an effective immune response.
  • Germans with parents from WWII all have KPU. It is passed down epigenetically through the methylation pathways.
  • Clostridia in the gut can be involved in KPU; treat infections to address KPU.
  • Have been able to resolve KPU with trauma work in Family Constellations.
  • The body downregulates zinc as an adaptive response to stop MMP-9 elevation which melts tissues and leads to excessive inflammation.
  • Up to 8-10 capsules of BioPure The Core may be used for 2-3 months. This displaces lead, cadmium, mercury, and other metals which will result in the need for detoxification support. High doses of chlorella may be helpful.

Scot Appert – Healthy Homes

  • 900 MHz phones may be better than the 2.4 GHz, 5.6 GHz, etc. phones
  • Measure body voltage while flipping circuit breakers until the body voltage goes down. Then turn those breakers off every night.
  • Open the windows regularly; inside air is often more toxic than outside air
  • Dr. Klinghardt commented that none of the protectors you wear around your neck have been proven to protect us from EMF stress.

For more information on many of the products discussed in this blog entry, visit BioPure at For more information on upcoming events and other materials provided by Dr. Klinghardt, visit the Klinghardt Academy at

The entire seminar from which this content was derived is available as a DVD set by contacting I highly recommend it!

Disclaimer: While I attempted to accurately represent the statements of the various speakers, it is possible that the above contains errors or inaccuracies. If you have any corrections to the content listed above, please Contact Me.

– See more at:

Scientific studies DATABASE PAGE 3

CLICK AICI pt. limba ROmana

Algae / Seaweed : Spirulina, Chlorella, Kombu(Fucoidan), etc.


  • Chlorella :

Chlorella used as an adjunct supplement during radiation treatment for cancer.

Also see (less scientific -lacks concrete studies)

  • Spirulina:

Spirulina shown to prevent and treat cancers while boosting immune

Hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory activities of Spirulina…/1485679_Hypolipidemic_antioxidant_and_ antiinflammatory_activities_of_microalgae_Spirulina.html…/916659_The_Effect_of_Ultrasonificated_ Extracts_of_Spirulina_maxima_on_the.html…/843942_Enhancement_of_antitumor_natural_ killer_cell_activation_by_orally_administered.html
See also:

Chlorella and Spirulina Cancer Treatment…/spirulina-the-amazing-super-food-youve-never-h…

Spirulina is Powerful Cancer Fighting Food – AlignLife…/spirulina-is-powerful-cancer-fighting-food/

Spirulina vs. Cancer

  • Other Algae: Kombu, Kelp, other Brown Algae, etc.

See studies cited in FOOTER of articles below › Food and Drink › Fruits and Vegetables › Seaweed

         FUCOIDAN – molecule in Brown Algae/Seaweed:


Fucoidan is cited in over 800 studies found in PubMed database and these studies have proven many of fucoidan benefits.PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s.

Science Direct

The world’s leading platform offers over 2,000 high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals and books on science, technology and medicine. ScienceDirect® is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world.

Oxford Journal 

Fucoidan is cited in over 80 studies found in Oxford Journals database and these studies have proven many of fucoidan benefits.

NPO Fucoidan Research Lab, Japan

fucoidan cancer – PubMed Result  

Fucoidan | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Fucoidan – anti-cancer ingredient in seaweed – CANCERactive

Fucoidan studies

Aug 1, 2013  Fucoidan induces apoptosis through activation of caspase-8 on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Aug 1, 2013  Fucoidan studies.  Regenerate and recharge with Fucoidan · Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure · Interview with 

Fucoidan present in brown algae induces apoptosis of human colon…/1717022_Fucoidan_present_in_brown_algae_ induces_apoptosis_of_human_colon.html

Fucoidan present in brown algae induces apoptosis of human colon cancer cells. Publication: BMC gastroenterology. Publication Date: 2010. Study Author(s): 

Fucoidan induces apoptosis through activation of caspase 8 on…/1720433_Fucoidan_induces_apoptosis_through_ activation_of_caspase_8_on_human.html

In the present report, we investigated the effect of Fucoidan on the induction of apoptosis in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Our data demonstrated that 

The mechanism of fucoidan induced apoptosis in leukemic cells…/1351426_The_mechanism_of_fucoidan_induced _apoptosis_in_leukemic_cells_involvement.html

The mechanism of fucoidan induced apoptosis in leukemic cells:  of Medicine and Medical Research Center for Cancer Molecular Therapy, Dong-A University,  

Radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells…/2448859_Radioprotective_effects_of_fucoidan_ on_bone_marrow_cells_improvement_of.html

Radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells: improvement of the cell  Anti-Cancer Fucoidans Extracted from Brown Marine Algae; May be Used in 

And many others. Search google or go to  and type “fucoidan cancer”.

  1. U-Fucoidan causes cancer cells to self-destruct. – NaturoDoc

Aloe Family( i.e. :Aloe Vera, Aloe Arborescens)

Oral administration of Aloe vera and honey reduces walker tumour…/1969141_Oral_administration_of_Aloe_vera_ and_honey_reduces_walker_tumour.html

Research in cancer control has shown the importance of co-adjuvant therapies. aloe vera may reduce tumour mass and metastasis rates, while honey may

Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera and its fractions on response…/2266539_Immunomodulatory_effects_of_Aloe_ vera_and_its_fractions_on_response.html

Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera and its fractions on response of  types of diseases. aloe vera has been shown to modulate the immune response.„Stimulating immune response to antigens (foreign elements in the body) is where Aloe Vera has shown the most promise in treating cancer. While no one yet proposes Aloe Vera as a cure for cancer, it is clear from research conducted throughout the world over the past thirty years as Aloe Vera and in particular, certain specific substances from plants – have very dramatic and impressive anti-cancer effects. Aloe Vera has been shown to enhance the immune response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in fighting cancer. „

„To maintain a healthy body, cells must” communicate „with each other. Their language is one of touch, written in carbohydrates (or simple sugars) on the cell surface. Like thousands of „keys” different projects on the cell surface, they either unlock the required functions of the adjacent cell or not. If the correct key is available, the body functions at smoothly. If not, it does NOT. „

Remember, over 90% of cancer ar due to cellular (inter)communication failure(read cancer causes)

“Aloe contains mannose, galactose and arabinose. The leaves are particularly rich in polysaccharides that provide healing and anti-infection properties when used both externally and internally. Aloe acts as an antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-allergy and antiinflammatory. It also protects the liver from chemical injury.”

In my book I described  a more pontent treatment based on a more powerful ALOE (ARBORESCENS), designed to :
1. supercharge the immune system quickly 2. it kills cancer cells safely 3.flood your body with super-nutrients (energy for healthy cells and glyconutrients ) .
4. detoxify
5. prevent cancer / help proper intercellular communication (over  90% of cancers are due to a failure of cellular communication). 


sources: in medicinal mushrooms:ABM, Reishi(Ganoderma) , Maitake,Shiitake, etc.
2009 Experimental and molecular pathology
Beta-glucan enhanced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells SNU-C4.
2009 Nutrition research and practiceYeast-derived Beta-glucan in combination with anti-tumor monoclonal antibody therapy in cancer.
2009 Recent patents on anti-cancer drug discovery

Yeast whole glucan particle (WGP) Beta-glucan in conjunction with antitumour monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer.
2005 Expert opinion on biological therapy

Therapeutic intervention with complement and Beta-glucan in cancer.
1999 Immunopharmacology

Orally administered particulate Beta-glucan modulates tumor-capturing dendritic cells and improves antitumor T-cell responses in cancer.
2010 Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association forcancer Research

Effect of yeast-derived Beta-glucan in conjunction with bevacizumab for the treatment of human lung adenocarcinoma in subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft models.
2009 Journal of immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997)

Growth-inhibitory effects of a Beta-glucan from the mycelium of Poria cocos on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells: cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis induction.
2006 Oncology reports

Potentiating effect of beta-glucans on photodynamic therapy of implanted cancercells in mice.
2010 The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine

See this article on medicinal mushrooms.

Bee products( bee honey, bee pollen, bee propolis, bee  venom, royal jelly)…/2129973_Bee_products_prevent_VEGF_induced _angiogenesis_in_human_umbilical_vein.html
Bee products prevent VEGF induced angiogenesis in human umbilical vein  is a key regulator of pathogenic angiogenesis in diseases such as cancer and 

Sonoran propolis: chemical composition and antiproliferative activity…/4062551_Sonoran_propolis_chemical_ composition_and_antiproliferative_activity_on_cancer_cell.html…/346181_Bee_venom_inhibits_tumor_ angiogenesis_and_metastasis_by_inhibiting_tyrosine.html
Bee venom inhibits tumor angiogenesis and metastasis by inhibiting tyrosine phosphorylation of VEGFR 2 in LLC tumor bearing mice. Publication: Cancer…/2528278_Effect_of_royal_jelly_on_bisphenol_A _induced_proliferation_of.html
Studies show that royal jelly fights cancer, improves blood health, and more 

A steroid fraction of chloroform extract from bee pollen of Brassica…/3499272_A_steroid_fraction_of_chloroform_ extract_from_bee_pollen_of.html
A steroid fraction of chloroform extract from bee pollen of Brassica campestris induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer PC 3 cells.…/2632768_Antineoplastic_Effects_of_Bee_Honey _and_Nigella_sativa_on_Hepatocellular.html
Antineoplastic Effects of Bee Honey and Nigella sativa on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells.…/2055363_Ethanolic_Extract_of_Propolis_ Augments_TRAIL_Induced_Apoptotic_Death_in.html…/3573150_Effects_of_ethanol_and_water_extracts _of_propolis_bee_glue.html…/235810_Ethanolic_extract_of_Brazilian_green_ propolis_sensitizes_prostate_cancer_cells.html
Bee Propolis Stops Tumors from Neurofibromatosis and Cancer · Studies show that bee propolis prevents cancerboosts immunity, and more · Bee Propolis:…/2693928_The_effect_of_bee_propolis_on_ recurrent_aphthous_stomatitis_a.html

POWERFUL ANTI-TUMORAL treatments using honey and other BEE PRODUCTS described in my book !


Scientific studies DATABASE PAGE 3

CLICK AICI pt. limba ROmana(daca nu e deja tradusa)


  • Algae(Seaweed : Spirulina, Chlorella, Kombu(Fucoidan), etc.):
  • Aloe Family( i.e. :Vera ,Arborescens)
  • BetaGlucans(i.e.: Medicinal Mushrooms)
  • Bee products( honey,polen, propolis, venom, royal jelly)

Algae / Seaweed : Spirulina, Chlorella, Kombu(Fucoidan), etc.


  • Chlorella :

Chlorella used as an adjunct supplement during radiation treatment for cancer.

Also see (less scientific -lacks concrete studies)

  • Spirulina:

Spirulina shown to prevent and treat cancers while boosting immune

Hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory activities of Spirulina…/1485679_Hypolipidemic_antioxidant_and_ antiinflammatory_activities_of_microalgae_Spirulina.html…/916659_The_Effect_of_Ultrasonificated_ Extracts_of_Spirulina_maxima_on_the.html…/843942_Enhancement_of_antitumor_natural_ killer_cell_activation_by_orally_administered.html
See also:

Chlorella and Spirulina Cancer Treatment…/spirulina-the-amazing-super-food-youve-never-h…

Spirulina is Powerful Cancer Fighting Food – AlignLife…/spirulina-is-powerful-cancer-fighting-food/

Spirulina vs. Cancer

  • Other Algae: Kombu, Kelp, other Brown Algae, etc.

See studies cited in FOOTER of articles below › Food and Drink › Fruits and Vegetables › Seaweed

         FUCOIDAN – molecule in Brown Algae/Seaweed:


Fucoidan is cited in over 800 studies found in PubMed database and these studies have proven many of fucoidan benefits.PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s.

Science Direct

The world’s leading platform offers over 2,000 high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals and books on science, technology and medicine. ScienceDirect® is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world.

Oxford Journal 

Fucoidan is cited in over 80 studies found in Oxford Journals database and these studies have proven many of fucoidan benefits.

NPO Fucoidan Research Lab, Japan

fucoidan cancer – PubMed Result  

Fucoidan | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Fucoidan – anti-cancer ingredient in seaweed – CANCERactive

Fucoidan studies

Aug 1, 2013  Fucoidan induces apoptosis through activation of caspase-8 on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Aug 1, 2013  Fucoidan studies.  Regenerate and recharge with Fucoidan · Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure · Interview with 

Fucoidan present in brown algae induces apoptosis of human colon…/1717022_Fucoidan_present_in_brown_algae_ induces_apoptosis_of_human_colon.html

Fucoidan present in brown algae induces apoptosis of human colon cancer cells. Publication: BMC gastroenterology. Publication Date: 2010. Study Author(s): 

Fucoidan induces apoptosis through activation of caspase 8 on…/1720433_Fucoidan_induces_apoptosis_through_ activation_of_caspase_8_on_human.html

In the present report, we investigated the effect of Fucoidan on the induction of apoptosis in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Our data demonstrated that 

The mechanism of fucoidan induced apoptosis in leukemic cells…/1351426_The_mechanism_of_fucoidan_induced _apoptosis_in_leukemic_cells_involvement.html

The mechanism of fucoidan induced apoptosis in leukemic cells:  of Medicine and Medical Research Center for Cancer Molecular Therapy, Dong-A University,  

Radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells…/2448859_Radioprotective_effects_of_fucoidan_ on_bone_marrow_cells_improvement_of.html

Radioprotective effects of fucoidan on bone marrow cells: improvement of the cell  Anti-Cancer Fucoidans Extracted from Brown Marine Algae; May be Used in 

And many others. Search google or go to  and type “fucoidan cancer”.

  1. U-Fucoidan causes cancer cells to self-destruct. – NaturoDoc

Aloe Family( i.e. :Aloe Vera, Aloe Arborescens)

Oral administration of Aloe vera and honey reduces walker tumour…/1969141_Oral_administration_of_Aloe_vera_ and_honey_reduces_walker_tumour.html

Research in cancer control has shown the importance of co-adjuvant therapies. aloe vera may reduce tumour mass and metastasis rates, while honey may

Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera and its fractions on response…/2266539_Immunomodulatory_effects_of_Aloe_ vera_and_its_fractions_on_response.html

Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera and its fractions on response of  types of diseases. aloe vera has been shown to modulate the immune response.„Stimulating immune response to antigens (foreign elements in the body) is where Aloe Vera has shown the most promise in treating cancer. While no one yet proposes Aloe Vera as a cure for cancer, it is clear from research conducted throughout the world over the past thirty years as Aloe Vera and in particular, certain specific substances from plants – have very dramatic and impressive anti-cancer effects. Aloe Vera has been shown to enhance the immune response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in fighting cancer. „

„To maintain a healthy body, cells must” communicate „with each other. Their language is one of touch, written in carbohydrates (or simple sugars) on the cell surface. Like thousands of „keys” different projects on the cell surface, they either unlock the required functions of the adjacent cell or not. If the correct key is available, the body functions at smoothly. If not, it does NOT. „

Remember, over 90% of cancer ar due to cellular (inter)communication failure(read cancer causes)

“Aloe contains mannose, galactose and arabinose. The leaves are particularly rich in polysaccharides that provide healing and anti-infection properties when used both externally and internally. Aloe acts as an antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-allergy and antiinflammatory. It also protects the liver from chemical injury.”

In my book I described  a more pontent treatment based on a more powerful ALOE (ARBORESCENS), designed to :
1. supercharge the immune system quickly 2. it kills cancer cells safely 3.flood your body with super-nutrients (energy for healthy cells and glyconutrients ) .
4. detoxify
5. prevent cancer / help proper intercellular communication (over  90% of cancers are due to a failure of cellular communication). 


sources: in medicinal mushrooms:ABM, Reishi(Ganoderma) , Maitake,Shiitake, etc.
2009 Experimental and molecular pathology
Beta-glucan enhanced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells SNU-C4.
2009 Nutrition research and practiceYeast-derived Beta-glucan in combination with anti-tumor monoclonal antibody therapy in cancer.
2009 Recent patents on anti-cancer drug discoveryYeast whole glucan particle (WGP) Beta-glucan in conjunction with antitumour monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer.
2005 Expert opinion on biological therapyTherapeutic intervention with complement and Beta-glucan in cancer.
1999 Immunopharmacology

Orally administered particulate Beta-glucan modulates tumor-capturing dendritic cells and improves antitumor T-cell responses in cancer.
2010 Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association forcancer Research

Effect of yeast-derived Beta-glucan in conjunction with bevacizumab for the treatment of human lung adenocarcinoma in subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft models.
2009 Journal of immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997)

Growth-inhibitory effects of a Beta-glucan from the mycelium of Poria cocos on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells: cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis induction.
2006 Oncology reports

Potentiating effect of beta-glucans on photodynamic therapy of implanted cancercells in mice.
2010 The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine

See this article on medicinal mushrooms.

Bee products( bee honey, bee pollen, bee propolis, bee  venom, royal jelly)…/2129973_Bee_products_prevent_VEGF_induced _angiogenesis_in_human_umbilical_vein.html
Bee products prevent VEGF induced angiogenesis in human umbilical vein  is a key regulator of pathogenic angiogenesis in diseases such as cancer and 

Sonoran propolis: chemical composition and antiproliferative activity…/4062551_Sonoran_propolis_chemical_ composition_and_antiproliferative_activity_on_cancer_cell.html…/346181_Bee_venom_inhibits_tumor_ angiogenesis_and_metastasis_by_inhibiting_tyrosine.html
Bee venom inhibits tumor angiogenesis and metastasis by inhibiting tyrosine phosphorylation of VEGFR 2 in LLC tumor bearing mice. Publication: Cancer…/2528278_Effect_of_royal_jelly_on_bisphenol_A _induced_proliferation_of.html
Studies show that royal jelly fights cancer, improves blood health, and more 

A steroid fraction of chloroform extract from bee pollen of Brassica…/3499272_A_steroid_fraction_of_chloroform_ extract_from_bee_pollen_of.html
A steroid fraction of chloroform extract from bee pollen of Brassica campestris induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer PC 3 cells.…/2632768_Antineoplastic_Effects_of_Bee_Honey _and_Nigella_sativa_on_Hepatocellular.html
Antineoplastic Effects of Bee Honey and Nigella sativa on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells.…/2055363_Ethanolic_Extract_of_Propolis_ Augments_TRAIL_Induced_Apoptotic_Death_in.html…/3573150_Effects_of_ethanol_and_water_extracts _of_propolis_bee_glue.html…/235810_Ethanolic_extract_of_Brazilian_green_ propolis_sensitizes_prostate_cancer_cells.html
Bee Propolis Stops Tumors from Neurofibromatosis and Cancer · Studies show that bee propolis prevents cancerboosts immunity, and more · Bee Propolis:…/2693928_The_effect_of_bee_propolis_on_ recurrent_aphthous_stomatitis_a.html

POWERFUL ANTI-TUMORAL treatments using honey and other BEE PRODUCTS described in my book !


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Alge marine – generalitati

Algele sunt cea mai bogata sursa naturala de minerale, minerale si elemente rare de pe pamant.

Toate mineralele găsite în apa de mare sunt, de asemenea, găsite în alge marine.

Aici este lista cu toate mineralele, urme de minerale si element rare, găsite în apa de mare:

77 Elemente în apă de mare

Numele elementului Simbolul chimic Numele elementului Simbolul chimic
Aluminiu AL Molibden MO
Antimoniu SB Neodim ND
Arsenic AS Nichel NI
Bariu BA Niobiu NB
Beriliu BE Osmiu OS
Bismut BI Paladiu PD
Bor B Fosfor P
Brom BR Platină PT
Cadmiu CD Potasiu K
Calciu CA Praseodim PR
Carbon C Reniu RE
Ceriu CE Rodiu RH
Cesiu CS Rubidiu RB
Clorură CL Ruteniu RU
Crom CR Samariu SM
Cobalt CO Scandiu SC
Cupru CU Seleniu SE
Disprosiul DY Siliciu SI
Erbium ER Argint AG
Europiu UE Sodiu NA
Fluorul F Stronțiu SR
Gadoliniu GD Sulf (sulfat) S
Galiu GA Tantal TA
Germaniu GE Telur TE
Aur AU Terbium TB
Hafniu HF Taliu TL
Holmium HO Toriu TH
Indiu IN Thulium TM
Iod Eu Staniu SN
Iridiu IR Titan TI
Fier FE Tungsten W
Lantan LA Vanadiu V
Plumb PB Yterbiu YB
Litium LI Ytriu Y
Lutetium LU Zinc ZN
Magneziu MG Zirconiu ZR
Mangan MN
Mercur HG
Ref. Manualul de Chimie și Fizică, 65 Ed. 1984-1985, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., P.. F-149

Minerale, care sunt încărcate negativ au două avantaje foarte importante.

  • Cresc foarte mult transportul și biodisponibilitatea altor elemente nutritive ajunse de la alimente si / sau vitamine si alte suplimente.

  • Atrag toxinele si metalele grele din organism și le emlimina.Testele clinice efectuate în Statele Unite. și în Germania au verificat acest lucru.

Mineralele în forma lor metalica poate fi toxice pentru organismul uman. Niveluri periculoase ale acestor minerale metalice se pot acumula în țesuturile și de a crea probleme grave de sanatate.

Algele au un profil nutritional bogat, continand toti aminoacizii esentiali,multe vitamine, minerale si elemente rare (sunt bogate sursa de iod, calciu, fier, siliciu, cupru, zinc si seleniu si in multe altele).

Algele au un continut de clorofila ridicat care creste oxigenarea celulara(combate cauza primara a cancerului), stimuleaza sistemul imunitar, ajuta la optima regenerare a tesuturilor (dupa operatii si nu numai), detoxifica si asigura protectie in chimo si radioterapie.

Cititi acum mai multe despre Chlorella, Spirulina(click aici) si AFA(click aici)

Alga AFA si Celulele STEM

Alga AFA

Numele sau este o prescurtare de la denumirea stiintifica – Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae, care in traducere inseamna „floarea ascunsa sub ape”.
La fel ca Chlorella si Spirulina si aceasta alga are proprietati terapeutice deosebite.

Alga AFA este o micro-alga, o planta acvatica de nici un milimetru lungime, incadrata de cercetatori undeva la granita dintre bacterii si regnul vegetal. Face parte din categoria algelor albastre-verzi, deoarece contine o substanta care absoarbe aproape tot spectrul de radiatii luminoase, reflectand doar lumina albastra, de unde si culoarea pe care o percepem.

Creste spontan in cateva lacuri din lume, dar numai varietatea existenta intr-un lac din America de Nord are proprietati terapeutice exceptionale, fiind in acelasi timp si complet lipsita de toxicitate. Este vorba de lacul Klamath, din Oregon, Statele Unite, un lac vulcanic( si zeolitii tot din zone vulcanice provin), bogat in minerale care ii favorizeaza cresterea. De altfel, AFA nu a putut fi transplantata, nici chiar dupa decenii de cercetari, in alta parte.


O descoperire recenta

Daca alge precum Chlorella si Spirulina sunt recunoscute ca remedii de multa vreme, alga AFA este o descoperire recenta. Mai exact, proprietatile sale terapeutice au fost evidentiate la sfarsitul anilor ’80, descoperirea lor datorandu-se in mare masura savantului canadian Christian Drapeau, atras de profilul sau nutritional bogat.

AFA contine nu mai putin de 13 vitamine, din totalul de 20 de vitamine cunoscute pana in prezent, dar si 11 minerale cu rol esential in organismul uman. Datorita „materialelor de constructie” folosite in alcatuirea celulei acestei alge, toate principiile active din AFA pot fi asimilate foarte usor de catre organismul uman, fiind perfect digerabila si asimilabila. In cadrul zecilor de studii realizate pe pacienti si in laborator, Drapeau a descoperit o proprietate si mai importanta a acestei alge. El a observat ca pigmentii albastri si verzi stimuleaza foarte puternic celulele stem din organismul uman. – o descoperire care va revolutiona medicina, fie ea naturista sau alopata.


Un stimulator natural al Celulelor STEM

Celulele stem au abilitatea de a se auto-multiplica practic la nesfarsit, putandu-se diferentia si putand crea orice tesut sau organ din corpul uman. Viata nu ar fi posibila fara aceste celule, care construiesc diferitele organe ale fetusului inainte de nastere, in aceasta etapa a vietii fiind numite: „celule stem embrionare”. Dupa nastere, acestea sunt inlocuite de o alta echipa de constructori, ceva mai lenta, dar la fel de iscusita, si anume, „celulele stem adulte”, care sunt produse in maduva spinarii si intervin oriunde este nevoie de ele. Multa vreme, abilitatea de a reconstrui a celulelor stem adulte a fost total necunoscuta stiintei, crezandu-se, in mod eronat, de exemplu, ca sistemul nervos nu se mai poate regenera niciodata si ca moare bucata cu bucata, odata cu trecerea timpului. Or, datorita descoperirii celulelor stem, s-a demonstrat ca sistemul nervos se poate regenera, ceea ce a deschis perspective nebanuite in vindecarea unor boli cum ar fi scleroza multipla, paraliziile sau maladia Parkinson.
Marea provocare pentru medicina este sa inmulteasca aceasta echipa de celule specializate in reconstructia organismului si sa o determine sa migreze acolo unde este nevoie de ea.
Alga AFA exact asta face:
pigmentii din compozitia sa stimuleaza productia de celule stem din maduva spinarii, in timp ce o alta categorie de substante continute de alga AFA (o grupare de  polizaharide) stimuleaza migrarea celulelor stem acolo unde este nevoie de ele.


Alga AFA si imunitatea

Numai varietatea de AFA din lacul Klamath (SUA) are proprietati terapeutice exceptionale.

Un studiu facut la „Royal Victoria Hospital” din Montreal, Canada, a demonstrat ca, la doar cateva ore de la administrarea acestei alge, multe tipuri de celule din armata sistemului imunitar sunt activate. O cura indelungata cu AFA determina organismul sa produca mai multe celule cu rol in imunitate. Aceasta alga creste numarul de celule Natural Killer- cunoscute pentru forta lor de lupta anticancer dar si a altor boli, bacterii sau virusi, avand un rol decisiv in prevenirea infectiilor. Alta categorie de celule produse in mari cantitati datorita administrarii acestui remediu sunt asa numitele limfocite care, odata ce o infectie s-a instalat in organism, secreta niste substante chimice care distrug orice microb nedorit(inclusiv microbul cancerului).
Atat pentru prevenirea, cat si pentru tratarea infectiilor, alga AFA este un remediu redutabil. Administrarea ei este recomandata persoanelor cu probleme mari de imunitate, cum este si cazul cancerului.
Alga AFA si cancerul

Rezultate pozitive s-au inregistrat si in prevenirea si in tratarea bolii canceroase, prin administrarea algei AFA. Trebuie stiut ca si persoanele sanatoase au, in fiecare moment al vietii, intre 200 si 1000 de celule canceroase in organism, dar acestea sunt in permanenta tinute sub control de catre sistemul imunitar. Mai ales in asociere cu stimulatori ai imunitatii, cum ar fi Reishi sau alte ciuperci imuno sau siliciul organic, alga AFA ajuta organismul sa omoare tumorile maligne si sa le elimine din corp.

In plus, algele albastre-verzi ajuta daca urmati chimioterapie sau cu radioterapie folosite, completant acestea prin rolul lor detoxifiant si imunostimularor si mai ales  previn si combat efectele secundare.


Alga AFA si leucemia(tot o forma de cancer!)

Ficocianina, principiul activ care da algelor culoarea albastruie specifica, este si una dintre cele mai puternice arme naturale contra leucemiei. Ea previne aparitia mutatiilor la nivelul celulelor din maduva spinarii, stimuleaza productia de hematii si de leucocite, fiind un pretios adjuvant contra leucemiei acute sau cronice.

Se administreaza combinatia AFA, spirulina si chlorella sub forma unor cure de 90 de zile, timp in care se iau cate 3 g pe zi din acest amestec.


Alga AFA si radiatiile(inclusiv radioterapia)

Fie ca vorbim de iradierea voluntara, ca in cazul radiografiilor sau al cobaltoterapiei folosite in cancer, sau de iradierea accidentala, ca in cazul expunerii exagerate la soare sau in cazul accidentelor nucleare, administrarea algei AFA este de un imens ajutor. Ea previne aparitia si amelioreaza dermatitele produse de radiatii, dar actioneaza si in profunzime, prevenind aparitia mutatiilor celulare si a proceselor de malignizare. In acest context, merita subliniat faptul ca alga AFA este un exceptional ajutor pentru persoanele bolnave de cancer, care urmeaza sedinte de cobaltoterapie, ajutand la refacerea rapida a tesuturilor sanatoase afectate de radiatii, dar potentand si efectul necrozant asupra tumorilor maligne.

Cura cu aceasta alga va fi de lunga durata (3 luni minimum), fiind inceputa inaintea cobaltoterapiei si incheindu-se la minimum 30 de zile dupa ce a fost facuta ultima sedinta de iradiere.


Alga AFA, ranile si interventiile chirurgicale

Un singur gram din aceasta alga contine 50% din cantitatea de vitamina K necesara organismului uman pentru o zi. Iar vitamina K este cea responsabila de procesele de coagulare si cicatrizare in corpul nostru, fiind esentiala in procesul de vindecare a ranilor. Insa, dincolo de continutul de vitamina K, alga AFA este probabil cel mai puternic remediu pentru regenerare, in caz de operatii chirurgicale, raniri sau arsuri. Armata de celule stem pe care acest remediu o activeaza are darul de a reconstrui rapid si estetic tesuturile distruse, grabind vindecarea, prevenind cicatrizarea inestetica, dar si alte complicatii, cum ar fi infectiile, cicatricele cheloide etc.


Mod de administrare

Doza de la care alga AFA, in stare pura, ajunge sa isi faca efectul a fost determinata la 1-1,5 g administrate zilnic, pentru un adult. Recent, s-a descoperit ca, in combinatiile potrivite, chiar si o cantitate de 400-500 mg din acest remediu are efectele vindecatoare asteptate.

De regulasub forma de capsule ce contin 300-400 mg de alga AFA deshidratata, sub forma de pulbere. Se ia cate o capsula, de trei-patru ori pe zi, in cure de 60-90 de zile, urmate de alte 20 de zile de pauza, dupa care cura se poate relua.

Atentie la calitatea capsulelor, sa nu contina adaugiri chimice precum stereati, etc!


O combinatie considerata „de aur” in domeniul stimularii naturale a celulelor stem este compusa din trei alge albastre-verzi, amestecate in proportii egale: alga AFA, spirulina si chlorella – se ia zilnic 1-3 g din aceasta combinatie, efectele fiind de multe ori mai puternice decat ale algei AFA in stare pura. In plus, complexul de alge are un pret considerabil mai mic, in conditiile in care actiunea terapeutica este comparabila sau, in unele cazuri, chiar mai puternica(chlorella si spirulina completand nutritional cat si ca efect(detoxifica, protectie in chimio/radioterapie, etc.)


Asocierea algei AFA cu extracte de plante medicinale

 Studii recente facute in Ungaria arata ca aceasta alga, chiar si in cantitati mici, 250-500 mg pe zi, este extrem de eficienta in bolile cronice, cu conditia sa fie potentata ca efect de alte plante medicinale, in special de cele care contin polizaharide (ginsengul indian, ginsengul siberian, ciuperca reishi-ganoderma) si flavonoide(click aici) (trei-frati-patati, ginkgo biloba, fructe de paducel).
Cura cu alga AFA, administrata in aceste combinatii, dureaza 60 de zile, urmeaza 15-20 zile pauza, dupa care se reia.
Intr-un studiu de caz ,dupa o cura de 4 saptamani cu aceasta alga, pe care a luat-o pentru a-si intari imunitatea, asa cum scria in prospect, s-a trezit intr-o noapte cu o durere arzatoare pe locul unei vechi lovituri la picior. Traumatismul era vechi de sase ani, iar tesutul muscular si pielea nu se refacusera complet, lasandu-i ca o scobitura adanca in picior, medicii spunandu-i ca va fi „semn pe viata”. Dar in acea noapte si in urmatoarele zile, cicatricea respectiva s-a inrosit, s-a inflamat, pentru ca apoi tesuturile distruse cu ani in urma sa se regenereze complet, iar scobitura din picior sa dispara fara urma. Ei bine, acest miracol terapeutic, desprins parca dintr-un film S.F., nu este un fenomen singular. S-a dovedit intre timp ca alga AFA are proprietati de stimulare a regenerarii organismului pur si simplu incredibile.


Alte roluri benefice

Alga AFA si creierul

Cei 22 aminoacizi esentiali existenti in AFA sunt extrem de importanti in mentinerea integritatii morfologice si functionale a creierului. Mai mult, datorita actiunii sale puternic antioxidante, aceasta alga previne aparitia proceselor degenerative la nivelul creierului si al sistemului nervos, fiind eficienta, de exemplu, pentru profilaxia maladiei Alzheimer si a maladiei Parkinson. Mai ales pentru persoanele de varsta a treia, cura de 90 de zile, timp in care se iau cate 1200 mg din aceasta alga pe zi, este excelenta pentru mentinerea sanatatii creierului. Un efect remarcabil se obtine prin alternarea curei cu AFA cu un tratament cu laptisor de matca, conservat in miere, care are de asemenea efecte puternice de stimulare a regenerarii tesutului nervos.

Alga AFA si procesul invatarii

Alga AFA se numara printre remediile de varf care ajuta la imbunatatirea performantelor intelectuale, mai ales ale copiilor si adolescentilor. Intre altele, AFA contine mari doze dintr-un neurotransmitator (feniletilalamina) care ajuta la:

* cresterea perioadei de timp pe care poate fi mentinuta concentrarea mentala
* imbunatatirea memoriei de scurta si de lunga durata
* cresterea vitezei cu care memoria de lunga durata poate fi accesata
* imbunatatirea atentiei, inclusiv la copiii si adolescentii cu agitatie psihomotorie pronuntata.
Prin administrarea acestei alge, singura sau in combinatie cu spirulina si chlorella, s-au inregistrat succese notabile si in combaterea asa-numitului sindrom de deficit al atentiei (ADHD), cu care tot mai multi copii se confrunta. Se tin cure de 60 de zile, timp in care se administreaza cate 1 g de alga AFA pura pe zi sau cate 1,5 g de complex AFA pe zi. Pe timpul curei, se recomanda renuntarea completa la dulciurile care contin zahar sau indulcitori artificiali (zaharina, aspartam, ciclamati), care vor fi inlocuiti cu miere si produse cu miere. De asemenea, tratamentul pentru imbunatatirea performantelor intelectuale cu aceasta alga va fi potentat de o oxigenare corespunzatoare a organismului, prin miscare zilnica in aer liber.



La fel ca si chlorella si spirulina, AFA contine cantitati mari de VITAMINA K. EXCESUL POATE FI FATAL!

Respectati dozele, nu exagerati!


Multa sanatate,



Acum as vrea sa aud si de la dumneavoastra:

Ati incercat oricare din cele de mai sus? Ce efecte au avut asupra sanatatii dumneavoastra? Lasati un comentariu mai jos!


SPUNETI SI ALTORA! ( sunt butoane sub aceasta pagina precum si in DREAPTA SUS!). 



Chlorella si Spirulina tratament cancer



Microalgele sunt plante care contin o cantitate record de substante vitale, ale căror efecte pozitive asupra organismului uman au fost deja studiate si dovedite în mii de studii.


Publicatiile au în centrul atentiei teme din diferite planuri de cercetare ca presiunea sângelui, schimbul de materie, oscilatiile nivelului de zahăr din sânge. În centrul cercetărilor stau părtile organismului uman, care în cazul unor atacuri influentează cel mai puternic calitatea vietii: ochii, capul , inima si articulatiile.


Voi prezenta un articol despre 2 asemenea alge destul de cunoscute Chlorella si Spirulina





Spirulina pudra



Continuă lectura


Cancerul este o boala degenerativa si toate bolile degenerative trebuie să fie tratate în așa fel încât întregul corp sa fie detoxificat. Un corp toxic și necurat slăbește sistemul imunitar al organismului – prima linie de apărare.

Prin definitie, daca aceti cancer aveti deja un corp foarte acid si toxic ce a permis cancerului sa apara. Cancerul, odata intalat, cauzeaza si mai multe toxine si aciditate.

Chimioterapia este, de asemenea, prin definitie, foarte toxica->intoxica tot corpul, nu face diferenta.

Dar si tratementele alternative ce omoara celulele canceroase elibereaza o cascadă de toxine care sunt eliberate atunci când celulele canceroase mor.

Continuă lectura