Arhive etichetă | Immune system cancer

Program de supravietuire cancer/Cancer Survivor Program

Program de supravietuire cancer /Cancer Survivor Program

Astazi un articol despre ce trebuie facut pentru a supravietui cancerului (un model de program de supravietuire cancer) in continuarea articolului despre caracteristici comune ale supravieuitorilor de cancer.

Articolul pune accent mai mult pe factorul de stress/ risc /cauza indirecta a cancerului de natura emotionala(de exemplu un conflict interior de tip Hamer), dar e IMPORTANT sa retineti ca poate fi ORICE alt factor de stress/ risc in locul celui emotional(de la chimicale si Euri din alimentatie, fumat excesiv , azbest, etc – ORICE factor de stress care aplicat/activ perioada indelungata (cativa ani) va duce la scaderea imunitatii ,care, corelat cu mediul propice cancerului de aciditate celulara/nivel oxigen celular scazut ( caracteristica omului modern care ) poate duce la instalarea cancerului si inmultirea cancer necontrolata.

Este important sa citti si aceste articole pentru aintelege ce se va discuta mai jos si pentru a intelege problema cancerului in general(de ce apare, in ce conditii scapa de sub control si bazat pe acesta cum se trateaza cancerul) :

cum factori de risc / stress activi pe o periaoda indelungata pot cauza cancer -click aici

 Ce cauzeaza de fapt cancer  – click aici

Articolul este tot in limba engleza si am sa va rog sa scrieti (de exemplu prin comentarii daca nu se intelege ceva si unde  ) intr-ucat este un articol IMPORTANT(pe care sper sa imi fac timp sa il si traduc ; daca nu, va astept si pe dvs ca in limita timpului sa faceti o corectura a traducerii si sa mi-o trimiteti sa actualizez;ia sa vedem contribuie cineva putin la o lume mai buna sau asa cum sa intamplat cand am pus anuntul cu tradurerea in limba rusa. s-ay anuntat multi si a contribuit…nimeni. ) 

Click aici pentru limba romana

Cancer has come into your life to show you that your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies are out of balance.

It is NOT a death sentenceit is an opportunity to heal within. Cancer is triggered by so called risk or stress factors & can occur when a person suppresses for  LONG periods, feelings of anger, hate, resentment or grief. This prolonged stress factors( from smoking to emotional stress) causes stress-hormone cortisol levels to spike within the body, depleting all-important adrenaline reserves, causing a breaking of the cells’ oxygen Krebs cycle, leading to „cell-mutation” and cancer. Understanding why you have cancer is critical in your ability to heal from cancer.

We recommend you also read this article describing how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).

Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click

This Cancer Survivor Program has been designed to guide you through all the steps you need to take in order to heal from cancer.

We are here to help you. If you need any help along the way, please email us at

Step 1 – Healing the Root Emotional Cause of Cancer
Cancer can exist in the presence of unhealed emotional pain. It is important to take care of this aspect(emotions & psyche) whether this is or not your case. This suppressed emotional pain presents as „severe internal stress” and fuels the daily growth of new cancer in the body. Emotional stress (i.e.: chronic levels of supressed anger, resentment, hate and / or grief) causes cancer at the cell level, by depleting important adrenaline reserves, which breaks the cell’s oxygen Krebs-cycle, causing normal cells to „mutate” into cancer cells.
Once again,read how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click
.  Healing emotional pain (anger, hate resentment, grief) is one of the most CRITICAL step in recovering from cancer and is the first step in the Cancer Survivor Program.
-Hypnosis  (which guides you to tap into and release cancer-causing emotions at the all-important subconscious level where cancer begins);
-EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique (to permanently remove negative emotions that have been identified)
Cancer Healing Guide (which guides you to express unhealed emotions in the written form).
Stressful conditions cause stressful emotions. Step 2 of the Cancer Survivor Program is to remove all things in your life that cause you stress, which feeds cancer at the cell level by causing a depletion of adrenaline. ALL stress should be avoided, without exception. According to Lothar Hirneise, world-renowned cancer researcher, 100% of all late stage ‘miracle’ cancer survivors of the hundreds he interviewed had all made considerable SYSTEMS CHANGE. This means they had all either left a highly stressful job or finished work altogether, ended relationships that are highly stressful, toxic or depressing, relocated house from a place of stress to a peaceful environment etc, all for the purpose of removing ALL(most) stress from their lives to allow them to heal. It is also recommended you seek out an experienced EFT practitioner or hypnotherapist who can work with you to remove any fears causing internal stress, particularly surrounding your illness.

Step 3 – Reducing Stress Hormone Cortisol Levels
Finding additional ways to remove / reduce stress inside your PHYSICAL body will help to calm the autonomic nervous system and lower stress hormone cortisol levels that have been proven to suppress immune system function. Those with cancer have abnormally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Regular aromatherapy massage, yoga, tai chi,meditation, relaxation techniques and laughter, will all help to lower stress hormone cortisol levels. Lowering stress cortisol levels is an important part of the Cancer Survivor Program.
A DAILY regime of one or two of these relaxation techniques should be a minimum requirement for those recovering from cancer.
The use of laughter should be strongly considered. There are many instances of cancer patients who have used laughter therapy (i.e. Watched VERY funny movies everyday during their recovery) without using mainstream medicine and have fully recovered. One example of a young woman curing herself of cancer using prayer and laughter (without using mainstream medicine) is mentioned on the video The Secret. Laughter is found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and boost immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
Those with cancer have abnormally low levels of melatonin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland of the brain during deep uninterrupted sleep(especially between 22pm -03 am). As a result of chronic internal stress, those who develop cancer have difficulty sleeping well, and thus are unable to produce enough melatonin. This is important because melatonin is the hormone responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth and for regulating the immune system.
Miderate exercise outside in nature & sunlight(i,e walks through the park) , foods such as bananas, sour cherries, grapes,  gapefruits, daily meditation has been shown in studies to significantly increase melatonin levels and should be strongly considered as a key element of the Cancer Survivor Program. It has also been shown that those who meditate regularly have very low incidence of cancer. See: Melatonin, Meditation and Cancer for detailed research. We recommend all incorporate a daily meditation to increase melatonin.
NOTE: THIS SITE DOES NOT ENDORSE MEDITATION as in yoga , kundalini ,etc.Deep relaxation, prayer to Jesus are deeply recommended but NOT other forms of spiritual energy

Step 5 – Boosting / Supporting the Immune System
Boost / support your immune system.
High stress cortisol levels, parasites, pathogenic microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungus), chemotherapy and radiation all significantly weaken the immune system, whose job it is to keep the body healthy and to destroy cancer cells and other harmful pathogens in the body.
Therefore it is vitally important to support the immune system during recovery from cancer and during remission.
We recommend you incorporate at least one protocol to boost and support your immune system. There are various ways to do this:
-Dr Bob Beck or Dr Royal Rife electromedicine
-High Dose Vitamin C Therapy can be used for this purpose and should whenever possible, be used PRIOR to chemotherapy and radiation.  –Fever Therapy (highly recommended),
-Lemon Juice Therapy (spiritually channelled remedy from the Christ Consciousness that is highly recommended)
-DMG and Avemar.
Special note: If you are undertaking chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy, consider Graviola capsules or ionized alkaline water to prevent side effects such as hair loss, nausea, joint pain and general malaise and energy loss !

Step 6 – Ridding the Body of the Cancer-Fungus Microbe
Prolonged stress suppresses the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed, somatids (tiny healthy organisms necessary for life that live in our body and our blood) – pleomorphise (change) from harmless (spore like forms) to harmful viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms. Cancer cannot exist without these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus that:
a) breaks the cell’s oxygen Krebs cycle, causing normal cells to „mutate” into cancer cells, and
b) ferments the glucose in cancer cells, providing a natural growth factor for cancer cells and tumours to grow within the body.
Once again,read how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click

Also see the Cancer-Fungus Link for available options. It is also important to de-worm larger parasites within the body. These parasites weaken the immune system and secrete toxins in the body. A herbal formula such as Dr Hulda Clark’s or another parasite cleanse should be undertaken every 6 months. See: Parasites and Cancer.

Step 7 – Detoxifying the Body
Detoxify the body of toxins.
What are toxins?
Toxins include “mycotoxins” or acidic waste products caused by:
1) microbe and parasite secretions,
2) a poor diet,
3) chemicals, alcohol, tobacco,
4) antibiotics,
5) chemotherapy agents,
6) fermentation of stress hormones,
7) poor exercise regime causing build up of lactic acid,
8) dead microbes and parasites,
9) dead cancer cells.
10) others
These toxins build up primarily in the liver – the master immune system organ. When the liver is overloaded with these toxins, your immune system is weakened, you feel sicker, and cancer and virus-bacteria-fungus thrives.
It is very important to have an on-going detoxification plan to detoxify the liver (the master immune system organ), the colon (intestinal immune system), the gall bladder and the kidneys, to prevent toxins building up within your body. When you are killing microbes and parasites, or killing cancer cells using an alternative or orthodox cancer treatment, it is important to detoxify the body at the same time — as your liver cannot remove from the body all the dead microbes and cancer cells that are being killed in the process. We recommend you include one protocol for detoxing the liver and colon on a regular basis.
Liver-Colon Cleanse using Dr Kelley’ s coffee enemas & ionized alkaline water should be strongly considered by those with cancer  for it is a superb body detoxifier.
Fever Therapy and Hyperthermia). All the parasite cleanses(i,.e, Hulda Clark ), of course.  Colon cleansing(i.e . Dr Kelley/Dr Gerson coffee enemas) , ELDI-Oils (an important part of the Budwig Protocol). People should drink a great lot of  clean water(preferably prefiltered & ionized water). Trampoline (rebounder) muscle training and out into the sunlight.).

Step 8 – Cancer Diet / Re-Alkalizing the Body’s pH,enregy,  nutrients, etc
Cleansing your body from the inside out also means making sure whatever you put in your body from now on is free from toxins. It is PARAMOUNT – as part of the  Cancer Survivor Program – to stop smoking and to stop drinking alcohol and to change your diet to an ALKALINE, ORGANIC cancer diet, rich in ENERGY (especially from healthy fats in high doses)  & in anti-cancer foods such as colored fruits & vegetables, herbs & spices(i.e: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, etc). Also  see: Beating Cancer With Nutrition.
It is also essential to have a strategy to re-alkalise the body’s cells to a pH of 7.0 or greater. Cancer cells can only survive in a low-pH environment, and this is why nearly all those with cancer have a low pH of between 4.0 – 6.5pH. This low pH is caused by the excretion of „mycotoxins” which is the acidic waste product of the fungus-microbe in the cancer cell. And the presence of the fungus-microbe is caused by prolonged stress. As cancer cells find it difficult to survive in a high pH alkaline environment and cannot survive in a pH environment of 8.0 or greater, it is therefore essential to include a 3-step protocol to restore correct cell pH.

Note: as alkalizing through diet is not easy (as many foods that are alkaline such as foods are classified by many acidic and many acidic foods have alkalizing effects, many foods contain both alkaline & acidic nutrients , etc thus it get difficult to know what to eat for best alkalizing effects ) & because most people are very slow & reluctant in making changes in diet , ionized alkaline water should be strongly considered IN ADDITION to a cancer diet because ionized alkaline water has a very alkaline pH. It can be from 100 to thousands times more alkaline than all the aforementioned waters. Alkaline water removes acidosis from the body, the environment in which all diseases dwell, as well as the cause of most diseases.

  • ionized alkaline water alkalizes your body better than the only other method (eating a 100% organic and raw vegetarian diet).
Also see: pH and Cancer for this 3-step protocol to stop cancer

Step 9 – Overcoming the Subconscious Death Wish
All late stage cancer survivors have a strong inner belief they can beat their cancer and overcome it. This is because all cancer begins with a subconscious wanting to die, and if this can be reversed, then the patient will survive.
„A study of 400 cases of cancer, which went into spontaneous remission who had little in common: Some people drink grape juice or ingest massive doses of vitamin C , .. Others prayed, took plant based remedies or simply cheered up .  Tjhis diverse cancer patients had one thing in common : at a certain point they knew with ABSOLUTE certainety that they will get well as if the disease was  just a mirage& the cancer patient  went suddently into a space where fear & dispair were no more.
We strongly recommend you read the following article channelled from Spirit on this subject: Cancer: A Subconscious Wanting To Die.
A strong will to live sends direct messages to the immune system to re-activate and destroy cancer cells in the body. Those who feel cancer has beat them, or who feel tired of life and have lost their joy for life, in other words have lost their will to live, send subconscious messages to their immune system to shut down and stop working. It is important to understand that cancer is only a warning that you have momentarily lost your will to live and that you can at any time regain it.
Motivate yourself  on a daily basis to choose life. Think about the people surrounfding you , how much they care about you & want you to live & how much you care about them.
Also , guided imagery is used to empower you to re-activate your immune system, and to help you visualize a new life filled with joy and with purpose. It is also important to learn to reconnect to your Higher Spiritual Self, the part of you connected with God. Only when you do this can you rediscover your spiritual self and feel truly alive.
Prayer is a calling to God that you want to live, and this helps overcome the subconscious death wish mentioned above. The Lords prayer said out loud daily – preferably in Latin – was the most effective late stage cancer treatment. See: Cancer Prayer for versions of the Lords prayer. They indicated it was important to also:
1. Ask God for forgiveness of any wrongdoings;
2. Ask God to fill them with white light and love,
3. Ask for the pain to be diminished in Jesus’ name; (or another spiritual being you pray to)
4. State “Please bless me with white love and light in Jesus’ name and let the healing begin”, and;
5. Thank God, Jesus and the Angels for their healing and recovery.
These are the words of God delivered by the Angels: “God will decide if a miracle happens. They need to connect with themselves more that they are on the right path to awareness of spiritual realms and God. They must believe in God to get through, to have more faith and trust in God. Once they open up, they will be open up in more ways than one. Their pain will not be as intense, they will be comforted.”

Step 11 – Choosing an Alternative Cancer PROTOCOL (combination of synergistic cancer treatments)
Choose at least one alternative cancer PROTOCOL that feels right for you.  Good alternative cancer treatment include at least one dietary cancer treatment such as the Johanna Budwig Diet the Cesium Chloride Protocol the Gerson Therapy Diet, the Bill Henderson Diet Protocol (which is based on the Budwig Diet) or the . See also: Beating Cancer With Nutrition. Remember, always choose a diet you enjoy.

nutritional change(alkaline, ORGANIC / BIO cancer diet but also rich in energy(preferrably from healthy fats)). When we talk of nutrition, we naturally also talk about getting energy. We must understand that we have many ways and means of getting energy into our bodies.-  sunlight. Light is naturally our number 1 source of nutrition. rich in energy(preferrably from healthy fats))thoughts(i.e. emotions  & psyche). ionized  alkaline water(rich in oxygen responsible for energy production and detox)

Rest & Melatonin after moderate muscle training  out into the sunlight & nature.

Also remember to consider the following for any successful program:
  • Supplements to stop STEM cells from proliferation and metastasis
  • Adequate amino acid protein base to support cellular health, utilization of pancreatic, proteolytic enzymes
  • Detox, including daily infrared sauna, and lipolysis of the fat cells
  • Attending to dental health with careful choices of dental practitioners
  • Daily exercise routine at your aerobic capacity. Goal should be minimum of 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
  • Meal planning include food combinations, and types of protein considered safe for metabolic issues like cancer
  • Joyful expression all day long, starting with giving thanks for the sun rise and looking for a beautiful sunset each day. Giving and receiving loving hugs all day long.
  • Minimize impact from radiation, and EFM, including cell phones and electronic clocks by your bed, and notebook computers which can be one of the most impactful bad sources of EFM.
  • Sleeping in a very dark room
  • Keep your cell phone 10 feet from your body, especially when you sleep.
  • Adequate hydration, with minerals, which you may obtain from Himalayan salt, both on your food and in your water.
  • Working on GUT health, repairing if necessary, restoring it back to homeostasis. Knowing what you can about leaky GUT and its implications on overall health.
  • Evaluation of your hormones, and correcting any issues WITHOUT bio-identical hormones.
  • Fully expect to heal because the body you were given is perfect and can return to a healthy state but only if you expect it to.
  • Give thanks for each breath, the fragrance of your favorite flower, and each smile you receive from a child. If you are joyful the child will always give you their best smile.
  • One hour of sunshine, without chemical blocks on your skin, and without soaping your entire body removing all the vitamin D you were just given for free by washing it off with soap.
  • Use soap sparingly, and be sure of the source and quality-if there are chemicals you cannot spell or pronounce don’t use it.
  • Drink only filtered water
  • Avoid plastic containers, especially water. It has probably been sitting on a truck, in the heat, leaching plastic into the water.
  • Fear has no place in the healing process.
  • Do not use toothpaste with chemicals, especially fluoride.
    • If your dentist gives out the commercially popular toothpaste, change dentists.
  • Get plenty of good fats each day, and that does not include vegetable fats from vegetable oils. If you don’t know how to choose them we can help.
  • Take a nap once a day like Thomas Edison did his entire adult life.

Of course, the above are general guidlines and in real life things are not perfect. Some advanced(stage 4) cancer patients have recoverd with less, others are still trying. What is important is for you to have a general understanding to what is going on with cancer, that you have a serious condition that has been there for several years , and that you CAN reverse it if you are determined to and do things properly

TEST /MONITOR YOUR PROGRESS to see if what you are currently doing is strong enough to beat your caner or you need to do adjustments in your cancer survival program

See also:
Alternative Cancer Treatments.
Best of Health, of life & of love!

Program de supravietuire cancer/Cancer Survivor Program

Program de supravietuire cancer /Cancer Survivor Program

In primul rand, recomand ORICUI sa citeasca aceste cuvinte:

 „Căutaţi mai întâi împărăţia lui Dumnezeu şi dreptatea Lui şi toate acestea se vor adăuga vouă”



In continuare  un articol despre ce trebuie facut pentru a supravietui cancerului (un model de program de supravietuire cancer) in continuarea articolului despre caracteristici comune ale supravieuitorilor de cancer.


Articolul pune accent mai mult pe factorul de stress/ risc /cauza indirecta a cancerului de natura emotionala(de exemplu un conflict interior de tip Hamer pe care unul nu il agreez), dar e IMPORTANT sa retineti ca poate fi ORICE alt factor de stress/ risc in locul celui emotional(de la chimicale si Euri din alimentatie, fumat excesiv , azbest, etc – ORICE factor de stress care aplicat/activ perioada indelungata (cativa ani) va duce la scaderea/suprimarea  drastica a imunitatii ,care, corelat cu mediul propice cancerului de aciditate celulara/nivel oxigen celular scazut ( caracteristica omului modern care ) ,bogat in zahar poate duce la instalarea cancerului si inmultirea cancer necontrolata.

Este important sa citti si aceste articole pentru a intelege ce se va discuta mai jos si pentru a intelege problema cancerului in general(de ce apare, in ce conditii scapa de sub control si bazat pe acesta cum se trateaza cancerul) :

cum factori de risc / stress activi pe o periaoda indelungata pot cauza cancer -click aici

 Ce cauzeaza de fapt cancer  – click aici

Articolul este tot in limba engleza si am sa va rog sa scrieti (de exemplu prin comentarii daca nu se intelege ceva si unde  ) intr-ucat este un articol IMPORTANT(pe care sper sa imi fac timp sa il si traduc ; daca nu, va astept si pe dvs ca in limita timpului sa faceti o corectura a traducerii si sa mi-o trimiteti sa actualizez;ia sa vedem contribuie cineva putin la o lume mai buna sau asa cum sa intamplat cand am pus anuntul cu tradurerea in limba rusa. s-ay anuntat multi si a contribuit…nimeni. ) 

Click aici pentru limba romana

Cancer has come into your life to show you that your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies are out of balance.

It is NOT a death sentenceit is an opportunity to heal within(nu sunt de acord cu autovindecarea!). Cancer is triggered by so called risk or stress factors & can occur when a person suppresses for  LONG periods, feelings of anger, hate, resentment or grief. This prolonged stress factors( from smoking to emotional stress) causes stress-hormone cortisol levels to spike within the body, depleting all-important adrenaline reserves, causing a breaking of the cells’ oxygen Krebs cycle, leading to „cell-mutation” and cancer. Understanding why you have cancer is critical in your ability to heal from cancer.

We recommend you also read this article describing how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).

Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click

This Cancer Survivor Program has been designed to guide you through all the steps you need to take in order to heal from cancer.

We are here to help you. If you need any help along the way, please email us at

Step 1 – Healing the Root Emotional Cause of Cancer
Cancer can exist in the presence of unhealed emotional pain. It is important to take care of this aspect(emotions & psyche ) whether this is or not your case. This suppressed emotional pain presents as „severe internal stress” and fuels the daily growth of new cancer in the body. Emotional stress (i.e.: chronic levels of supressed anger, resentment, hate and / or grief) causes cancer at the cell level, by depleting important adrenaline reserves, which breaks the cell’s oxygen Krebs-cycle, causing normal cells to „mutate” into cancer cells.
Once again,read how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click.
Healing emotional pain (anger, hate resentment, grief) is one of the most CRITICAL step in recovering from cancer and is the first step in the Cancer Survivor Program.
To remove emotional pain that is causing cancer you can try-inclouiesc aberatiile lor cu DREPATA CREDINTA, NADEJDE,DRAGOSTE catre bunul DUMNEZEU si semenii nostrii
Stressful conditions cause stressful emotions. Step 2 of the Cancer Survivor Program is to remove all things in your life that cause you stress, which feeds cancer at the cell level by causing a depletion of adrenaline. ALL stress should be avoided, without exception. According to Lothar Hirneise, world-renowned cancer researcher, 100% of all late stage ‘miracle’ cancer survivors of the hundreds he interviewed had all made considerable SYSTEMS CHANGE. This means they had all either left a highly stressful job or finished work altogether, ended relationships that are highly stressful, toxic or depressing, relocated house from a place of stress to a peaceful environment etc, all for the purpose of removing ALL(most) stress from their lives to allow them to heal.
Step 3 – Reducing Stress Hormone Cortisol Levels
Finding additional ways to remove / reduce stress inside your PHYSICAL body will help to calm the autonomic nervous system and lower stress hormone cortisol levels that have been proven to suppress immune system function. Those with cancer have abnormally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Regular aromatherapy massage, PRAYER TO GOD and SAINT MARY , relaxation techniques and laughter, will all help to lower stress hormone cortisol levels.
Lowering stress cortisol levels is an important part of the Cancer Survivor Program.
A DAILY regime of one or two of these relaxation techniques should be a minimum requirement for those recovering from cancer.
The use of laughter should be strongly considered. There are many instances of cancer patients who have used laughter therapy (i.e. Watched VERY funny movies everyday during their recovery) without using mainstream medicine and have fully recovered. One example of a young woman curing herself of cancer using prayer and laughter (without using mainstream medicine) is mentioned on the video The Secret. Laughter is found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and boost immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
Those with cancer have abnormally low levels of melatonin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland of the brain during deep uninterrupted sleep(especially between 22pm -03 am). As a result of chronic internal stress, those who develop cancer have difficulty sleeping well, and thus are unable to produce enough melatonin. This is important because melatonin is the hormone responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth and for regulating the immune system.
Miderate exercise outside in nature & sunlight(i,e walks through the park) , foods such as bananas, sour cherries, grapes,  grapefruits, daily PRAYER has been shown in studies to significantly increase melatonin levels and should be strongly considered as a key element of the Cancer Survivor Program.

Step 5 – Boosting / Supporting the Immune System
Boost / support your immune system.
High stress cortisol levels, parasites, pathogenic microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungus), chemotherapy and radiation all significantly weaken the immune system, whose job it is to keep the body healthy and to destroy cancer cells and other harmful pathogens in the body.
Therefore it is vitally important to support the immune system during recovery from cancer and during remission.
We recommend you incorporate at least one protocol to boost and support your immune system. There are various ways to do this:
-ionized alkaline water
-Dr Bob Beck or Dr Royal Rife electromedicine
-High Dose Vitamin C Therapy can be used for this purpose and should whenever possible, be used PRIOR to chemotherapy and radiation.  –Fever Therapy (highly recommended),
-Lemon Juice Therapy (spiritually channelled remedy from the Christ Consciousness that is highly recommended)
-DMG and Avemar.
Special note: If you are undertaking chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy, consider Graviola capsules or ionized alkaline water to prevent side effects such as hair loss, nausea, joint pain and general malaise and energy loss !

Step 6 – Ridding the Body of the Cancer-Fungus Microbe
Prolonged stress suppresses the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed, somatids (tiny healthy organisms necessary for life that live in our body and our blood) – pleomorphise (change) from harmless (spore like forms) to harmful viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms. Cancer cannot exist without these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus that:
a) breaks the cell’s oxygen Krebs cycle, causing normal cells to „mutate” into cancer cells, and
b) ferments the glucose in cancer cells, providing a natural growth factor for cancer cells and tumours to grow within the body.
Once again,read how PROLONGED stress factors can lead to cancer- click here  that will help you to understand exactly how cancer was created within your body at the cell level – as a direct consequence of prolonged stress(including emotional stress).Also, for a better understanding to what truly happens at a cellular as well as systemic(whole body) levels read what causes cancer – click

Also see the Cancer-Fungus Link for available options. It is also important to de-worm larger parasites within the body. These parasites weaken the immune system and secrete toxins in the body. A herbal formula such as Dr Hulda Clark’s or another parasite cleanse should be undertaken every 6 months. See: Parasites and Cancer.

Step 7 – Detoxifying the Body
Detoxify the body of toxins.
What are toxins?
Toxins include “mycotoxins” or acidic waste products caused by:
1) microbe and parasite secretions,
2) a poor diet,
3) chemicals, alcohol, tobacco,
4) antibiotics,
5) chemotherapy agents,
6) fermentation of stress hormones,
7) poor exercise regime causing build up of lactic acid,
8) dead microbes and parasites,
9) dead cancer cells.
10) others
These toxins build up primarily in the liver – the master immune system organ. When the liver is overloaded with these toxins, your immune system is weakened, you feel sicker, and cancer and virus-bacteria-fungus thrives.
It is very important to have an on-going detoxification plan to detoxify the liver (the master immune system organ), the colon (intestinal immune system), the gall bladder and the kidneys, to prevent toxins building up within your body. When you are killing microbes and parasites, or killing cancer cells using an alternative or orthodox cancer treatment, it is important to detoxify the body at the same time — as your liver cannot remove from the body all the dead microbes and cancer cells that are being killed in the process. We recommend you include one protocol for detoxing the liver and colon on a regular basis.
Liver-Colon Cleanse using Dr Kelley’ s coffee enemas & ionized alkaline water should be strongly considered by those with cancer  for it is a superb body detoxifier.
Fever Therapy and Hyperthermia). All the parasite cleanses(i,.e, Hulda Clark ), of course.  Colon cleansing(i.e . Dr Kelley/Dr Gerson coffee enemas) , ELDI-Oils (an important part of the Budwig Protocol). People should drink a great lot of  clean water(preferably prefiltered & ionized water). Trampoline (rebounder) muscle training and out into the sunlight.).

Step 8 – Cancer Diet / Re-Alkalizing the Body’s pH,enregy,  nutrients, etc
Cleansing your body from the inside out also means making sure whatever you put in your body from now on is free from toxins. It is PARAMOUNT – as part of the  Cancer Survivor Program – to stop smoking and to stop drinking alcohol and to change your diet to an ALKALINE, ORGANIC , KETOGENIC cancer diet, rich in ENERGY FROM HEALTHU FATS (especially from healthy fats allowed in cancer as omega 3 in high doses)  & in anti-cancer foods such as colored fruits & vegetables, herbs & spices(i.e: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, etc). Also  see: Beating Cancer With Nutrition.
It is also essential to have a strategy to re-alkalise the body’s cells to a pH of 7.0 or greater. Cancer cells can only survive in a low-pH environment, and this is why nearly all those with cancer have a low pH of between 4.0 – 6.5pH. This low pH is caused by the excretion of „mycotoxins” which is the acidic waste product of the fungus-microbe inside the cancer cell. And the presence of the fungus-microbe is caused by prolonged stress. As cancer cells find it difficult to survive in a high pH alkaline environment and cannot survive in a pH environment of 8.0 or greater, it is therefore essential to include a 3-step protocol to restore correct cell pH.

Note: as alkalizing through diet is not easy (as many foods that are alkaline such as foods are classified by many acidic and many acidic foods have alkalizing effects, many foods contain both alkaline & acidic nutrients , etc thus it get difficult to know what to eat for best alkalizing effects ) & because most people are very slow & reluctant in making changes in diet , ionized alkaline water should be strongly considered IN ADDITION to a cancer diet because ionized alkaline water has a very alkaline pH. It can be from 100 to thousands times more alkaline than all the aforementioned waters. Alkaline water removes acidosis from the body, the environment in which all diseases dwell, as well as the cause of most diseases.

  • ionized alkaline water alkalizes your body better than the only other method (eating a 100% organic and raw vegetarian diet).
Also see: pH and Cancer for this 3-step protocol to stop cancer

Step 9 – Overcoming the Subconscious Death Wish
All late stage cancer survivors have a strong inner belief they can beat their cancer and overcome it. This is because all cancer begins with a subconscious wanting to die, and if this can be reversed, then the patient will survive.
„A study of 400 cases of cancer, which went into spontaneous remission who had little in common: Some people drink grape juice or ingest massive doses of vitamin C , .. Others prayed, took plant based remedies or simply cheered up .  Tjhis diverse cancer patients had one thing in common : at a certain point they knew with ABSOLUTE certainety that they will get well as if the disease was  just a mirage& the cancer patient  went suddently into a space where fear & dispair were no more.
We strongly recommend you read the following article channelled from Spirit on this subject: Cancer: A Subconscious Wanting To Die.
A strong will to live sends direct messages to the immune system to re-activate and destroy cancer cells in the body. Those who feel cancer has beat them, or who feel tired of life and have lost their joy for life, in other words have lost their will to live, send subconscious messages to their immune system to shut down and stop working. It is important to understand that cancer is only a warning that you have momentarily lost your will to live and that you can at any time regain it.
Motivate yourself  on a daily basis to choose life. Think about the people surrounfding you , how much they care about you & want you to live & how much you care about them.
Most important reconnected with God.
Prayer is a calling to God that you want to live, and this helps overcome the subconscious death wish mentioned above.  GOD, have merci on us!

Step 11 – Choosing an Alternative Cancer PROTOCOL (combination of synergistic cancer treatments)
Choose at least one alternative cancer PROTOCOL that feels right for you.  Good alternative cancer treatment include at least one dietary cancer treatment such as the Johanna Budwig Diet the Cesium Chloride Protocol the Gerson Therapy Diet, the Bill Henderson Diet Protocol (which is based on the Budwig Diet) or the . See also: CANCER DIET  . Remember, always choose a diet you enjoy.
nutritional change(alkaline, ORGANIC / BIO  KEOTGENIC cancer diet but also rich in energy(preferrably from healthy fats)). When we talk of nutrition, we naturally also talk about getting energy. We must understand that we have many ways and means of getting energy into our bodies.-  sunlight. Light is naturally our number 1 source of nutrition. rich in energy(preferrably from healthy fats))– emotions/ faiths/ Gods merci – ionized  alkaline water(rich in oxygen responsible for energy production and detox)Rest & Melatonin after moderate muscle training  out into the sunlight & nature.
Also remember to consider the following for any successful program:
  • Supplements to stop STEM cells from proliferation and metastasis
  • Adequate amino acid protein base to support cellular health, utilization of pancreatic, proteolytic enzymes
  • Detox, including daily infrared sauna, and lipolysis of the fat cells
  • Attending to dental health with careful choices of dental practitioners
  • Daily exercise routine at your aerobic capacity. Goal should be minimum of 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
  • Meal planning include food combinations, and types of protein considered safe for metabolic issues like cancer
  • Joyful expression all day long, starting with giving thanks for the sun rise and looking for a beautiful sunset each day. Giving and receiving loving hugs all day long.
  • Minimize impact from radiation, and EFM, including cell phones and electronic clocks by your bed, and notebook computers which can be one of the most impactful bad sources of EFM.
  • Sleeping in a very dark room
  • Keep your cell phone 10 feet from your body, especially when you sleep.
  • Adequate hydration, with minerals, which you may obtain from Himalayan salt, both on your food and in your water.
  • Working on GUT health, repairing if necessary, restoring it back to homeostasis. Knowing what you can about leaky GUT and its implications on overall health.
  • Evaluation of your hormones, and correcting any issues WITHOUT bio-identical hormones.
  • Fully expect to heal because the body you were given is perfect and can return to a healthy state but only if you expect it to.
  • Give thanks for each breath, the fragrance of your favorite flower, and each smile you receive from a child. If you are joyful the child will always give you their best smile.
  • One hour of sunshine, without chemical blocks on your skin, and without soaping your entire body removing all the vitamin D you were just given for free by washing it off with soap.
  • Use soap sparingly, and be sure of the source and quality-if there are chemicals you cannot spell or pronounce don’t use it.
  • Drink only filtered water
  • Avoid plastic containers, especially water. It has probably been sitting on a truck, in the heat, leaching plastic into the water.
  • Fear has no place in the healing process.
  • Do not use toothpaste with chemicals, especially fluoride.
    • If your dentist gives out the commercially popular toothpaste, change dentists.
  • Get plenty of good fats each day, and that does not include vegetable fats from vegetable oils. If you don’t know how to choose them we can help.
  • Take a nap once a day like Thomas Edison did his entire adult life.

Of course, the above are general guidlines and in real life things are not perfect. Some advanced(stage 4) cancer patients have recoverd with less, others are still trying. What is important is for you to have a general understanding to what is going on with cancer, that you have a serious condition that has been there for several years , and that you CAN reverse it if you are determined to and do things properly

TEST /MONITOR YOUR PROGRESS to see if what you are currently doing is strong enough to beat your caner or you need to do adjustments in your cancer survival program

See also:
MORE DETAILS(click on every PHASE of the six on the TOP LEFT):
Best of Health, of life & of love!

EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) Radiation and Cancer

CLICK AICI pentru  limba ROmana(traducerea “aproximativa” utilizand google translate).

EMFs are a type of low-frequency radiation emitted from everything electrical around us: power lines, transformers, electrical wiring, computers, TVs, lights, clocks, appliances, etc.

Recent studies have linked EMFs to increased leukemia, lymphoma, brain cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, suicide, and more recently Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers have discovered that EMFs can suppress the pineal glands’ secretion of melatonin, a hormone which controls our wake/sleep cycle, moods and task performance. Depressed melatonin levels are associated with mood changes, depression and psychiatric disorders. Melatonin also plays a critical cancer role, by increasing the phytotoxicity of the body’s natural killer lymphocytes and many other roles that play a crucial role in surviving cancer(click here to read more about melatonin and surviving cancer)  .

Suppression of pineal gland function has been implicated in the etiology of breast, ovarian, prostate and melanoma cancers.

Other studies have linked EMFs to decreased production of enzymes called „protein kinases” in human lymphocyte cells. This also indicates that EMFs can suppress the immune system.

 It is therefore important for the cancer patient to limit exposure to EMF radiation, and from regular sources of EMF radiation, including the household computer, microwave oven, electric blanket, mobile and cordless telephone, in order to maintain a strong immune system.

World Research Links EMF Radiation to Cancer
1.  Office workers who used computer monitors (VDU’s) had a significant reduction in circulating levels of melatonin over a course of the working day, according to a study by researchers Drs. Bengt Arnetz of the Karolinska Institute, and Mats Berg of the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholn Sweden. No such change was found during days at the office with no VDU use.  According to the researchers; „This suggests that there is a direct impact from the electromagnetic environment of the VDU on levels of melatonin.”
2.  The idea that low level powerline frequency magnetic fields may reduce the pineal gland’s production of melatonin and that melatonin’s ability to suppress cancer cells is blocked by these fields, is called the „melatonin hypothesis”. At the recent international conference, the Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, held in Bologna, Italy in June of 1997, it is mentioned in the program bulletin: „A number of experimental studies have been conducted to test the [melatonin] hypothesis. Although the literature is still evolving and consensus is being built, it is fair to say, a) there exists credible scientific support for the hypothesis and, importantly, b) this support encompasses in vitro, in vivo, and epidemiological research. The melatonin hypothesis, thus, currently represents one of the more well documented / tested interactions in the field of bio-electromagnetics.”3.  Research reported in 1993 by the University of California, Berkeley, found that melatonin reduces the growth rate of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) in culture, but that a 12mG 60 Hz magnetic field can block the ability of melatonin to inhibit breast cancer cell growth. This study was designed to define the parameters by which a 12 milli-Gauss (mG) 60 Hz magnetic field can block the inhibitory action of melatonin and Tamoxifen, a widely used drug treatment for breast cancer. They found that a 12 mG field can significantly reduce the growth inhibitory action of melatonin and Tamoxifen on human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) in culture. [J.D. Harland and R.P. Liburdy. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.]

4.  This study was specifically designed to attempt to replicate the previous (1993 University of California, Berkeley) study, with the cooperation of the originating laboratory. The results independently confirmed the previous study’s findings that a) Melatonin can inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells MCF-7 in culture, and b) A 12 mG 60 Hz magnetic field can completely block melatonin’s oncostatic (cancer fighting) action. [C.F. Blackman, S.G. Benane, D.E. House and J.P. Blanchard. National Health & Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA.]

5.  This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that ELF and VLF magnetic fields associated with Video Display Terminals (VDT’s) – (computer & TV screens) – influence human breast cancer cell growth in vitro by altering melatonin’s natural oncostatic activity. This hypothesis was based on the findings of the two previously mentioned studies. The conclusions of this study appear to suggest that 12 mG VDT magnetic fields also inhibit the oncostatic (cancer fighting) action of melatonin in vitro and that the magnetic field component was the operative factor in the 12 mG 60 Hz exposures. Preliminary data from two separate experiments indicated significant growth inhibition (33% and 22%) on day 6 in the 2 mG magnetic field conditions. [S.M.J. Afzal and R.P. Liburdy. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California]

6.  At the June 1997 Bologna World Congress meeting, a paper presented by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, specifically looked at melatonin levels and electric blanket use. The results of this study found that: „Nocturnal exposures to 50 Hz EMF generated from electric blankets…showed tendencies of suppressing peak value and/or delaying phase of melatonin rhythm in 7 of the 8 subjects.”

7.  A Boston University breast cancer study, led by Patrica Coogan, found a 43% increase in breast cancer among women with a high potential for occupational exposures to magnetic fields, notably those working with main-frame computers.

Neutralize EMF Radiation with Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps
Melatonin has been shown in many clinical studies around the world to inhibit cancer cell growth. Low levels of Melatonin have also been shown in studies to stimulate cancer cell growth. EMF radiation, emitted from your computer, your TV, microwave, your mobile phone and cordless phone, etc, all contribute to lowering Melatonin levels within your body. It is important for the cancer patient to find a way to help neutralize EMF radiation emitted from everyday household and office electrical appliances.One of the most effective ways to do this is with Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps. Salt crystal lamps are extremely beneficial for us, because they are natural negative ionisers. When the gentle heat from the lamp (or candle burner) warms the crystal, they emit a negative electrical charge, thus ionising our atmosphere and interacting with our own bio-energetic field, and helping to neutralize harmful EMF radiation.Best of Health!


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Gaston Naessens 714X immune system enhancer

CLICK AICI pentru  limba ROmana(traducerea “aproximativa” utilizand google translate).

Prior to reading this article it is recomended to read the articles:

“Cancer Causes ” (click here)

How cancer develops over a 24 months period (click here)

Cancer fungus- the link between cancer & microbes (click here)

Immune System, alkalinity and cancer microbes

Professor Gaston Naessens made a very important discovery  – the link between cancer, microbes, alkalinity and immune system.

With the powerful microscope he invented (somatoscoppe/ dark field microspoce), he discovered that, in a favorable environment (acidic/low PH/Low oxygen, eventually high in sugar) & a weak immune system, the cancer causing microorganisms that live in every healthy person in 3 harmless forms (somatid,spore or double spore) can take other, bigger 13 forms, that form a symbiosis with cancer cells and cause a lot of damage by themselves as well.

Read cancer causes & the articles mentioned at the start(how cancer develops in time ) .

He also developed a solution for re-balancing the immune system, called 714X.

At CERBE Distribution, we offer non-toxic health products designed to support your natural defences and rebalance the immune system. We are committed to providing innovative health products based on Gaston Naessens’s discoveries and Somatidian theory, which propose a new vision of the biological terrain that sustains Life.

I am the biologist researcher engineer who developed a unique optical instrument, the Somatoscope, capable of observing unstained living matter, allowing me to discover a new particle alive in fresh human blood, that I have called the somatid . Thanks to the discovery of the somatid, at the origin of degenerative diseases, and its importance in many biological functions such as cell division and the transmission of genetic characteristics, I was able to develop the somatidian theory and to bring new responses to diseases affecting the immune system.

As the designer, manufacturer and President of CERBE Inc. and CERBE Distribution Inc., I embody the innovative and human vision of health that I propose in my harmonious biological approach which can be curative as well as preventive.

Fundamental research in optics and biology (virology and hematology) have fascinated me for over 60 years, and I actively continue my experiments and development of innovative and non-toxic health products aiming to rebalance the immune system, like 714X. This is my mission in life!”

Gaston Naessens

What is 714X?

714X is a non-toxic natural health product which aims to restore the body’s immune defenses to its full potential without risk of side effects. It is able to restore the body’s biological terrain when the immune defense is weak or too active.

Developed by the researcher and biologist Gaston Naessens in the 1970s, 714X is categorized as an immuno-modulator health product aiming to both support a weak immune system or to slow down an over-active one. It intends to restore the body’s immune defenses without side effects.

It is particularly recommended for health conditions involving a weakened or totally exhausted immune system. This product acts directly upon the body’s natural defences and not on the affected cells. For this reason, 714X can be of assistance in many health problems.

Throughout the years, 714X has been successfully used in many cases of degenerative diseases (such as cancer or multiple sclerosis) and auto immune diseases such as lyme,  lupus erythematosus HIV. 714X may also be used in a complementary fashion with conventional as well as non conventional treatments. Not only can 714X greatly improve quality of life, by increasing energy.  Better appetite and less pain can also be expected.  714X may also be used in a preventative health program

714X is manufactured in Canada by the laboratory CERBE Inc. and has been exported to over 80 countries since 1990.

714X was developed in the early 1970s and improved in 2000. 714X has been available to the public since 1978. 714X has been legally available in Canada since 1989 via a special access program sponsored by the Canadian government.


Gaston Naessens, a biologist born in France but a Canadian citizen since 1975, is the founding father of 714X. He has been working in hematology since 1945 when he finished his studies specialized in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB). For over 66 years, this researcher, who discovered the SOMATID and its cycle in the 1950s, continues to study the role played by this particle in the maintenance of our natural defenses including the immune functions. The somatid, which according to him, is the smallest unit of life, was discovered in fresh blood after numerous and repeated systematic tests where he could establish its evolutionary forms in a 16 phase pleomorphic cycle.

Here is a diagram of the Somatidian cycle as observed under a microscope by Gaston Naessens:


The discovery of the somatid and knowing the existence of its life cycle would have been sufficient to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of a researcher working in fundamental research. However, for Gaston Naessens, there was a step further to take. Knowing that a microscopic observation of blood could reveal the state of one’s immune defenses was not sufficient. Knowing that the disease was inevitable and nothing was done to prevent it did not correspond to his code of ethics. This extra step was thus the search for natural ways that could restore the functions of our defense system without causing any harm to all the blood’s elements. This work, which began in the 1950s, continues today and is embodied in the design of many health products intended to act on the Somatidian cycle . It was in the 1970s, following several experiences with other health products he had made available to the European public in the 1950s and 1960s,  that he created a new product: 714 X . (non-toxicity confirmed in 1978).

714X is a non-toxic natural health product capable of restoring the biological terrain when the immune defense function is too weak or too active.

Despite the obstacles and resistance to his new ideas, Gaston Naessens continues to move forward, and his perseverance has earned him at least the satisfaction of collaborating, as an independent researcher, towards the emergence of a new paradigm in health and to offer humanity effective and  non toxic health products.


714X works in two ways:

  1. In liquefying the lymph, 714X promotes cleansing for a better disposal of metabolic waste circulating in the blood (toxins).
  2. Once 714X has been absorbed through the lymph, it brings to the blood circulation particular elements (structured and organized molecules including nitrogen fixed to camphor) to directly address white blood cells (leucocytes) to resume their respective defense functions. They may then restore previously disrupted intercellular and intracellular communication.

This second function of 714X, by activating cytokine receptors specific to each group of white blood cells, assures a harmonious recovery of all immune defense levels.

Thus, the inflammatory process, common to many degenerative diseases, fades and comes back to its normal state. Cell, tissue and organ repair progress at a rate specific to each individual.


In everyday language, the notion of „statistics” in health often involves the estimated success rate of a specific product against a particular pathology.
For 714X, we are often asked the following question: „Do you have statistics on your cancer product? „This approach is very legitimate from the point of view of the consumers who are accustomed to medication that acts on the disease.

This expectation of the consumer, regarding the effectiveness of the product 714X against his own illness, is based on the conventional approach. This is the usual way of doing things in conventional medicine and it is always an external product that comes in to correct the symptoms of the disease.

In natural medicine, a product acts upon the biological terrain. This is a different view. In the biomedical model, the predictive ability of the effects of a chemical product is made possible because the product has been studied and measured in a laboratory (often on mice), based on the toxicity of the molecule. The final product is designed to achieve measurable benefits that will outweigh the inevitable incurred risks.

It is different for 714X as it is non-toxic. In the holistic model of health, also known as global health model, all the elements of the context of one’s life  are very important. Since the natural products that are offered are non-toxic, they aim to improve natural health factors in order to support the biological terrain, rather than acting locally to neutralize symptoms of a local physiological disorder

This is why within this global health model to which 714X pertains to due to its non-toxic nature, it becomes impossible tomake mathematical predictions on the absolute effectiveness of the product, because it is the uniqueness of each one of us that will determine the speed and extent of efficacy of the product in its context.

In short, for 714X, as for any natural health products (eg vitamin C) or special treatments (eg massage), the ultimate impact will always depend on the biological terrain unique to each individual and life context in which each person evolves.

The perception of the impact of 714X, as a health treatment, is usually shown through individual observations felt and manifests through quality of life criteria such as one’s vitality, sleep, appetite, etc.

Although it acts in all cases on the lymph and the white blood cells (leukocytes), it is not possible to attribute a predictive character to 714X because it integrates itself to the biological terrain of each individual, with their own uniqueness. The physiologic effects are measureable little by little as the cleansing and body repair progress, according to each individual biological terrain.

Clinical experience from the last thirty years (22 years of use under the authority of a governmental regulatory agency) means that 714X is a product that has surpassed the « test of time ». We can say with complete confidence that its utilization brings after the first 21 days of use a better quality of life. This is expressed in many ways according to each individual and depending on the evolution of the disease, the care that was given and each person’s experiences.

In general, the effects of 714X under the parameters of conventional blood tests are usually measurable after a minimum of 3 cycles of use.



(1999, 2000, 2007, 2008)
Several independent laboratories have confirmed the effect of 714X on monocytes (groups of white blood cells fundamental in immunity) by allowing them to regain their ability to modulate upward or downward the quantity of proinflammatory cytokines secretions specifically (but not restricitvely).

Tumor necrosis factors          TNF – a
Interleukins       1 – Beta               IL – 10
Interleukins       6                          IL – 6
Interleukins       8                          IL – 8

Research Report – Immunologic test applied to 714X
(vitro  Effects of 714X on mononuclear cells of peripheral blood)


Diane Van Alstyne, Ph.D.
Inventors Ink
#23-130 MacPherson Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA  M5R 1W8

Period of Experimentation:
March 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes exposed to 714X in vitro show the following effects:

· Over 50% activation and / or cell differentiation, resulting in morphological changes and modification of cell adherance on microwell plates.
· An atypical and immediate intracellular accumulation of Ca+2 ions in monocytes, and none in the control sample.
· Induction of cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1β, -6, 8, and an increase in the intracellular level of cytokine-specific mRNAs including 362 bp for TNF-α, 330 bp for IL-1β, 496 bp for IL-6, and 407 bp for IL-8.
Structural analysis of molecular components contained in 714X (compared to the inactive control product) reveals the presence of two nitrogen-containing compounds derived from camphor, molecular weight of 169.5 and 151.25, unique to 714X


Based on the foregoing data, the sponsor suggests that 714X contains at least one component which acts as a substance that promotes the induction of cytokine in vitro and has the following characteristics:
·    Ability to bind to receptors to initiate activity;
·    Possession of a cell affinity, and
·    Possession of intrinsic activity.

The results clearly demonstrate that 714X is a strong activator of monocytes and / or macrophages and induces the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukins IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8. Monocytes / macrophages play a key role in immune defense. Macrophages represent a major recognition system for foreign cells, including tumor cells, and an important source of cytokines with immuno-modulatory properties and antitumor activities (including proinflammatory cytokines 

TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8). These data provide scientific evidence to 714X’s immunomodulatory role. 
It is believed that the 714X enhances the immune response and plays a role in the removal of the tumor cell. The results appear to support this theory by suggesting that induction of proinflammatory cytokines represent at least one mechanism responsible for anti-tumor activity in vivo of 714X.

Assurance of Quality Control:

Data reviewed and report provided by researcher Diane Van Alstyne, Ph.D.
Report published 25 August 2000

Do you have statistics?  For which illnesses is 714X beneficial?

Considering cancer as the leading cause of death (age and sex combined) in many industrialized countries, it is not surprising that 714X was requested 90% of the time to support patients with this disease.

Nine percent (9%) of requests were made for autoimmune diseases (eg. lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, mastocytosis, etc…).

For the past 10 years, many requests for a preventative use of 714X (1%) were received. This tendency is growing with the realization for the necessity to be proactive in the management of our health

 How long does it take to see the benefits of 714X?

In general, in the first 10 days, you will feel more energy, and after a first cycle of 21 days, the quality of life is improved. (sleep, appetite, vitality, etc.)..

 Are there any known side effects when taking 714X?

714X never causes side effects because it was designed to be non-toxic. Occasionally, during the cleansing phase, as the body eliminates toxins, there may be a few days of normal detoxification discomfort (what naturopaths call the healing crisis).

This happens most frequently when several conventional treatments were previously taken.

Although temporary, this detox episode is a sign that the immune system is responding well and that 714X is working

  • I read that 714X contains traces of arsenic, is it dangerous to your health?

Arsenic is present in all plants, meat and fish. In very small doses, it stimulates the immune system, the appetite and can serve as a tonic for the nervous system.

 Who can use 714X?

Anyone can use 714X :

  • People of all age groups: children, teenagers, working adults and the elderly.

  • Healthy people as well as those whose immune system is unbalanced can use 714X to harmonize their immune functions.

    Do I have to be sick to use 714X?

    No. 714X supports natural defenses and thus promotes health. 714X can be taken either as prevention or for curative purposes.

Can this product be used in combination with other health products or other conventional treatments?

714X may be used alone or in combination with:

  • Natural health products (except anti-angiogenic products)

  • Health products obtained by prescription


In the event of surgery (or any other procedure), 714X can be used simultaneously and will have the effect of reducing associated side effects while promoting healing. In all cases of surgery, taking 714X prior to the intervention can be beneficial.

Can I access 714X if I live in North America? In Europe? In Asia? In South America? In Africa?

The product is legally exported around the world. Each country has a specific import procedure for health products for the personal use of its residents. (not for commercial purposes)

It is important that each individual inquires about the current policy in his country.

If I am a Canadian citizen and I live in Canada, how do I access the 714X?

In Canada, access to 714X has been legal since 1989, and this within a special program sponsored by Health Canada. Here is the link to learn more about the Special Access Programme (SAP) in force in Canada. Special Access Programme (SAP) – Health Canada

 A few years ago, Canadian citizens gathered together to help move forward the 714X dossier in Canada. Is this committee still active?

This group of patients and users of 714X was active from 2004 to 2008. You can consult the archives of the coalition for more information.

National Coalition for the 714 X

Unfortunately, we cannot predict if 714X could extend the life because the product doesn’t work on a specific disease, but rather on the immune system.

Many factors are involved in the recovery process:

conventional and/or alternative treatments,

– one’s willingness to make lifestyle adjustments such increasing alkalinity(  diet corrections, alkaline minerals(cesium,, calcium), ozone/ oxygen, etc )

stress management(avoiding as many stress factors,both emotional, & physical),

– environment, core beliefs…

Many factors will influence the pace at which one’s body will cleanse and repair itself.

In fact, you could have 4 patients (and more) with the same diagnosis and even though they all take 714X, the final outcome could be different.

Each person has a different life story.

The way one thinks, eats, and lives has also a great impact on the overall healing process, even more when combined with a treatment like 714X.

Naessens’s team has developed a new vision of the biological terrain that sustains Life; it fits in with the interventionist philosophy where the individual is empowered, being at the center of the decision-making process. This dynamic approach affirms that one’s own decision-making process related to health is taken in all four dimensions of health: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. This is intrinsically aligned with the dynamic definition of health itself: being healthy is not a static condition where disease is absent, it is a continuous process of learning, a collection of personal decisions and actions taken by the individual to maximize its well-being.

When kept in balance, the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects, interact to ensure effective biological systems and promote optimal health.

We invite you to visit our website at for more information.

Here is one site where you can find testimonials:

Do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions. ”

Excerpts from website.

Here is a great option for re-balancing your immune system, a solution developed by professor Gaston Naessens , a scientist that made one of the most important discoveries in how cancer develops and how cancer can be treated.


Streghtening/re-balacing your immune system is a slow process but MUST be done, in order help put your cancer in remission but more important,  to make sure that once you put your cancer in remission, cancer does not return!

No matter what your cancer treatment plan is, streghtening /re-balacing your immune system MUST be done.

Visit for more details.

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Scientific Studies DATABASE PAGE 7

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  • Scientific studies on Anticarcinogenic natural substances
  • Hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED chemopreventive effect:
  • Hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED Chemotherapeutic effect:
  • APOPTOSIS & hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED APOPTOTIC effect
  • Hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED ANTIPROLIFERATIVE effect
  • Scientific studies on Anti-Angiogenic
  • Immune therapy & studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED immune strengthening effect

Scientific studies on Anticarcinogenic natural substances

Anticarcinogenic- reduces the occurrence of cancers, reduces the severity of cancers that do occur, or acts against cancers that do occur
The study of antioxidant and anticarcinogenic green tea and black tea.
Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBSAdherence and anticarcinogenic effects of Bacillus polyfermenticus SCD in the large intestine.
Letters in applied microbiologyAntioxidative, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic activities of rice bran extracts in chemical and cell assays.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistryAnticarcinogenic compounds in the Uzbek medicinal plant, Helichrysum maracandicum.
Journal of natural medicines

Reactive oxygen species abrogate the anticarcinogenic effect of eicosapentaenoic acid in Atm-deficient mice.
Nutrition and cancer

Anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effect of genistein alone or in combination with capsaicin in TPA-treated rat mammary glands or mammary cancer cell line.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Anticarcinogenic and antimitotic effects of Turkish propolis and mitomycin-C on tissue cultures of bladder cancer.
Natural product research

Cytotoxic and anticarcinogenic activity of the ent-kaurene diterpenoid, melissoidesin, from Isodon wightii (Bentham) H. Hara.
Natural product research

Preparation of Disubstituted Phenyl Propargyl Alcohols, their Use in Oxathiolene Oxide Synthesis, and Evaluation of the Oxathiolene Oxide Products as Anticarcinogenic Enzyme Inducers.
Letters in organic chemistry

Chemopreventive and anticarcinogenic effects of Momordica charantia extract.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP

Influence of anticarcinogenic metalloporphyrin Cu(II)TOEPyP(4) on DNA thermostability in vitro.
Georgian medical news

Anticarcinogenic effects of Solanum lycopersicum fruit extract on Swiss albino and C57 Bl mice.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP

Pro- and anticarcinogenic mechanisms of piceatannol are activated dose dependently in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

Determination of anticarcinogenic and rescue therapy drugs in urine by photoinduced spectrofluorimetry using multivariate calibration: comparison of several second-order methods.
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry

4-hydroxynonenal, a lipid peroxidation product of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, has anticarcinogenic properties in colon carcinoma cell lines through the inhibition of telomerase activity.
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry

Chemopreventive efficacy of gallic acid, an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic polyphenol, against 1,2-dimethyl hydrazine induced rat colon carcinogenesis.
Investigational new drugs

Antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effect of methanol extracts of Petasites japonicus Maxim leaves.
Journal of veterinary science

Anticarcinogenic effects of polyphenolics from mango (Mangifera indica) varieties.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Superior anticarcinogenic activity of trans,trans-conjugated linoleic acid in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced rat mammary tumorigenesis.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Anticarcinogenic efficacy of phytic acid extracted from rice bran on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats.
Experimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft für Toxikologische Pathologie

Evidence that the anticarcinogenic effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester in the resistant hepatocyte model involves modifications of cytochrome P450.
Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology

Mechanisms and anticarcinogenic effects of diet-related apoptosis in the intestinal mucosa.
Nutrition research reviews

Extraction and chromatographic separation of anticarcinogenic fractions from cacao bean husk.
BioFactors (Oxford, England)

Simultaneous and rapid determination of the anticarcinogenic proteins Bowman-Birk inhibitor and lectin in soybean crops by perfusion RP-HPLC.
Journal of chromatography. A

Application of a functional mathematical index for antibacterial and anticarcinogenic effects of tea catechins.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Structure-activity relationships of tea compounds against human cancer cells.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Studies on the neuroprotective role of Piper longum in C6 glioma induced rats.
Investigational new drugs

Selenium and anticarcinogenesis: underlying mechanisms.
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care

The Tg.AC Transgenic Mouse as a Screening Tool for Anticarcinogens: Broccoli Juice Protected Against 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate (TPA) But Not Benzo[a]Pyrene (B[a]P)-Induced Skin Tumors.
Toxicology mechanisms and methods

Hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED chemopreventive effect:

chemopreventive-prevent the development of cancer

Chemopreventive studies(hundreds of scientific studies – only first page quoted below- go to link for many more)
Chemopreventive effect of raw and cooked lentils (Lens culinaris L) and soybeans (Glycine max) against azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci.
Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.)Comprehensive review of cancer chemopreventive agents evaluated in experimental carcinogenesis models and clinical trials.
Current medicinal chemistryFlavones as colorectal cancer chemopreventive agents–phenol-o-methylation enhances efficacy.
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)Mechanisms of cancer chemopreventive agents: a perspective.
Planta medica

APC10.1 cells as a model for assessing the efficacy of potential chemopreventive agents in the Apc(Min) mouse model in vivo.
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)

Alteration of microRNA expression in vinyl carbamate-induced mouse lung tumors and modulation by the chemopreventive agent indole-3-carbinol.

Chemopreventive doses of resveratrol do not produce cardiotoxicity in a rodent model of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Investigational new drugs

The chemopreventive action of equol enantiomers in a chemically induced animal model of breast cancer.

Chemopreventive effects of Furan-2-yl-3-pyridin-2-yl-propenone against 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-inducible genotoxicity.
Toxicology and applied pharmacology

The selenium analog of the chemopreventive compound S,S’-(1,4-phenylenebis[1,2-ethanediyl])bisisothiourea is a remarkable inducer of apoptosis and inhibitor of cell growth in human non-small cell lung cancer.
Chemico-biological interactions

Chemopreventive agents induce oxidative stress in cancer cells leading to COX-2 overexpression and COX-2-independent cell death.

Nrf2 as a master redox switch in turning on the cellular signaling involved in the induction of cytoprotective genes by some chemopreventive phytochemicals.
Planta medica

Anti-cancer and potential chemopreventive actions of ginseng by activating Nrf2 (NFE2L2) anti-oxidative stress/anti-inflammatory pathways.
Chinese medicine

Induction of cytochromes P450 in small intestine by chemopreventive compounds.
Neuro endocrinology letters

Chemopreventive effects of natural dietary compounds on cancer development.
Chemical Society reviews

Phytochemicals as potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents in hepatocarcinogenesis.
European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)

Chemopreventive Effect of Curcuma longa Linn on Liver Pathology in HBx Transgenic Mice.
Integrative cancer therapies

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.), a potential chemopreventive agent for lung cancer.

Identification, synthesis, and enzymology of non-natural glucosinolate chemopreventive candidates.
Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology

Chemopreventive effects of honokiol on UVB-induced skin cancer development.
Anticancer research

Inhibition of HIF-1 alpha and VEGF expression by the chemopreventive bioflavonoid apigenin is accompanied by Akt inhibition in human prostate carcinoma PC3-M cells.
Molecular carcinogenesis

Chemopreventive Properties and Molecular Mechanisms of the Bioactive Compounds in Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linne.
Current medicinal chemistry

Chemopreventive and antioxidant efficacy of (6)-paradol in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.
Pharmacological reports : PR

Downregulation of cyclin D1 is associated with decreased levels of p38 MAP kinases, Akt/PKB and Pak1 during chemopreventive effects of resveratrol in liver cancer cells.
Experimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft für Toxikologische Pathologie

The chemopreventive effects of Carpesium abrotanoides are mediated by induction of phase II detoxification enzymes and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells.
Journal of medicinal food

Chemopreventive effect of kava on 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone plus benzo[a]pyrene-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice.
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Chemopreventive effects of fermented brown rice and rice bran against 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced lung tumorigenesis in female A/J mice.
Oncology reports

Cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic effects of diosgenin, a food saponin.
Nutrition and cancer

Effective prostate cancer chemopreventive intervention with green tea polyphenols in the TRAMP model depends on the stage of the disease.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research

Mixtures of Uncaria and Tabebuia extracts are potentially chemopreventive in CBA/Ca mice: a long-term experiment.
Phytotherapy research : PTR

Kaiware Daikon (Raphanus sativus L.) extract: a naturally multipotent chemopreventive agent.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Role of reactive oxygen intermediates in cellular responses to dietary cancer chemopreventive agents.
Planta medica

Anticancer and cancer chemopreventive potential of grape seed extract and other grape-based products.
The Journal of nutrition

Antioxidant and chemopreventive properties of polyphenolic compounds derived from Greek legume plant extracts.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Next Page »

Hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED Chemotherapeutic effect:

Chemotherapeutic-selectively destructive to malignant cells
Chemotherapeutic agents in low noncytotoxic concentrations increase immunogenicity of human colon cancer cells.
Cellular oncologyResveratrol enhances the sensitivity of cholangiocarcinoma to chemotherapeutic agents.
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathologyAn anti-transferrin receptor antibody enhanced the growth inhibitory effects of chemotherapeutic drugs on human non-hematopoietic tumor cells.
International immunopharmacologyMechanisms of chemotherapeutic drug resistance in cancer therapy–a quick review.
Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology

Subcutaneous wash-out procedure (SWOP) for the treatment of chemotherapeutic extravasations.
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS

Dynamics of Ku80 in living hamster cells with DNA double-strand breaks induced by chemotherapeutic drugs.
The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

Low-dose chemotherapeutic agents regulate small Rho GTPase activity in dendritic cells.
Journal of immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997)

The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on contaminated titanium surfaces: a systematic review.
Clinical oral implants research

[Correlation between the expression of PCDGF in serum and the chemotherapeutic sensitivity in NSCLC].
Zhonghua zhong liu za zhi [Chinese journal of oncology]

The effects of environmental low-dose irradiation on tolerance to chemotherapeutic agents.
Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC

Augmentation of Chemotherapeutic Infusion Effect by TSU-68, an Oral Targeted Antiangiogenic Agent, in a Rabbit VX2 Liver Tumor Model.
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology

Small interfering RNA targeting 14-3-3? increases efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents in head and neck cancer cells.
Molecular cancer therapeutics

Modification of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on radiation-and chemotherapeutic drug-induced chromosomal aberrations.
Journal of cancer research and therapeutics

The value of new chemotherapeutic agents for metastatic colorectal cancer.
Archives of internal medicine

Immediate type hypersensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents in pediatric patients.
Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology / launched by the Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand

Hypoxia suppresses chemotherapeutic drug-induced p53 Serine 46 phosphorylation by triggering HIPK2 degradation.
Cancer letters

C60(Nd) nanoparticles enhance chemotherapeutic susceptibility of cancer cells by modulation of autophagy.

The NF-kappaB inhibitors (bortezomib and DHMEQ) sensitise rituximab-resistant AIDS-B-non-Hodgkin lymphoma to apoptosis by various chemotherapeutic drugs.
Leukemia & lymphoma

[Synergistic effects and mechanisms of combined tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and chemotherapeutic drugs or radiotherapy in killing laryngeal squamous carcinoma cells in vitro].
Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery

Akt up-regulation increases resistance to microtubule-directed chemotherapeutic agents through mammalian target of rapamycin.
Molecular cancer therapeutics

Aminopyrimidinimino isatin analogues: design of novel non- nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors with broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic properties.
Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences : a publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Société canadienne des sciences pharmaceutiques

Tumor vascular targeting with tumor necrosis factor alpha and chemotherapeutic drugs.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Additive cytotoxic effect of apoptin and chemotherapeutic agents paclitaxel and etoposide on human tumour cells.
Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology

[A meta-analysis of the curative effects of carboplatin-based and cisplatin-based chemotherapeutic regimens on advance non-small cell lung cancer].
Zhonghua yi xue za zhi

Phytochemicals as potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents in hepatocarcinogenesis.
European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)

Expression of Daxx sensitizes Jurkat T-cells to the apoptosis-inducing effect of chemotherapeutic agents.
Pharmacological research : the official journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society

Fas-associated factor-1 mediates chemotherapeutic-induced apoptosis via death effector filament formation.
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer

Can serum cystatin C reflect the glomerular filtration rate accurately in pediatric patients under chemotherapeutic treatment? A comparative study with Tc-99m DTPA two-plasma sample method.
Nuclear medicine communications

The Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-263 enhances the response of multiple chemotherapeutic regimens in hematologic tumors in vivo.
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology

miR-20a targets BNIP2 and contributes chemotherapeutic resistance in colorectal adenocarcinoma SW480 and SW620 cell lines.
Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica

Synergistic induction of cell death in liver tumor cells by TRAIL and chemotherapeutic drugs via the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bid.
Cell death & disease

Chemotherapeutic drugs inhibit ribosome biogenesis at various levels.
The Journal of biological chemistry

An integrated approach to the prediction of chemotherapeutic response in patients with breast cancer.
PloS one

Pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of chemotherapeutic agents.
Cancer investigation

Next Page »


Phyto medicines with a Bio-Chemo-Therapy action:

Plants which have a “suicide affect” on Cancer.

Fresh plants contain thousands of vitamins which are able to activate our immune system against germs, viruses or tumour cells, or even to induce apoptosis (cell suicide or programmed cell death –SEE note) in tumour cells.


As known to Ayurvedic Indian Medicine for thousands of years, patients affected by malignant tumours must never take plant SPROUTS, as they usually contain ALL 9 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, FOLIC ACID and Vitamin B12, a fact that WESTERN MEDICINE also discovered recently.

The plant with anti-cancer properties (apoptosis and/or immunostimulation) must not damage human organs or tissues and must therefore be eaten fresh, as a real PHYTOTHERAPIC PRODUCT.

In many cases, it can also be taken in the form of INFUSION (TEA or DECOCTION), with or without the addition of other substances, for example alcoholic ones, according to EXPERTS’ prescriptions.

It is generally advisable to eat raw fresh plants that kill cancer cells with the addition of honey(to make them 15-17 times more efficient), provided that they have no toxic side effects, as for example the Salvia species, which must be taken in the form of TEA in order to eliminate the very dangerous Thujone

ORGANIC RAW HONEY is also  important because it protects the precious vitamins from air oxidation and gastric juices and allows them to be absorbed by patients’ intestinal walls. Furthermore, honey is a powerful antiseptic preventing germs from destroying vitamins. Several types of honey also have  real healing properties as they are obtained from flowers of medicinal plants.

Amounts of vitamins needed to induce apoptosis in a certain number of tumour cells in the laboratory without damaging healthy human cells are really very small.

The following is a report of several scientific studies showing the actual ability of these vitamins to induce cell suicide in various tumours. Amounts needed are measurable in a few dozens of micromoles/litre, i.e. picomoles/microlitres.

For apoptosis-inducing vitamins – Tatman’s fundamental scientific study is higly recommended. His book lists about 180 different isoprenoids (Tatman H., Cancer Letters 175, 2002, pp. 129-139).

The following is a collection of significant scientific papers which can help doctors choose the most  suitable plants for healing each malignant tumour

The papers, almost all of them available in PDF format, can be found in the scientific literature and indicate the amounts of vitamins which are needed to induce APOPTOSIS in the cancerous cell line considered. The amounts are measurable in micromoles, i.e. micromoles/litre, i.e. nanomoles/millilitre, i.e picomoles/microlitre.The studies generally demonstrate that these plants almost never have side effects on healthy cells.

PLEASE NOTE: Reading the articles will make it clear that the amounts of vitamins needed to induce APOPTOSIS can change depending on tissular Ph, on oxygen quantity and above all on the time they remain in the tumour…

 Aloe arborescens, maybe the most famous plant among those currently studied, contains Emodin, a fluorescent anthraquinone inducing a selective apoptosis only in tumour cells.

Please find three PDFs attached at the end of this work, including Palù G.: Aloe-Emodin is a new type of anticancer agent with selective activity against neuroectodermal tumors, Cancer Research, 60, pp. 2800-2804, 2000. [PDF  ]



 By apoptosis we mean the activation of specific endonuclease which break up DNA, acting at the level of the nucleosomic sites which make up the primary structural unit of the nuclear chromatin of the cell. The induction molecules, in general deriving from plants (phyto-chemical), induce apoptosis in neoplastic cells, by activating proteolytic intracellular enzymes, which cause the deterioration by proteolysis of the vital sequence of the DNA, thus causing the death of the cell through apoptosis. In anti-neoplastic therapy these molecules have to reactivate the suicide command in the tumor cells, without causing damage to the healthy cells. Initial clinical experience has already found in Emodine, contained in Aloe, a good example of a particularly selective  molecule for certain types of human tumor, like vitamins A, D and E.

The deliberate attempt on the part of companies producing GMO to deactivate (with Fortilin, Bcl-2, Bcl-xl) this precious natural mechanism contained in plants is very serious. This phenomenon of blocking apoptosis (anti-apoptosis action), already introduced experimentally into tobacco plants by means of a virus (748,751), is according to the author a deliberate act of damage inflicted on the ecosystem by GMO: a damage which, if it is propagated to plants commonly used in the food chain, could render the cure of tumors and other serious illnesses completely impossible using the method proposed in this study.



There are also vegetable substances (and perhaps even, by means of chemical synthesis, of pharmaceutical origin) which have the ability to be absorbed by membrane molecules exclusively present in certain human tumor cells, and therefore introduced to the inside of the diseased cell.

Since all cellular membranes have the same structure, these molecules also become absorbed at the level of the lysosomial membrane, damaging it. De Duve (84) had defined lysosomes as “suicide vesicles”, and, if their membrane is damaged by toxic agents, it becomes permeable to enzymes contained in it, which thus digest the cell itself. This phenomenon is partly reminiscent of apoptosis: in practice, a cellular suicide induced by enzymes present in the DNA itself of the cell, that is to say, the activation of specific endonucleases which break up the DNA, acting at the level of nucleosomic sites which make up the primary structural unit of the nuclear chromatin of the cell (SEE also:Emodine-Aloe). But, in this case, they are extraneous molecules which interfere with the integrity of the membrane of the lysosomes, and not with the DNA structure, as for example in the case of the berries of Pittosporum tobira and Chamerops excelsa (84).


 Another form of apoptosis was discovered by a Japanese study in the case of neuroblastomas, which tend to regress when a certain amount of H-Ras protein has accumulated in cells (1042-43)

It probably occurs also in the case of glioblastomas (astrocytomas of III or IV degree of malignancy). It was observed that this kind of tumour regressed in human beings after administering plant extracts inducing the production of the same vitamin (H-Ras) in glioblastomas.(1173)

In the case of brain tumours, Morinda citrifolia extracts are particularly important (1043). which induced RAS expression and caspase-independent Neuroblastoma cell death.

Other plants such as Hypericum perforatumMelissa officinalisMomordica carantia, Betula alba,Yucca schidigera (1118and Gardenia species are currently being studied (1061),%20contenuto%20nel%20frutto%20di%20Gardenia,%20fa%20suicidare%20cellule%20del%20tumore%20del%20cervello.pdf.

Alpha-Bisabolol, a sesquiterpene alcohol in Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) essential oil, could be considered as a promising inducer of apoptosis in highly malignant glioma cells (1568)

A significant effect on the treatment of glioma was reported using Elemene which is found in small amounts in many essential oils: it prolonged quality survival time of 40 patients with glioma (1574)

(Tan P.: Clinical study on treatment of 40 cases of malignant brain tumor by Elemene emulsion injection, Chin. J.

Integ. Trad. Western Med, 20, pp.: 645-648, 2000)

Note: Morinda citrifolia is inhibition of angiogenic initiation and disruption of newly established human vasculary vesels (1172).

The term Pseudo-Apoptosis, may better differentiate this mechanism from Apoptosis proper, as described above.


One particular aspect concerns medicines, phyto-medicines, vitamin substances or minerals, or of other types, which have a selective anti-tumoral action on cancer cells alone, by means of inducing apoptosis or pseudo-apoptosis like (from:

The cruciferous vegetables (809)

Glucosinolates (1137)

Volatile isoprenoid constituents of fruit, vegetables and herbs, for leukaemia and melanoma (1141)

Bioflavonoids for Leukaemia (1130)

Baicalin and Baicalein (718, 1563,1564).

Quercetin for Leukaemia (1146, 1561)

Quercetin for oral cancer (1370)

Quercetin for oesophageal adenocarcinoma (1560) and colonrectal cancer (1562)

Limonene induces the formation of apoptotic bodies on BCG-823 gastric cancer cells in a dose-and time –dependent manner (1565) and induced significant reductions of hepatocellular carcinomas (1566).

Limonene showed anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic effects on human gastric cancer implanted in nude mice, thus inhibiting tumor growth and metastasis (1577).

Essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) was found to be effective against a series of human cancer cell lines (1567).


Artemisia annua induced apoptosis of hepatocarcinoma (Li Y.: Induction of apoptosis of cultured hepatocarcinoma cell by essential oil of Artemisia annua (1569)

Eucalyptol (Eucalyptus globulesElettaria cardamomum) on human leukaemia HL-60 cells showed induction of apoptosis (1570)

The essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia and its major monoterpene alcohol (terpinen 4-ol) were able to induce caspase – dependent apoptosis in human melanoma cells (1571).

The essential oil of Tetraclinis articulate (conifer tree) showed the hallmarks of apoptosis when tested on a number of human cancer cell lines including melanoma, breast and ovarian cancer in addition to peripheral blood lymphocytes (1572)

 Cudrania tricuspidata induces apoptosis in human leukaemia (1573)

Pomegranate seed oil (Punica granatum) contains a coniugated trienoic fatty acid as a principal ingredient, which can induce apoptosis in several cancer cell (1576)

Alisma plantago acquatica induces apoptosis in human acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and human fibrosarcoma (1559-1600)

Ellipticine of Ochrosia elliptica for breast cancer (1135)

Carnosic acid (712).

Diosmin (as Tribulus terrestris) induce apoptosis on osteosarcoma (1134)

Dă clic pentru a accesa DIOSGENINA%20fa%20suicidare%20cellule%20dell’OSTEOSARCOMA.pdf

Betulinic acid for melanoma, neuroblastoma, leukaemia, malignant brain-tumors (1036-1041,1127,1128,1166, 1603)


Mimosa species (1142)

The berries of Pittosporum tobira and Chamerops excelsa (84).

Emodine-Aloe (333,487,715)

Flavonoids (1122)

Catechin (1123,1186),

Vitamins A, D and E

Citrus limonum (693)

Allium sativum (694,696,1369)

Rosmarinus officinalis (1062).

Sutherlandia frutescens (1147)

 Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis (714, 1606)

Acacetin (1165)

Two bioflavonoids (Apigenin and Quercetin) inhibit metastatic potential of melanoma (1609)

The metanolic extract of the flowers of Hypericum perforatumVaccinium vitis idaea, Bacopamonnieri (640),

Various flavenoids (Wagonin, Fisetin) for human hepatic-carcinoma (713).

 Capsicum frutescens, fasciculatum or annuum on leukaemia and prostate cancer (1351,1598)

Curcumina induce apoptosis in lung cancer (1133)

It’s in Curcuma longa and Curcuma zedoaria , currently under experiment in vitro only on leukaemia [690], but already mentioned by Castore Durante even in 1617; inhibition of metastases (1161).

Many other plants, still being studied to verify their possible toxicity according to dosage, such as:

halictrum acutifolium for lung cancer (711).

Sophora flavescens for leukaemia (716)

Hibiscus sabdaiffa, experimented in vitro only on human leukaemia (692),

Ursolic acid(700)

Altholactone induced apoptosis on leukaemia (1125 )

Elemene (Curcuma zedoaria and another plants), induced apoptosis in leukaemia (1409).

Organic Germanium on lung cancer (269)

Carotenoids induced apoptosis in prostate cancer (1366)

Cianidine 3Glucoside and Peonidine 3-Glucoside induced apoptosis on cancer (1368)

Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids (1129)

Alkaloides of Gelsemium sempervirens induced apoptosis on liver cancer (699)

Essential oils of plants induced apoptosis on cancer and leukaemia ( 1371)

Manganese Superoxide Dismutasis induced apoptosis on mesotelioma (1365)

Curcumina and Quercitina induced apoptosis on adenoma (1410)’intestino.pdf

Curcumina and Isothiocyanates (PEITC) induced apoptosis on prostate cancer (1352)

Pereskia bleo for breast cancer (1144)

Panax ginseng (1170,1171)

Resveratrol (1162) in the Polygonum cuspidatumVitis vinifera and in Yucca schidigera (1118) whichis characterized by its apoptotic activity p53-dependent on Melanoma, by depolarizing

mitochondrial membranes (activating Caspase-9 ) in Acute Leukaemia (1121,1148,1605), in the Breast cancer (1608) and also its anti-angiogenese properties (695)

Gordonia axillaris, tested on human tumors (698)

The rhizome of Atractylodes ovata tested on leukaemia (704).

Solanum lyratum for cancer of the liver (705)

Lepidozamia peroffskyana (1044).

Boswellia carterii tested on leukaemia (704).

Drinaria fortunei which has proven effective against human osteoclast (717), and according to the

author should be tried on osteolithic bone metastasis or Multiple Myeloma.

Phyllanthus urinaria against lung cancer (720)

Salvia miltiorrhiza is still being evaluated for its possible toxic effects (Tujone), but apoptosis on

epatocarcinoma (708,1115,1116)

and Leukaemia (1575)

Camellia sinensis (173,1123,1124, 1159, 1160,1164,1186)

Tartary buckwheat flavonoid activates caspase 3 and induces apoptosis in cancer (1064).

Zingiber officinale (6-paradol) activates caspase 3 (1143)

Sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide, the principal active component in medicinal plants (es.:

Tanacetum parthenium), induced apoptosis in toumors, depletion of Glutathione, generation of

reactive oxygen species, activation of Caspases 7,8,9, overexpression of GADD153, an anticanceragent inducibile gene, and subsequent apoptotic cell death. (701)

Goniothalamin of Goniothalamus species (1138,1139)

Boswellic acid induces apoptosis in metastatic melanoma and fibrosarcoma (1131)

Citrus species induced apoptosis in cancer, with beta Cryptoxanthin and Hesperidin (1063)

In Calabria (Italy) Citrus aurantium bergamia (Bergamot orange) is being cultivated.

In the following work, many food plants included in the diet of several people and having

advantageous medical properties are reported (1149-1153).

Spinaches also have effects on papillomas (1154)

Equally important is organic Selenium (1155)

Alpinia oxyphylla (Zingiberaceae) in human promielocytic leukaemia (1156)

Another process of apoptosis induced by woodfordin I in human leukaemia K562 cells (1157)

Chlorophyllin and chlorophyll are modulation of apoptosis (1158)

Pentacyclic triterpenes from Chrysobalanaceae species have cytotoxicity on leukaemia (1167).

Inhibition of human breast cancer growth by Genistein (1168)

Several major ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines are under study in human hepatoma (1169).

Even alcohol perillico induces apoptosis of tumors, cancers that both leukemias (1556-1559)

Dă clic pentru a accesa Anti-leukaemia%20effects%20of%20Perillyl%20alcohol.pdf

Even the root extract of Solanum dulcamara has been shown to cause apoptosis in prostate cancer and its metastases (1655)

Among the many Indoles, is to remember the glucobrassicin, contained in the Brassicaceae, which determines apoptosis in breast cancer. In particular, it is contained in Isatis dyeing (1656)

Many other plants exist, and have been collected in particular extracts for therapeutic use, not only as plants with potential apoptotic and pseudo apoptotic use but also as immune stimulating plants (chap.9) and/or with an anti-oxidative action

On the basis of recent discoveries about the apoptotic induction of the seeds of Momordica charantia (639), particular interest is currently being shown to the seeds of other plants such as Helianthus annuus (sunflower); Citrus paradisi (grapefruit); Cucumis melo (melon); Cucumis sativus (cucumber); Citrullus vulgaris (water melon, red melon); Solanum lycopersicum (tomato); Solanum melongena (aubergine/eggplant); Rubus idaeus (raspberry); Actinidia chinensis (kiwi);Citrus aurantium (orange) and Vitis vinifera. 

A matter of grave concern is that large GMO seed firms are putting on the global agricultural market fruits with no seeds inside, in particular the following: Cucumis meloCitrus limonumCitrullus vulgarisSolanum lycopersicumVitis vinifera.

Seeds are deemed significant anti-cancer agents essentially because they contain the well-known vitamin B17.

Another modifications are: GMO-Brassica rapa (turnip, 968), GMO-Brassica oleracea botrytis (cauliflower,968), Prunus domestica (1013), Citrus paradisi (1014),etc….

Pueraria species induced apoptosis on human toumors for the contents of Antocyanin (apoptosis on toumors) but the contents of Antocyanin of the Pueraria GMO were dramatically decreased by 40% (1119)

Other hundreds of studies about NATURAL substances with DEMONSTRATED APOPTOTIC effect:
[Evaluation of morphologically determined apoptotic index].
Acta medica Croatica : c?asopis Hravatske akademije medicinskih znanosti
Apoptotic cell-mediated immunoregulation of dendritic cells does not require iC3b opsonization.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)Nucleotides released by apoptotic cells act as a find-me signal to promote phagocytic clearance.
NaturePhagocytosis of apoptotic cells by neutrophil granulocytes: diminished proinflammatory neutrophil functions in the presence of apoptotic cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)Requirement of voltage-dependent anion channel 2 for pro-apoptotic activity of Bax.

Bcl-2 inhibitors: targeting mitochondrial apoptotic pathways in cancer therapy.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research

Gene expression in mouse preimplantation embryos affected by apoptotic inductor actinomycin D.
The Journal of reproduction and development

Apoptotic cell-mediated suppression of streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis is associated with alteration of macrophage function and local regulatory T-cell increase: a potential cell-based therapy?
Arthritis research & therapy

Anti-apoptotic Bcl-XL protein in complex with BH3 peptides of pro-apoptotic Bak, Bad, and Bim proteins: comparative molecular dynamics simulations.

Natural IgM Is Required for Suppression of Inflammatory Arthritis by Apoptotic Cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

IgM antibodies to apoptosis-associated determinants recruit C1q and enhance dendritic cell phagocytosis of apoptotic cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Effect of hypoxia on expression of apoptotic proteins in nuclear, mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions of the cerebral cortex of newborn piglets: the role of nuclear Ca++ -influx.
Neurochemical research

Apoptotic dendritic cells induce tolerance in mice through suppression of dendritic cell maturation and induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Apoptotic cell death is initiated during normothermic ischemia in human kidneys.
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons

A deficiency in the in vivo clearance of apoptotic cells is a feature of the NOD mouse.
Journal of autoimmunity

Cuts can kill: the roles of apoptotic nucleases in cell death and animal development.

Adiponectin modulates inflammatory reactions via calreticulin receptor-dependent clearance of early apoptotic bodies.
The Journal of clinical investigation

Apoptotic lymphocytes treated with IgG from Trypanosoma cruzi infection increase TNF-alpha secretion and reduce parasite replication in macrophages.
European journal of immunology

N-acetylcysteine inhibits RhoA and promotes apoptotic cell clearance during intense lung inflammation.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Human oral cancers have altered expression of Bcl-2 family members and increased expression of the anti-apoptotic splice variant of Mcl-1.
The Journal of pathology

Addressing reported pro-apoptotic functions of NF-kappaB: targeted inhibition of canonical NF-kappaB enhances the apoptotic effects of doxorubicin.
PloS one

C1q differentially modulates phagocytosis and cytokine responses during ingestion of apoptotic cells by human monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

The role of nucleotides in apoptotic cell clearance: implications for disease pathogenesis.
Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)

HIPK2 modulates p53 activity towards pro-apoptotic transcription.
Molecular cancer

Different immunophenotypical apoptotic profiles characterise megakaryocytes of essential thrombocythaemia and primary myelofibrosis.
Journal of clinical pathology

Engulfment of apoptotic cells in C. elegans is mediated by integrin alpha/SRC signaling.
Current biology : CB

TNFalpha inhibits apoptotic cell clearance in the lung, exacerbating acute inflammation.
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Clearance of apoptotic neutrophils is diminished in cord blood monocytes and does not lead to reduced IL-8 production.
Pediatric research

An essential role for calcium flux in phagocytes for apoptotic cell engulfment and the anti-inflammatory response.
Cell death and differentiation

Apoptotic cells protect mice against lipopolysaccharide-induced shock.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Cigarette Smoke Inhibits Engulfment of Apoptotic Cells by Macrophages through Inhibition of Actin Rearrangement.
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Ro 60 functions as a receptor for beta(2)-glycoprotein I on apoptotic cells.
Arthritis and rheumatism

Anti-apoptotic genes in the survival of monocytic cells during infection.
Current genomics

Dynamic release of nuclear RanGTP triggers TPX2-dependent microtubule assembly during the apoptotic execution phase.
Journal of cell science

Evidence for a biphasic apoptotic pathway induced by melatonin in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Journal of pineal research

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Scientific studies on Antiproliferative

Scientific studies on Anti-Angiogenic

Immune therapy

Immune therapy is the immune response against tumors, carried out by means of gamma delta T

Lymphocytes, cytotoxic T Lymphocytes, killer lymphocytes and Natural Killers, real guide systems of a complete immune response of the patient against the tumor itself (start of the Immune Cascade).

There are different scientific studies on this subject:

JAMA, 278: 1972-1981, 1997; Crit. Rev. Oncol.-Hematol, 22, pp.: 213-228, 1996;

Semin. immunol., 8, pp. 295-302, 1996; Sem. Oncol., 23, pp.: 101-107, 1996;

Springer Semin. Immunopath. 18, pp.: 185-198, 1996; Cancer Met Rev., 15, pp:329-349, 1996;

Ann. Rev. Immunol., 12, pp.: 337-365, 1994; Adv Immunol. 35, pp.: 89-122, 1984.

Brain cancer : J. Neurosurgery 77, pp 757-762, 1992;

Cellular Immunology, 178, pp: 101-107, 1997; J. Neuro- Oncology, 32, pp.: 29-38, 1997.

Breast cancer : Cancer Gene Therapy, 4, pp.: 157-166, 1997; Surgery, 122, pp.: 228-234, 1997.

Per tumori del Colon: Blood 89, pp: 2529-2536, 1997;

Leukaemia: Progress Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 22, pp: 127-133, 1982;

Liver cancer: J. Immunology, 161, pp.: 5133-5137, 1998;

Lung cancer: Blood 89, pp.: 2529-2536, 1997; J. Immunology 147, pp: 729-737, 1991; J. Immunology 143, pp.:740-748, 1989.

Melanoma: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 42, pp.: 237-245, 1996; J. Immunotherapy, 13, pp.: 153-165, 1993.

The Immune Cascade, induced to fight the tumor, is carried out by means of the use of phytotherapy (plant therapy), because it is considered safer compared to the complex methodology of extracting Lymphocytes from the tumor, cultivating them in a sterile environment, and then reinjecting them, intravenously, into the patient, as Rosemburg and other authors [see: Pizza

Giancarlo: Immunotherapy of metastatic kidney cancer, Int. J. Cancer, 94, pp.109-120, 2001]).

There have been many studies carried out on the search for natural substances which have an antineoplastic immune-modulating action (9, 11, 32, 44, 50, 53, 61, 67, 82, 105, 126, 132, 144, 145, 146, 180, 196, 198, 225, 236, 278, 279, 306, 310, 319, 331, 346, 351, 359, 368, 372-381, 387, 388, 394, 395, 406, 412, 418, 419, 430, 444, 456, 462, 472, 474, 500, 516, 517, 520, 577). (see last page of darabase  for regerences)

The majority of tumoral antigen markers, which were well thought of during the 1980s as specific tumoral antigens, are in fact differentiating antigens, that is, antigens which appear along the maturing lines of the cell as embryonal antigens.

Not all tumoral cells express the same antigens at the same time and irrespective of the cellular cycle, it is thought that these antigens can cause a weak cytotoxic reaction mediated by the lymphocytes, perhaps because of carbohydrate structures screening the protein structures, which are the real determining antigens;(507).

The activation of the T lymphocyte suppressors is caused by the weak immune response to the

tumor: in the case, that is, of a spontaneously arising tumor, the presence at the beginning of a low number of cells favors rather than inhibits its growth by means of a mechanism mediated by the T suppressors.

It is still much debated whether the regional lymph nodes form an immune or even only a mechanic barrier to the spread of the metastasis.

The lymph nodes next to the tumor often do not contain tumoral cells but they show a hyper-plastic reaction which suggests the existence of a reaction of the host against the tumor or its derivatives.

The theory has also been proposed that the lymph nodes have a limited capacity to eliminate neoplastic cells.

It is thought that the limit of this action is exactly connected to the number of malignant cells which reach the lymph node, a value which has to be less than 500-1.000 cells to avoid the onset of a metastasis.

The destruction of metastasizing cells is started, above all, by the histiocyte macrophages of the breasts with a hyper-plastic reaction of these, which is then followed by an active infiltration of the tumoral micro-metastasis caused by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and Natural-Killers (NK) (507).

These are thought to have a spontaneous reactivity against both primary and metastasis cancerous  cells, without any manifestation of histocompatability or of specific types for the function of the interaction of the cells.

Rats with a low level of NK, if treated with Beta-estradiol increase their NK quite significantly,with significant reductions in the number of metastases(507).

Even the neutrophils of peripheral human blood have been shown, in vitro, capable of inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells of either human or murine origin, with a strength ratio of 40 to1 between effector cells and neo-plastic cells; and always if the latter are covered by antibodies (507).

Macrophage-Monocytes show cytotoxity of a phagocytic type on neo-plastic cells even in the absence of precise stimulation; their cytotoxity is thought to occur by means of a bond, favored by the receptor for the FC portion of the antibody and of the complement, to the antigen target covered by antibodies with a strength ratio of 1 to 1, after which the cells may be destroyed (507).

Recently, there has also been notable interest regarding T Lymphocytes, which might be activated  by particular substances, such as lecithin, which is contained in Aloe for example (499).

The following plants might also be useful, because they are forerunners of Prostaglandin and therefore they assist in the Immune Cascade: oil of Borrago officinalis (Borragine [note; eliminate  the fine down which covers it]); oil of Oenothera biensis (Enotera); the leaves of Nelumbium speciosum (Kamala), which contain two essential unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F): gammalinolenic acid and linolenic acid: the two acids cis-linolenic and gamma linolenic introduce a number of essential fatty acids into the human biochemical complex; then, the delta 6 desaturated block is overcome through gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) encouraging the production of Protaglandin and so setting off the first phase of the Immune Cascade.

The immune response to the tumor is fully demonstrated by the use of other phytotherapeutic

substances(621,773,793,794) such as extract of Viscum album (Mistletoe) and above all by a variety of

combinations of European, Asian, American, Australian and African herbs, or by using them

individually: Echinacea purpureaAstragalus membranaceusPanax ginsengRhodiola rosea,

Morinda citrifoliaCampanula latifoliaTribulus terrestrisUncaria tomentosaSida cordifolia,

Arctium lappaRumex acetosaRumex crispusBacopa monnieriRheum palmatum or officinale,

Trifolium pratensaeCalendula officinalisAchillea filipendulinaUrtica dioicaAcalypha indicaTaraxacum officinaleMalva silvestris or vulgarisEpilobium angustifolium or parviflorumArtemisia abrotanum or dracunculus, Salvia officinalis or lavandulifoliaEquisetum arvense Crocus sativusPolygala senegaThymus vulgarisCitrullus colocynthis, Primula veris or officinalisAilanthus glandulosaThymus serpillumSysymbrium officinaleAquilaria agallochaEclipta albaLarrea mexicanaViola tricolorDrosera rotundifolia or anglica, or intermediaArgemone mexicanaSambucus nigraSmilax sarsaparilla or utilitisMyrica ceriferaRosmarinus officinalisCinnamomum zeylanicumAdiantum capillus venerisLuffa operculataTephorosia purpureaNepeta catariaMomordica charantiaTrigonella foenum graecumVerbascum thapsus or densiflorumSerenoa repensSempervivum montanumAjuga reptans or piramidalisGnafalium supinumCitrus aurantium bergamiaDraba aizoidesHieracium pilosellaCicerbita alpinaHypericum richeriAngelica archangelicaLeucanthemopsis alpinaPrimula hirsutaSaxifraga oppositifoliaCerastium alpinumCirsium spinosissimumPedicularis rostrato-capitataPotentilla grandifloraAnnona squamosaGentiana germanicaSaxifraga aizoidesAntennaria dioicaArgyreia speciosa (o Lettsomia nervosa), Moringa pterygospermaAntyllis alpestrisHypoxishemerocallideaEupatorium perfoliatum or purpureumEuspongia officinalisGlycyrrhiza glabraLycopodium clavatumGalphimia glaucaAlbizzia lebbekSticta pulmonaria or Lobaria pulmonariaHolarrhena antidysentericaSutherlandia frutescensChimaphila umbellataMyristica fragrans or sebiferaGrindelia camporum or squarrosaAlthaea officinalisGuajacum officinalis,Boswellia serrataMyroxylon balsamumErithrea antauriumPulmonaria officinalis or angustifoliaPeucedanum ostruthiumBambusa arundinaceaOcimum basilicumsanctum or tenuiflorumCeanothus americanusCassia angustifoliaCentaurea erythreumRhamnus sagrada or purshianaAralia racemosaRhamnus frangula (or Frangula alnus), Curcuma longaTerminalia chebulaLepidium meyeniiMahonia aquifoliumStachys arvensisAbuta grandifoliaPolygonum

aviculareAilantus glandulosaGeranium robertianumMarasdenia cundurangoMelissa monarda or officinalisAlchimilla alpina or vulgarisAsparagus racemosusApium graveolensLamium albumPimpinella majorLysimachia nummulariaMarrubium vulgareAcorus calamus, Galium aparine, Lapsana communisGlechoma hederaceumMyrtus communisCinchona calisaya or succirubraMeum mutellinaPicramnia antidesmaAzadirachta indicaAchyrocline satureoidesPolypodium lepidopterisAnacardium occidentaleBidens pilosaBixa orellanaCarapa guianensisScutellaria baicalensis latifloraNelumbo nucifera, Boerhaavia diffusaCalendula silvestris, Cassia occidentalisHouttuynia cordata, Cayaponia tayuyaCissampelos pareiraAsparagus cochinensis, Copaifera officinalisCynara scolymusErythrina mulunguErythroxylum catuaba, Ilex paraguariensis, Inesinae caleaLepidium meyeniiMaytenus krukovitMaytenus illicifolia, Myroxylon balsamum or pereiraePfaffia paniculataPhyllantus niruriPhysalis angulata or Muehenbeckia volcanicaPsidium guajavaSchinus molleSolanum paniculatum, and many other (see below)

Other plants with an immune stimulating activity

There are about sixty other immune modulating plants from North America and Europe, with an

action which is partially similar to Aloe Arborescens(see below), seven of which can be included in the composition termed Essiac ( the formula of Renè Caisse see below) which is particularly effective (517, 520,1047- 1060, 1438-1496).

There are also some interesting combinations of about 200 Indian plants and herbs of ancient Vedic,

Chinese tradition (608-609), of Africa and of Sud-America, used today in modern western plant

therapy which has revalued their importance (621,773,793,794).

Abuta grandifolia Acalypha indica Achyrocline satureoides Adiantum capillus veneris Ailanthus glandulosa Althaea officinalis Albizzia lebbek Anacardium occidentale Angelica archangelica Annona squamosa or muricata Apium graveolens  Aralia racemosa Argemone mexicana Argyreia speciosa

Asparagus cochinensis Artemisia abrotanum Artemisia dracunculus Astragalus membranaceus Aquilaria agallocha Bambusa arundinacea Bidens pilosa  Bixa orellana Boerhaavia diffusa Boswellia serrata Calendula silvestis Calendula officinalis Campanula latifolia Carapa guianensis Cassia occidentalis Cassia angustifolia. Cayaponia tayuya Ceanothus americanus. Chimaphila umbellata Cinnamomum zeylanicum Cissampelos pareira Citrus aurantium bergamia Citrullus colocynthis Copaifera officinalis Cynara scolymus Cucurma longa Drosera rotundifolia, or anglica, or intermedia Echinacea purpurea, angustifolia, pallida Eclipta alba Equisetum arvense Epilobium angustifolium Erithrea antaurium Eupatorium perfoliatum Eupatorium purpureum Euspongia officinalis Erythrina mulungu Erythroxylum catuaba Frangula alnus Grindelia camporum or squarrosa Glycyrrhiza glabra Holarrhena antidysenteric Hypoxis hemerocallidea Houttuynia cordata Ilex paraguariensis Inesinae calea Larrea mexicana Lepidium meyenii Lettsomia nervosa Lobaria pulmonaria fraxineuem Lycopodium clavatum Luffa operculata Maytenus krukovit Maytenus illicifolia Myroxylon balsamum aut pereirae  Momordica charantia Moringa pterygosperma Morinda citrifolia Myrica cerifera Myristica fragrans or sebifera Nelumbo nucifera Nepeta cataria Ocimum sanctum or enuiflorum Ocimum basilicum Picramnia antidesma Pfaffia paniculata Phyllantus niruri Physalis angulata aut Muehenbeckia volcanica  Psidium guajava Plantago major Polygala senega Primula veris or officinalis Rhamnus sagrada or purshiana Rhamnus frangula Rhodiola rosea Rosmarinus officinalis Rumex crispus Scutellaria baicalensis o latiflora a Sambucus nigra

Salvia officinalis Schinus molle Serenoa repens Smilax aspera, sarsaparilla or utilitis Solanum paniculatum Sticta pulmonaria Sysymbrium officinale Taraxacum officinalis Terminalia chebula Tephorosia purpurea Thymus vulgaris Thymus serpillumTribulus terrestris Ulmus rubra or fulva Uncaria tomentosa. Urtica dioica Verbascum densiflorum or thapsus  Viola tricolor Xanthoxilum  and others in random order: Acorus calamus Ajuga reptans or piramidalis Alchimilla alpina or vulgaris Azadirachta indica Antennaria dioica Antyllis alpestris Bacopa monnieri Capsella bursa pastoris Cerastium alpinum Centaurea erythreum  Cetraria islandica Cicerbita alpina monogyna Cinchona calisaya or succirubra Crataegus oxyacantha or Draba aizoides Galphimia glauca Galium aparine Gentiana germanica Glechoma hederaceum Gnafalium supinum Hypericum richeri Hieracium pilosella Lamium album Lepidium meyenii Leucanthemopsis alpina graecum Larrea Lapsana communis Lichen islandicus divaricata Lysimachia nummularia Marasdenia Marrubium vulgare balsamum Mahonia aquifolium Melissa monarda or officinalis Melaleuca alternifoglia or Meum mutellina cundurango Myrtus communis Myroxylon Peucedanum ostruthium Pedicularis rostrato-capitata Pimpinella major Polygonum aviculare Potentilla grandiflora Primula hirsuta Pulmonaria officinalis Pulmonaria angustifolia Stachys arvensis Sutherlandia frutescens  Tabebuia impetiginosa Trigonella foenum Sempervivum montanum Saxifraga oppositifolia Saxifraga aizoides 

For studies referred  above see last page for the bibliography with over 1600 scientific papers quoted in the book studies.


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